Excellent article Mathew. Thank you for your continued service. You are a light, much needed in these bizarre times

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Too few people are aware of Gen Butler and the banker plot to install him as interim president. Truth told, the entire world has been held hostage by bankers since the 1700s. Nobody knows about that, because the bankers go to great lengths to conceal the truth.

I'll go one step further - why assume there will be a 2022 mid-term election?

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They want to see if they can pull it off first? Hard to say, but '24 is a long way off. Who could be our Butler in this era?

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Great interview on American Journal yesterday btw

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There will be more of those

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Awesome read thank you very well put together

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Matthew it is such a pleasure getting to know your work. Thank you for this rich article.

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What does it say about the members of the house who abdicated their own responsibilities and put this power into the hands of the braindead figurehead playing the role of president in this American dog and pony show?

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Oh the Irony of -ANTIFA

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It's been my prediction that Trump would easily win the next election, if there's to be one. And you know I'm saying that as no fan of Trump's ... but also no fan of electoral politics. I very much appreciate the details on Smedley Butler, someone who's fascinated me. Maybe there's something better coming out of this. Let's hope!

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Likely will not be a 2022 election. They have us in their evil grasp coming and going. Fighting or acquiescing. The closer they are to being charged with treason, sedition, & democide, the more dangerous they become. Next month, August 2022, diesel truck (and train) oil additives that make diesel oil what it is will be depleted. two companies make these additives. That's it. Two. Obviously Blackrock, Vanguard & State Street are behind this. The diesel exhaust fluid also will not be available. All grocery, Amazon etc. deliveries will end. Total economic collapse. Restaurants, grocery stores, etc. All planned. https://rumble.com/v1cv8vn-the-diesel-engine-oil-crisis-explained.html

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If you can believe Alex Jones he claims he's been leaked that the CIA/FBI are hatching a plot to assassinate Biden in October using a co-opted Trump Fan as an Oswald sub and then declaring Martial Law.

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Grateful to come across this now. I’ve been thinking for a while now that while people fight over their favorite candidate there is no guarantee there will even be an election. It was absurd to listen to politicians bleat hysterically about Orange Hitler while they simultaneously voted to extend unconstitutional powers to the object of their fear and dread. Thanks Patriot Act!

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Excellent article.

Tried watching the video https://rumble.com/v1i1gxd-why-assume-there-will-be-another-election-the-1934-bankers-coup-revisited-c.html and it was not good. The video was so bad, I could not listen for more than 2 minutes, but it included the link to this excellent article. I never miss your videos, but sorry to say, this one doesn't make the grade.

We need more people like you, Matthew. Keep up the good work.......

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Good piece. But I've also read in revisionist pieces a while back that there really WERE a lot of communist agents and sympathizers around FDR. Assuming this is true, one could argue that communists and fascists are two sides of what ends up being State-First polity coin, but even if you wouldn't go that far, I very much doubt it is simply that the fascists were the only ones involved in subterfuge and/or that the fascists didn't believe they were up against a bona fide threat, whether or not their perception was entirely accurate.

It seems to me that in the absence of leadership classes which are pulling hard for the benefit of their citizenry and indeed identify as being one of them themselves that you have leadership at odds with its own people which basically means corrupt leadership. Corrupt leadership, though it might make the participants rich and powerful, creates a weak State and a weak society and culture within that State and such weakness breeds further subterfuge.

There they were then.

And here we are now.

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I've written extensively on this topic in Vol 2 of Clash of the Two Americas and vol 4 of the Untold History of Canada. I'd suggest picking those up (email me if you want a free pdf) and also check out my thesis in Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the NWO can be Defeated Once More: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/hyperinflation-fascism-and-war-how

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Hello Matthew, Excellent article as usual. Have reposted on my SM. I was aware of the Smedley Butler coup saga, but this filled a few gaps. That said, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this book, ⬇️👀 which provides a very different view of who FDR really was and his time as POTUS. Was he the great champion of the underdog, or was he someone else entirely? Was his battle royal with the bankers and the business/industrial elites a genuine standoff, or was he controlled opposition as it were? BTW, the title of the book is misleading. There’s much more in it than meets the eye. Whether it’s a fair and accurate assessment of Roosevelt and his real agenda is another matter of course, but there’s much in to chow down on! Love to get your thoughts on it anyway. Best, 👍😎GM


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Lots of very broad generalizations and leaps premised on connectos in that document. I've done a deep dive into FDR's policies and international dynamic of that 1860-1945 period for about a decade and have compiled my research in vol 2 of the Clash of the Two Americas and vol 4 of the Untold History of Canada. I can say conclusively that were it not for FDR, the world would have already been locked into a eugenics driven world order for the past 80 years. He saved your life several times over. I'd suggest starting with this article and if you want to dig in further, then get my books: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/hyperinflation-fascism-and-war-how

(if you can't afford the books, email me at matt.ehret@tutamail.com for the free pdfs)

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Excellent essay.

We have to win this.

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Political groupies and tribalists are not known to be deep thinkers about their actions. 90% of them are projections.

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