Just wondering about your source for "Jesus also trained there [Egypt]" .... thx. We know he was there for ~3 1/2 years from the age of <2, since that's when Joseph received the vision from God to escape to Egypt and Herod ordered all the male babies in and around Bethlehem up to the age of 2 to be killed. So he would have been there fro…
Just wondering about your source for "Jesus also trained there [Egypt]" .... thx. We know he was there for ~3 1/2 years from the age of <2, since that's when Joseph received the vision from God to escape to Egypt and Herod ordered all the male babies in and around Bethlehem up to the age of 2 to be killed. So he would have been there from the age of perhaps 1-2 until 4 1/2 - 5 1/2 yrs old. Not exactly what I would call being "trained" in Egypt, if he was trained at all by Egyptians during that time ... more likely by his mom and dad.
Just wondering about your source for "Jesus also trained there [Egypt]" .... thx. We know he was there for ~3 1/2 years from the age of <2, since that's when Joseph received the vision from God to escape to Egypt and Herod ordered all the male babies in and around Bethlehem up to the age of 2 to be killed. So he would have been there from the age of perhaps 1-2 until 4 1/2 - 5 1/2 yrs old. Not exactly what I would call being "trained" in Egypt, if he was trained at all by Egyptians during that time ... more likely by his mom and dad.