Don't wait for Russia and China to be West's salvation. They did it once in the WWII, especially Soviets, who after liberating Europe from Hitler went right away to the East, to liberate China from Japanese emperor. They had colossal losses, and what did they recieve? Cold war. We, the citizens, will have to decide if we want to have this corrupt system. As it turns out, it wasn't meant to be heaven forever, they've started killing us, their own citizens, too. I recommend rethinking about basic values. For starters, we need to call spade a spade: this kind of capitalism is nothing else but criminal activity lead by rich people. There is no "American dream", this is a mere PR stunt, with a goal to get consent for their criminal activities. We must realize that this carrot they are waiving in front of us, is only one, and it is not meant for any of us.
Russia and China are not the same, they have not chosen to deal with the Western criminals, they are forced to since the west interferes all the time in their INTERNAL affairs and INTERNATIONALLY. From what I can see Russia and China only want to do business within some normal legal framework.
I can still remember what doing business is and what are the rules to thrive doing business. And bullying and extrortion is definitely not part of business - this is what mafia does. But, unfortunatelly, the West is totally corrupt, the corporations have managed to get so much wealth and influence that it seems impossible to do anything about them. In the USA and Europe is not even possible to get a normal, honest person to become a president or prime minister. See what they've done in Romania ... Trump will soon show his true colors - he is just the other side of the same coin as Biden. They are foes, but they have the same (criminal) mindset.
Great article. Much here to study. Thank you. I remember my 1st passbook savings account with 5% interest every month. Always putting in birthday and Christmas money and watching it grow with excitement and motivation on how to do more.
I remember getting 6% for going from a passbook to a statement. I remeber buying 6 month CD's at upwards of 7-8%. I also remember standing in long lines at banks trying to cash or deposit paychecks.
"White Slavery" was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. "Evolutionary Design." But the real story in this is who the VIP's are. Including Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, FDR...and Prescott Bush - an unnamed member of the six invitees from the Yale University Civics Club where he was attending and had been his high school's Civics Club president the year before.
Eugenics is a bond that connects social engineers. Fascist and Communist. Both central planning government philosophies that recognize and formalize an upper class of managers, treat individualism in the lower classes as an anathema and dangerous.
FDR did support the restrictions on Fascistic bankers and industrialists. But he was no individual freedom savior or proponent; his tendencies were on the Stalin side of the Hitler-Stalin Pact against their shared adversary of western liberal capitalism...and was a eugenicist like Prescott Bush, John Rockefeller, et al.
It's a decent retelling of Prescott Bush and some of the banking interests around him that supports Matt's work. Though it does scrub a few key components and deflects away from how the Dulles clan helped cover up Bush's complicity with Nazi's and away from Prescott's future presidents son and grandson. But a solid encapsulation despite those convenient (to the US/UK fascists) shortcomings.
When comparing 1929 and today, I can see the same scenario of big robbery is being used in Ukraine, and they have began to move to Europe to (deindustrialization, inflation, etc.). Globalist elites (self-appointed, because no one wants them) should be called what they are: CRIMINALS. This is what Pecora understood. He was an honest man and had support from FDR government.
I doubt Trump will solve the problem, since he does not understand what business is about (he has criminal mindset, otherwise he wouldn't be bragging about stealing Syria's oil). Business is definitely not about cheating and stealing! You only cheat once, and the door gets closed forever. I realised he is talking about Greenland, etc., thinking that this would give him a better bargaining position with Russia and China. Only bullies bargain like this. But the rest of the world is quite fed up with US policy, so I think Trump is going to gamble off the USA's opportunity to get into BRICS.
We'll have to wait for some honest person who understands what business is really about - like China and Russia do. Bullies never thrive in doing business. That's why they prefer mafia/wild west methods - until someone shoots them. Greed is a symptom of severe emptiness and deep unhappiness which bring self-destructivess. Frank Capra showed this wisdom beautifully in his movies (thanks for recommending us Frank Capra's movies!).
Mat, while I appreciate and provide a "job well done," especially in the FDR section of the article, I have a few criticisms. When you posed the solution as returning to Glass-Steagall, you did not include the question, "then what?, as you demonstrated how FDR used the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to then build, build, build. Or rather how G-S is only the first step, then what? You did cite Trump's "forgotten," at least by some proposal to restore G-S, but you seemed to neglect Trump's often repeated intent to "make the US an industrial super-power once again. While so far, Trump has been relatively vague on how to do that and his apparent mixed bag of appointments, except for Musk, makes the pathway to that goal even less clear, two things are clear: His serious push on tariffs is American System policy, with all the potential that has to bring manufacturing back to the US; and having Musk by his side promises a serious scientific and technological revolution.
As, I think you know, Lyndon LaRouche always was clear on how the world is to be saved: The U.S. must not only be central to that, but without the U.S. nothing anyone else does is a dead end. He did propose that the four great powers (The US, Russia, China and India are key to creating a New Bretton Woods monetary and financial system. Without that, again, nothing else can succeed. That is why I take almost as an insult your last sentence: "So why accept that dystopic future, when a brighter one is offered us by the Multipolar alliance today led by Russia and China?" Unfortunately, all three of the other key nations, except for the issue of sovereignty, have not made a single step away from the globalist agenda. All of them accept the global warming bullshit and have succumbed to going along with the UN-led agenda on that. All are still tied into the British-led global monetary system of the IMF and World Bank, and show no sign of, or even a hint of, breaking from that. And both Russia and China have repeatedly said they will not break from the Dollar-dominated system.
With Trump and especially his appointments of Gabbard, Patel and a few others are the biggest threat to the entire system, beginning with the ripping apart of the FBI, CIA, the Justice Department, and more. While Pecora cleared the way for FDR's revolution, Trump's administration can do the same. And Trump this time knows who his enemies are and I think is determined to crush them all. Though some had protested some of his appointments, I am not too concerned, for Trump will this term really be in control and even the pro-Israel elements appointed will toe the line for Trump.
Finally, leaving the central reality of the real power in the world, the British empire of finance, in the 1930s and today not being emphasized in both this article and others you have written out of the text, I think, is a disservice to your readers.
With respect for your work generally, and a happy New Year to you and Cynthia.
I can't see industrialization returning to the US. The pay scale here vs the non-western pay scales are too different. Part of the plan of globalizaion is a common wage and living standard much lower than we're used to in the west. For now they're trying to destrioy our moral so when it collapses we'll accept what is. Page 2 is that building industrial in the US is next to impossible with our current environmental standards which would require we go back to polluting our water and air worse than it is already. This has been a promise foir years as each president gave itt lip service but really could do nothing in a fascist system.
It has already begun. A new flurry of plans and contracts are now being put in motion in several states to build new nuclear power plants, along with older contracts now being reactivated. That does not even include the large number of small nuclear reactors already in the construction phase and to go on line in the next four or five years. Such an upshift requires the rebuilding of the manufacturing facilities for all of the components. Then we add in the Elon Musk expansion of the launches of Space X's rockets already plotted out. New manufacturing facilities, or expanded ones, are required for that. With Trump's tariff policy, we should see not only US companies returning to the US, but also foreign companies relocating here to avoid the tariffs. That does not count the number of new German companies relocating to the US because of the cost of electricity in Germany due to the shutting down of its nuclear plants. Finally, but most importantly, if we are to actually ensure a future in which today's and tomorrow's children have a better standard of living than their parents, and we have a culture that inspires children to wish to avoid the present degenerate culture and live a productive life, contributing to the well-being of the nation, then productive work building things, designing a nation-wide high speed rail system, and much more, does require the re-industrialization of the nation. With modern manufacturing facilities, you can forget the issue of pollution. It won't happen. But thank you for your comment.
Regardless, have you kept track of current manufacturing trends? Build components in low-wage countries and put tab B in Slot A here in the US.
German corporations would be far better off investing in Asia where they are actually building things. I can't imagine they're charging more for energy then here in the US. I don't see Asia coming to American corporations to get products or parts made.
BTW the Build Back Better money is starting to hit the states now. The states are handing it over to private corporations. I guess it's the only way to keep what remains. I live in the rust belt and the number of companies wrangling the governmet for tax money is often the last thread at keeping the few jobs Corporate America still has to offer in the same municipality but keep a good tought.
I expect Harley is moving to India they already do their fabricating there. Amtrak is going to improve the rails not replacing them entirely so they can keep the relic deisels on the rails for another 5 decades with less clickity-clack. Amtrak doesn't own the rails but their going to upgrade them. Conrail says thanks as the current owner last I checked. Because Conrail a freight company owns the rails passenger trains are always the lowest priority. If a freight train needs the rail the passenger train will be put on a siding until the freight has passed. I once sat on that siding for 4 hours waiting.
Voith is another company that's getting money. They make hydro electic generators.. Are we building new dams? No, in fact we're tearing old ones down for enviromental reasons but not to help with so-called green energy but withnreduction of silt buildup and better fish spawning, etc.
TMI fom what I've heard has or is going to be restarted by Bill Gates to use as a method of powering warehouses full of computer equipment, they're more hungry than electric vehicles. Gates said it will be a lot cheaper and faster than building a new nuclear power plant. I'm sure he'll upgrde it to a newer generation of reactors or will he?
Of course I have "heard of neo-liberalism." I sense a touch of cynicism in your remarks. What is happening today, is not what happen tomorrow. Trump is determined to make the US an industrial superpower once again. I suggest the linked pamphlet by Promethean Action as both the background on how to do that, and what is possible with the Trump administration:
Trump is also team cabal. The globalists back him. He’s just the latest pied piper and the agenda will get a MAGA rebrand. Agree that Russia and China are also team cabal. China the test case for globalists’ control grid. All went along with the “covid” op. Matt gets this wrong every time. It’s up to us to build the globalist-free systems we need.
Suzanne: Perhaps you should read regularly the posts from Promethean Action, for a completely different view of Trump.
The reason given for dismantling Glass-Steagall in the first place was that foreign banks (the Japanese banks, like Sumitomo and Daiwa) and European banks, especially Deutsche Bank, were either already gobbling or poised to gobble up all of the US banks, which had already consolidated in order to fight off those same banks from purchase by becoming “too big to swallow”: Investment banks argued that without the ability to combine with their savings bank branches, foreign interests would soon control the American investment banking market, “unfairly aided by international government interest” as of course “state-owned” banks, like Deutsche Bank, had unlimited backing of the national government while the US investment banks did not.
Sucked ‘em right in. Not really - everyone knew this was a scam reason but, along with the Interstate Banking Act passed earlier, was a one-two punch to further enrich a LOT of very rich people.
But a return to Glass Steagall would also have to include some kind of prohibition on international banking at the least and more likely, a prohibition of foreign ownership of any US bank.
Of course this is all just talk, because it’s never going to happen. Can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.
Thank you for the unique work. From FDR' s fireside chats I gathered that his impulse did not change or informed the public about the fraudulent nature of financial credit, which is the visible root of today 's turmoil (mainly due to revelations as those made by Richard A. Werner). One
suggestion: please give more references to your sources. Congratulations .Eduardo Guzmán from Venezuela.
Imagine the stock market today has been overvalued by 400% essentially forcing people to put their savings into the market for their own retirement and more money comes wirh every paycheck. Have you heard of a Ponzi scheme? I know you have. I know at some point this will crumble and Wall Steeet will walk away witth all this pension money similar to the leverage buyouts that stole the pensions from people that had worked almost a lifetime expecting not only to get their pensions but their health care also stolen away by greedy Wall Street types. Then the taxpayers must step up to save these people that we had no part of te buyouts through the Fedral Government's Pension Benefit Gaurantee Corporation that looks like it pays about $22K per year at the maximum. They state it this way, "When PBGC becomes trustee of a pension plan, we can guarantee benefits only up to limits set by federal law". Why is it that FDR could correct a lot of this predatory behavior as one person but an entire Congress can't get out of it's own way to stop defrauding the people it's supposed to represent and why do we keep re-electing them? We need a law that throws them all out unless a majority of the population (registered or unregistered) votes in their election. They're not surprised by this bad behavior they are the bad behavior that allows it to continue even thugh this is like early civilization bad behavior, Mafia style grifters.
I am always skeptical when Russia and China are going to be our salvation. I believe that collaborate with the globalists on the same agendas.
Don't wait for Russia and China to be West's salvation. They did it once in the WWII, especially Soviets, who after liberating Europe from Hitler went right away to the East, to liberate China from Japanese emperor. They had colossal losses, and what did they recieve? Cold war. We, the citizens, will have to decide if we want to have this corrupt system. As it turns out, it wasn't meant to be heaven forever, they've started killing us, their own citizens, too. I recommend rethinking about basic values. For starters, we need to call spade a spade: this kind of capitalism is nothing else but criminal activity lead by rich people. There is no "American dream", this is a mere PR stunt, with a goal to get consent for their criminal activities. We must realize that this carrot they are waiving in front of us, is only one, and it is not meant for any of us.
Russia and China are not the same, they have not chosen to deal with the Western criminals, they are forced to since the west interferes all the time in their INTERNAL affairs and INTERNATIONALLY. From what I can see Russia and China only want to do business within some normal legal framework.
I can still remember what doing business is and what are the rules to thrive doing business. And bullying and extrortion is definitely not part of business - this is what mafia does. But, unfortunatelly, the West is totally corrupt, the corporations have managed to get so much wealth and influence that it seems impossible to do anything about them. In the USA and Europe is not even possible to get a normal, honest person to become a president or prime minister. See what they've done in Romania ... Trump will soon show his true colors - he is just the other side of the same coin as Biden. They are foes, but they have the same (criminal) mindset.
Great article. Much here to study. Thank you. I remember my 1st passbook savings account with 5% interest every month. Always putting in birthday and Christmas money and watching it grow with excitement and motivation on how to do more.
I remember getting 6% for going from a passbook to a statement. I remeber buying 6 month CD's at upwards of 7-8%. I also remember standing in long lines at banks trying to cash or deposit paychecks.
Choosing Audience for Brieux Play
JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation
Social Workers Approve Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics
- Proceeds for Education
New York Times, Sunday, February 23,1913, Page 13
"White Slavery" was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. "Evolutionary Design." But the real story in this is who the VIP's are. Including Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, FDR...and Prescott Bush - an unnamed member of the six invitees from the Yale University Civics Club where he was attending and had been his high school's Civics Club president the year before.
Eugenics is a bond that connects social engineers. Fascist and Communist. Both central planning government philosophies that recognize and formalize an upper class of managers, treat individualism in the lower classes as an anathema and dangerous.
FDR did support the restrictions on Fascistic bankers and industrialists. But he was no individual freedom savior or proponent; his tendencies were on the Stalin side of the Hitler-Stalin Pact against their shared adversary of western liberal capitalism...and was a eugenicist like Prescott Bush, John Rockefeller, et al.
More Prescott Bush background.
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
UK Guardian, September 25, 2004
It's a decent retelling of Prescott Bush and some of the banking interests around him that supports Matt's work. Though it does scrub a few key components and deflects away from how the Dulles clan helped cover up Bush's complicity with Nazi's and away from Prescott's future presidents son and grandson. But a solid encapsulation despite those convenient (to the US/UK fascists) shortcomings.
The meltdown isn't "immanent", it's "imminent". sorry.
He just had immanitizing the eschaton on the brain 😂
"Mitchell was forced to resign in shame, followed days later by NY Stock Exchange Chair Dick Whitney, who left the court in handcuffs."
Whitney was not involved in the Pecora commission; he was indicted years later in 1938.
Good to know.
Excellent article, thank you!
When comparing 1929 and today, I can see the same scenario of big robbery is being used in Ukraine, and they have began to move to Europe to (deindustrialization, inflation, etc.). Globalist elites (self-appointed, because no one wants them) should be called what they are: CRIMINALS. This is what Pecora understood. He was an honest man and had support from FDR government.
I doubt Trump will solve the problem, since he does not understand what business is about (he has criminal mindset, otherwise he wouldn't be bragging about stealing Syria's oil). Business is definitely not about cheating and stealing! You only cheat once, and the door gets closed forever. I realised he is talking about Greenland, etc., thinking that this would give him a better bargaining position with Russia and China. Only bullies bargain like this. But the rest of the world is quite fed up with US policy, so I think Trump is going to gamble off the USA's opportunity to get into BRICS.
We'll have to wait for some honest person who understands what business is really about - like China and Russia do. Bullies never thrive in doing business. That's why they prefer mafia/wild west methods - until someone shoots them. Greed is a symptom of severe emptiness and deep unhappiness which bring self-destructivess. Frank Capra showed this wisdom beautifully in his movies (thanks for recommending us Frank Capra's movies!).
America never had a chance to join BRICS.
BRICS was created explicitly to preclude the grossly corrupted west(as outlined in this article, except far worse now).
Allowing America into BRICS is akin to injecting cancer cells into your body.
Mat, while I appreciate and provide a "job well done," especially in the FDR section of the article, I have a few criticisms. When you posed the solution as returning to Glass-Steagall, you did not include the question, "then what?, as you demonstrated how FDR used the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to then build, build, build. Or rather how G-S is only the first step, then what? You did cite Trump's "forgotten," at least by some proposal to restore G-S, but you seemed to neglect Trump's often repeated intent to "make the US an industrial super-power once again. While so far, Trump has been relatively vague on how to do that and his apparent mixed bag of appointments, except for Musk, makes the pathway to that goal even less clear, two things are clear: His serious push on tariffs is American System policy, with all the potential that has to bring manufacturing back to the US; and having Musk by his side promises a serious scientific and technological revolution.
As, I think you know, Lyndon LaRouche always was clear on how the world is to be saved: The U.S. must not only be central to that, but without the U.S. nothing anyone else does is a dead end. He did propose that the four great powers (The US, Russia, China and India are key to creating a New Bretton Woods monetary and financial system. Without that, again, nothing else can succeed. That is why I take almost as an insult your last sentence: "So why accept that dystopic future, when a brighter one is offered us by the Multipolar alliance today led by Russia and China?" Unfortunately, all three of the other key nations, except for the issue of sovereignty, have not made a single step away from the globalist agenda. All of them accept the global warming bullshit and have succumbed to going along with the UN-led agenda on that. All are still tied into the British-led global monetary system of the IMF and World Bank, and show no sign of, or even a hint of, breaking from that. And both Russia and China have repeatedly said they will not break from the Dollar-dominated system.
With Trump and especially his appointments of Gabbard, Patel and a few others are the biggest threat to the entire system, beginning with the ripping apart of the FBI, CIA, the Justice Department, and more. While Pecora cleared the way for FDR's revolution, Trump's administration can do the same. And Trump this time knows who his enemies are and I think is determined to crush them all. Though some had protested some of his appointments, I am not too concerned, for Trump will this term really be in control and even the pro-Israel elements appointed will toe the line for Trump.
Finally, leaving the central reality of the real power in the world, the British empire of finance, in the 1930s and today not being emphasized in both this article and others you have written out of the text, I think, is a disservice to your readers.
With respect for your work generally, and a happy New Year to you and Cynthia.
Patrick Ruckert
I can't see industrialization returning to the US. The pay scale here vs the non-western pay scales are too different. Part of the plan of globalizaion is a common wage and living standard much lower than we're used to in the west. For now they're trying to destrioy our moral so when it collapses we'll accept what is. Page 2 is that building industrial in the US is next to impossible with our current environmental standards which would require we go back to polluting our water and air worse than it is already. This has been a promise foir years as each president gave itt lip service but really could do nothing in a fascist system.
It has already begun. A new flurry of plans and contracts are now being put in motion in several states to build new nuclear power plants, along with older contracts now being reactivated. That does not even include the large number of small nuclear reactors already in the construction phase and to go on line in the next four or five years. Such an upshift requires the rebuilding of the manufacturing facilities for all of the components. Then we add in the Elon Musk expansion of the launches of Space X's rockets already plotted out. New manufacturing facilities, or expanded ones, are required for that. With Trump's tariff policy, we should see not only US companies returning to the US, but also foreign companies relocating here to avoid the tariffs. That does not count the number of new German companies relocating to the US because of the cost of electricity in Germany due to the shutting down of its nuclear plants. Finally, but most importantly, if we are to actually ensure a future in which today's and tomorrow's children have a better standard of living than their parents, and we have a culture that inspires children to wish to avoid the present degenerate culture and live a productive life, contributing to the well-being of the nation, then productive work building things, designing a nation-wide high speed rail system, and much more, does require the re-industrialization of the nation. With modern manufacturing facilities, you can forget the issue of pollution. It won't happen. But thank you for your comment.
Have you heard of neo-liberalism?
Regardless, have you kept track of current manufacturing trends? Build components in low-wage countries and put tab B in Slot A here in the US.
German corporations would be far better off investing in Asia where they are actually building things. I can't imagine they're charging more for energy then here in the US. I don't see Asia coming to American corporations to get products or parts made.
BTW the Build Back Better money is starting to hit the states now. The states are handing it over to private corporations. I guess it's the only way to keep what remains. I live in the rust belt and the number of companies wrangling the governmet for tax money is often the last thread at keeping the few jobs Corporate America still has to offer in the same municipality but keep a good tought.
I expect Harley is moving to India they already do their fabricating there. Amtrak is going to improve the rails not replacing them entirely so they can keep the relic deisels on the rails for another 5 decades with less clickity-clack. Amtrak doesn't own the rails but their going to upgrade them. Conrail says thanks as the current owner last I checked. Because Conrail a freight company owns the rails passenger trains are always the lowest priority. If a freight train needs the rail the passenger train will be put on a siding until the freight has passed. I once sat on that siding for 4 hours waiting.
Voith is another company that's getting money. They make hydro electic generators.. Are we building new dams? No, in fact we're tearing old ones down for enviromental reasons but not to help with so-called green energy but withnreduction of silt buildup and better fish spawning, etc.
TMI fom what I've heard has or is going to be restarted by Bill Gates to use as a method of powering warehouses full of computer equipment, they're more hungry than electric vehicles. Gates said it will be a lot cheaper and faster than building a new nuclear power plant. I'm sure he'll upgrde it to a newer generation of reactors or will he?
Of course I have "heard of neo-liberalism." I sense a touch of cynicism in your remarks. What is happening today, is not what happen tomorrow. Trump is determined to make the US an industrial superpower once again. I suggest the linked pamphlet by Promethean Action as both the background on how to do that, and what is possible with the Trump administration:
Trump is also team cabal. The globalists back him. He’s just the latest pied piper and the agenda will get a MAGA rebrand. Agree that Russia and China are also team cabal. China the test case for globalists’ control grid. All went along with the “covid” op. Matt gets this wrong every time. It’s up to us to build the globalist-free systems we need.
Suzanne: Perhaps you should read regularly the posts from Promethean Action, for a completely different view of Trump.
This is the actual standard to which Trump must be held, if he is to earn meaningful credibility as a reformer, cleaning up the “deep state”.
Start at the top, or you are not really a serious reformer, and will get outflanked six ways from Sunday.
Apparently some changes like Glass Steagall evolved out of the efforts of the mentors of Milton Friedman
Some very interesting material Matt. You have done your homework!! What are your academic credentials?
The reason given for dismantling Glass-Steagall in the first place was that foreign banks (the Japanese banks, like Sumitomo and Daiwa) and European banks, especially Deutsche Bank, were either already gobbling or poised to gobble up all of the US banks, which had already consolidated in order to fight off those same banks from purchase by becoming “too big to swallow”: Investment banks argued that without the ability to combine with their savings bank branches, foreign interests would soon control the American investment banking market, “unfairly aided by international government interest” as of course “state-owned” banks, like Deutsche Bank, had unlimited backing of the national government while the US investment banks did not.
Sucked ‘em right in. Not really - everyone knew this was a scam reason but, along with the Interstate Banking Act passed earlier, was a one-two punch to further enrich a LOT of very rich people.
But a return to Glass Steagall would also have to include some kind of prohibition on international banking at the least and more likely, a prohibition of foreign ownership of any US bank.
Of course this is all just talk, because it’s never going to happen. Can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.
is tech considered part of the real economy or the speculative?
Thank you for the unique work. From FDR' s fireside chats I gathered that his impulse did not change or informed the public about the fraudulent nature of financial credit, which is the visible root of today 's turmoil (mainly due to revelations as those made by Richard A. Werner). One
suggestion: please give more references to your sources. Congratulations .Eduardo Guzmán from Venezuela.
Imagine the stock market today has been overvalued by 400% essentially forcing people to put their savings into the market for their own retirement and more money comes wirh every paycheck. Have you heard of a Ponzi scheme? I know you have. I know at some point this will crumble and Wall Steeet will walk away witth all this pension money similar to the leverage buyouts that stole the pensions from people that had worked almost a lifetime expecting not only to get their pensions but their health care also stolen away by greedy Wall Street types. Then the taxpayers must step up to save these people that we had no part of te buyouts through the Fedral Government's Pension Benefit Gaurantee Corporation that looks like it pays about $22K per year at the maximum. They state it this way, "When PBGC becomes trustee of a pension plan, we can guarantee benefits only up to limits set by federal law". Why is it that FDR could correct a lot of this predatory behavior as one person but an entire Congress can't get out of it's own way to stop defrauding the people it's supposed to represent and why do we keep re-electing them? We need a law that throws them all out unless a majority of the population (registered or unregistered) votes in their election. They're not surprised by this bad behavior they are the bad behavior that allows it to continue even thugh this is like early civilization bad behavior, Mafia style grifters.
"debt jubilee" for bank customers mostly means rich people get their assets for free.