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Well, putting your guru LaRouche up alongside Plato, Augustine, Schiller, Leibniz (to name but a few) is to put him in exalted company indeed, I must say... Such is it seems the powerful influence the man wielded on many if not all of those around him. He was undoubtedly an extraordinary man.

Your attack on the 'perversions' of any 'perennial philosophy' is in line with your almost pathological response to the likes of Huxley, his chum Isherwood (but only for in his introduction to the Bhagavad Gita), H G Wells and of course the Marcuses and Adornos of that era. But I do not disagree at all with your assessment of the malign nature of much of their work and other Tavistock and Fabian malignancies. And it would be very foolish to do so given all the current manifestly relentless assaults on Western 'liberal democracies' and the deliberate dismantlement of their social systems and values in order to create chaos. While the increasingly explicit aims for creating this chaos do seem very dark.

And I suppose under this same dogma the likes of Joseph Campbell must be tarred with the same brush (especially because of his Bollingen connection). But anybody seriously doubting the bona fides of dear old Joe seems to be more than just cynical or skeptical but downright fixated if not mentally poisoned. (You'll dismiss him as a mere useful idiot perhaps.)

I mention Joe because his lifelong research into myth and comparative religion still remains unequaled. And his research from all around the world spanning many millennia uncovered any number of examples of the Sacrificed Sun God... But this an inconvenient truth, so Joe no doubt must be vilified. For of course this is heresy for those believing in the most recent (and we need to understand, apparently) only true manifestation of incarnated Divinity.

To believe otherwise we must understand is to fall into a perversion of any 'perennial philosophy' and be consigned to believing in or indeed manifesting 'evil'. The hero's journey must only lead one direction and to one end or we are doomed.

How this dogma differs from 'La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbaru wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah' is difficult to fathom....But such questions are also inconvenient too, eh?

Psychology and the study of the human mind, body and spirit, it seems, can only be used when it elucidates and supports the right belief system. Otherwise it must be discounted and attacked for its tendency to delude and pervert the spirit and thus embrace manifest evil......

Staying with psychology, I wish to bring up a final point. I have been in contact with an esteemed Professor of the History of Science and Medicine who (unlike you) has studied Carl Jung very closely for well over 40 years and written many books on his life and work. This highly credentialed and experienced academic who has wrestled with your and other similarly questionable assertions throughout his studies and his books assures me that your theories concerning Jung's deep and lasting involvement with the CIA and MK Ultra and other malign programs is, to use a technical term (mine, not his), complete and utter bollocks.

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