“Those Wall Street industrialists and financiers that supplied Germany with funding and supplies before and during the war were punished”

Did you mean to say “were not punished”?

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Yup. That was my bad

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I'm a professional proofreader. ^_^

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I noticed the same and assumed so by the next word "nor" ;-)

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In present day discussions it appears that we forget that the Stalinist Russia cannot be compared in any way to today's Russian Federation. As a result, we continue to demonize the National Socialists who invaded Russia both for Lebensraum (which was actually to only include a part of Ukraine) but also to eradicate Bolshevism, which was moving swift;y to swallow the entirety of Europe.

By the middle of 1940, German Intelligence already knew that Stalin had plans to invade Germany and move on from there to be in Italy by 1942.

By June of 1941, Soviet Russia had conquered Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, half of Poland, Beserabia and Bukovina of Romania, ten percent of Finland whereby Soviet Forces had also occupied the most valuable area of that land mass, the Hako Islands, forced a coup to install a friendly government in Yugoslavia, and was attempting to force Bulgaria into a "friendship treaty", which they did not want.

Despite all of this, The Third Reich was and still is demonized for its very legitimate invasion of Poland in order to stop the increasing violent oppression of its German ethnic minority.

To add insult to injury, Adolf Hitler is constantly seen as a "madman" and have seen US enemy leaders constantly referred to as a new "Hitler".

However, Adolf Hitler was far from mad. He was highly intelligent, was capable of reading a wide swathe of technical and non-technical books on average as one per day and had a personal library of 12,000 books, being one of the largest personal libraries in the world only to be exceeded by Israel's David Ben Gurion who I believe had around 16.000 texts in his.

Adolf Hitler was very capable of speaking intelligently and technically on a very wide array of subjects and had a very deep interest in architecture and architectural design.

He also wasn't half-bad watercolor artist.

Stalin on the other hand was more ruthless than intelligent and was the one who actually broke the 1939 Moscow Pact between the The Third Reich and Soviet Russia by moving massive amounts of hardware and troops right up to the then Reich's 1000 mile borders with the idea that he would invade Germany in July or August of 1941.

There is no doubt that The Third Reich did in fact have plans to invade the Soviet Union as a result of the threat of Bolshevism, which Germany had a visceral hatred for (and rightly so). However, these plans were for June 1941 when Germany did invade the USSR but were initiated as a direct result of Soviet Force movements and mobilizations, which included the massive building of aerodromes, many only around 20 minutes from the Reich's borders.

As a result, Operation Barbarossa was both a planned invasion as well as a per-emptive response to Soviet Russia's threatening invasion of Germany.

Viktor Suvorov has written extensively on this subject. However, Sean McMeekin's recent historical publications, "Stalin's War", corroborates Suvorov's analysis in stark detail in very easy and fast reading prose...

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There were also different factions within the German National Socialist Party itself.

We inherited those who betrayed Hitler to ally themselves with the Anglo-American empire.

The truth is that the Nazis won the war with their Zionist counterpart, but not the true national socialists themselves.

Hitler was also fighting against the Juncker aristocracy who wanted to keep their advantages in the face of the threat of a meritocratic system developed in conjunction with an economic revolution never seen before and which aimed not only to transform Europe but the Europeans themselves.

I recommend reading "Hitler's Revolution" by Richard Trevor. This book contains almost exclusively German sources and provides an alternative view on this subject.


Today, Putin's Russia is probably actually the heir to the true National Socialist model. This is clearly seen in the measures he has taken for his people. And yet, Putin's political realism and his mastery of the Great Game mean that we could also accuse him of having colluded with certain oligarchs and western elites when his power was not yet assured. Similarly with the reintegration of Crimea into the Federation and the support to the Donetz and Luhansk popular republics: we could draw a parallel with the Anschluss and the help brought to the Danzig populations in Poland. The great historical figures are veiled in mystery and can be interpreted from many angles. If Putin fails, he will be the new Hitler of tomorrow, rest assured.

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I have Richard Trevor's book in my library but have not gotten around to reading it. I am currently reading McMeekin's, "Stalin's War" and when I have completed it will probably begin Irving's magnus opus, "Hitler's War" to get the other side of the story.

I have read several studies on the diplomatic histories of Germany and The Third Reich in the Inter-War period, the most detailed and probably the best being Hoggan's, "The Forced War".

Agreed that Adolf Hitler did have difficulties with the Juncker nobles who made uf the senior staff of Germany's military forces. Hitler approached warfare from an economic viewpoint while his generals approached it from a "capital city" position. Had Hitler been in complete control, I doubt he would have allowed his forces to go for Moscow as well as the Russian oil fields in the south. Even today, such a division of forces makes little sense given the successes of the combined might of The Third Reich's Forces in Soviet Russia.

I also completely agree with you that President Putin is probably the heir to the 1930s National Socialist economic miracle given the many similar policies he has undertaken over the years. However, I highly doubt he would ever admit to such a position... :-)

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I had to add this quote from Was Will Roosevelt (German for What Does Roosevelt Want) in 1941: "Corruption has spread so much that...no American citizen gets upset anymore over incidents of shameless corruption in civil service, because mismanagement is regarded as a natural phenomenon of government."

For my purposes, I see nationalism vs. liberalism (as he defines it) as a dichotomy that frogleaps the community in going from the state to the individual. But this rings so true today, that no amount of corruption seems to shock us. Maybe because we've been so inured to the principle of capitalism that everyone needs to look out for themselves.

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I just started reading Hitler's Revolution, on your recommendation. It's a REALLY interesting lost history. And I agree with you and Steve about Putin being the heir to Hitler's 'economic miracle'.

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I just posted a video that talks about this, among other things. I'll put it up on Substack later today. Here's the description:

As Ukraine and the Great Reset wreak havoc, we need to share a purpose, a process to separate truth from lies, and a plan. And perhaps, like the Queen in Alice in Wonderland, we need to consider six impossible things before breakfast. I look at things I never thought I'd question, like climate change and Elie Weisel. I debate good vs evil, big vs small, Franklin vs Hamilton, and Trump vs no one. And I wonder how to bring together the half-dozen journalists left who aren't deluded: Matthew Ehret, Robert Malone, Aaron Mate, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald and Russell Brand.

We Need to Agree to Agree: https://youtu.be/94l5IpQCBgs

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I see a good refutation of Mr. Via’s misplaced opinion on The Great Patriotic War is the book, “Soviet Jews in World War II: Fighting, Witnessing, Remembering”, edited by Harriet Murav and Gennady Estraikh (Academic Studies Press, Boston, 2014), ISBN 978-1-61811-314-6 (electronic version). PJN

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What I've come to realize is that I've been lied to about so much of history, I can't dismiss anything as impossible. Neither do I assume it's all a lie. So here are some data points I'd add, irrespective of whichever side they're on:

1. We know that Churchill wanted Germany and Russia to "bleed each other dry." So both Germany and Russia can be seen as the victims of England's proxy war.

2. We know that the economic punishment of Germany after WWI essentially gave the country in perpetuity to the bankers, who were led by Rothschild, who happened to be Jewish. I've read that the Jews were the wealthiest class of Germany, but I haven't confirmed that. And OF COURSE saying that the wealthiest were Jews doesn't mean that all Jews were wealthy. Nor does it justify anything, I'm just collecting facts here.

3. Hitler broke away from the international bankers and followed the "American system" of creating his own currency, which restored Germany as self-reliant and an industrial powerhouse WITHOUT invading any other country. What we don't know is how the bankers reacted. It's impossible to imagine they didn't, but that's been lost to history. Why?

4. We know that Holocaust denial has been banned as discussion in Germany. To me, that's always a red flag because the best antidote to misinformation is real information. So when a topic is deemed illegal, I think there's always something being hidden.

5. Last is just an observation. I remember when one of my daughters was assigned Night by Elie Wiesel and I reread it. He recounts standing in line at Auschwitz while babies were torn from their mothers and thrown into trenches. "Babies used as target practice by SS men … Parents watching their children thrown into burning pits …" If you want a group of people to realize there's no hope except overwhelming the outnumbered guards, this would be the way to do it. No more following orders, going into "showers." It's illogical. And once I pulled that string, I knew he was lying. I'm not saying the camps weren't true but this isn't.

In looking for that quote I came on https://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/elie-admits-his-true-stories-never-happened/. Once you know that someone (or a gov't) has lied about one thing, you can never say they'd never do that. You can only look at the evidence and ask, "are they lying or telling the truth about this."

Israel could never have existed without the holocaust as justification, even though they're a contradiction of a belief in human rights. Does Israel serve US interests or does the US serve Israel? I've often thought that Israel is the tail that wags the dog of US foreign policy. But those are just puzzle pieces, that need to fit somewhere in what seems (to me) to be a more complex picture than Germany-evil or Russia-evil.

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"Night" has been completely debunked by researchers. Elie Wiesel wasn't even in a concentration camp...

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Matt, with all due respect to your historical perspicacity, you need to get a grip on your Nazi/Hitler/NSDAP demonization. Near the end of the war, the Russians started the holocaust/Nazi death camps mythology to cover up their own gruesome atrocities, and the Zionists and Jewish supremacists in Hollywood, academia and media seized on the death camp/extermination lie and over the years permeated it throughout Western culture into the most accepted egregious deception of modern times. "The song that never ends about the event that never happened."

You could start at this now defunct website, still available at the wayback machine


and continue with CODOH's Inconvenient History Journal


and the now 47 volumes of Holocaust Handbooks published by Castle Hill


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Was this excavation faked by Russia too? I suppose you also think that dinosaur bones were created and buried by ‘scientists’ disprove the Bible?

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This is the obviously false quote from Night I was looking for. I'm replying to you, Gary, in case you're not checking the rest of the conversation you started with your post. I think you'll be interested.

“Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes ... children thrown into the flames.” Elie Wiesel, Night, p. 32

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Yes, the most shameless and, unfortunately, influential purveyor of the Holohoax industry:


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"It is an uncomfortable fact of history that those same powers that gave rise to fascism were never punished at the Nuremburg Trials."

They could not punish themselves, as they were the instigators of WWI, WWII and the judges in Nuremberg. The Warburg Jewish family had a prominent rôle in the rise of Hitler (Antony Sutton). Not only Paul Warburg was the father of the Federal Reserve, but also his brother Max was member of the board of directors of I.G. Farben (manufacturing the Zyklon B gas used in the concentration camps). Nazism is a "Jewish" phenomenon. This is further proven by the "Nazification" of Ukraine since the coup that took place in 2014. Ukraine is today under total control by "Jewish" oligarchs, the president Zelinsky is "Jewish" and Nazism is flourishing there like never before.


They are of course "Jewish" like G. Soros or Klaus Schwab, i.e. fake Jews but true Sabbateo-Frankists, Satanic Jews. The German Zelensky, Adolf Hitler, was also one of them.

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Excellent work as always by Mathew and Cynthia... bravo!

And how utterly frustrating for me down here to witness such appalling ignorance, and financial and historical illiteracy, in both Govt and the NZ population.

Predictably so many who spent their lives building their personal realities in the halls of power of the financial industry still completely miss the stinking 800lb gorilla that sits in the middle of the kitchen table eating Kiwi citizens' lunches.

I wonder... do they even for a moment contemplate the concept of the FIRE economy [Financial/Insurance/Real Estate]... also, the way private banks create the vast majority of money as debt. The existence of these two realities is the reason why our western model is a complete wreck. This type of economy is all about blowing bubbles, especially [at least in NZ anyway] real estate bubbles, and never about investing in the productive sector that could ensure future wealth.

Remember too that the western Zone A system is not capitalism either... in fact, it is nothing of the sort. I would describe it as a disgraceful blend of casino cronyism, extortion, and racketeering... its quintessential essence is the FIRE system mentioned above... except that now it is becoming a veritable bonfire.

NZ has backed the wrong horse in aligning with what is in effect Natostan [Pepe's Escobar's term]. 88% of the world's population is represented by the countries that have just voted to join the new Zone B system. This will be the antithesis of fiat and debt-based money creation. This is the beginning of the end for institutions like the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank.

The problem with money created as debt can be traced back for millennia, but the real breakout of when this system began running completely amuck [post WW2] was when Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in 1971. This allowed for a completely new paradigm in the unbridled fiat system that began progressively guzzling financial steroids.

This all swung the door wide open for ever more chicanery and all manner of new dodgy financial instruments to come flooding into use. This is a monumental problem, not just for the US, but for the global economy. The US dollar was the overwhelmingly dominant reserve currency as well as the go-to default currency when problems arose... even paradoxically when those problems were systemic and centred on Wall Street... think 2008 Lehmans as an example of this.

The same effect manifests at the moment where the US dollar has strengthened but only in relation to the other big dirty shirts in the laundry basket. No bother it seems to many... the quaint notion persists that the dollar remains the safest default currency.

The train wreck trend began in 1971 and this can be graphed showing clearly the increasingly wide divergence of the Financial World Economy from that of the Real World Economy.

Also, the U$ money supply graph now resembles the North Face of the Eiger as the FED balance sheet grew by a massive 800% since 2008. NB The US taxpayer is on the hook for 98% of this and a good portion of this has been deployed in order to mop up toxic debt.

Last time I visited the debt clock I was greeted with these sobering numbers for the US economy...

- Social security liability $22 trillion

- Medicare Liability $34 trillion

- Unfunded liabilities $169 trillion

- Liability per citizen $509,000

- National Debt $30 trillion

- National Debt per taxpayer $242,000

NZ hitched its wagon to the Zone A Natostan 12% of the world population which incidentally collectively are far and away the most indebted and the biggest money printers in existence... by definition they are the most rabid defenders of the fiat system and its debt-based money creation.

They worship at the altar of the world's private banking cabal. The BIS in Basel Switzerland is their Holy Grail... this was the institution that was set up to pilfer from the millions of victims of world war and to launder and channel war booty for the Nazi's. It now thieves from most of the globe, but particularly from its 63 paid-up members... of which NZ is one.

And of course Commissar Vaxcinder pledged NZ's solidarity with the US-installed Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime that has set about completely destroying Ukraine.... her jackboot stance was of course entirely predictable. This is the same fiendish grand plan that top US officials openly admit has nothing whatsoever to do with saving the Ukrainian people... quite the contrary, they are merely expendable cannon fodder... in fact Natostan wants as many Ukrainians killed as possible, in the desperate hope that this carnage can be blamed on Russia.

Once again here is absolutely nothing humanitarian about Natostan's actions. This is all about getting rid of Putin in the farcical hope that they can then break up Russia into at least four separate regions and emasculate its military power permanently.

The cunning plan didn't go that well... Putin's popularity grew, the ruble took no time to stabilise and many of Russia's resources are now worth more than ever... all the rabid West accomplished was isolating themselves financially from 88% of the worlds population. What a tragically bad joke these imbecilic Western 'leaders' are.

Even Russia was never the grand prize that these lunatics salivate over. They fantasise that once Russia can no longer defend China, then Natostan could take out China and break it up into numerous easily controllable regions.

Voila... their weasel-like plan was intended to set the scene for settling in on another 2-3 generations of global military and financial hegemony. This time around though they intended to dramatically reduce the global population and have the survivors exist in a sophisticated global techno-gulag that would upstage even Orwell and Huxley's visions combined.

I saw one poor lost soul in the comments of a popular local blog even calling for Mr Brash [ex NZ Central bank Governor] to be NZ Prime Minister. God help us all if we had a paid-up central banking club member running this country. Of course, this is exactly where France and Italy are right now... the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the Eurozone!

Germany the #1 economy will implode too... wait for it... because they are still occupied and have been instructed by Uncle $am to dutifully self-destruct. Watch all three, along with the EU, progressively financially and socially degenerate just like the remainder of Natostan as the whole sorry thieving bunch proceeds with its practice of self-cannibalisation.

Japan, the 3rd largest economy in the world is still of course an occupied country, and also under strict orders... from guess who?... to commit national hare kari. With a mixture of utterly dreadful demographics, crippling hardcore debt, and pitiful natural resources they were in shite's street long before all this latest economic war even began. The fact that they import virtually all their food and energy means that their balance of payments will be an even worse disaster with sky-rocketing price rises from Mr Global's orchestrated shortages.

Note... the indebtedness of different zoned countries in terms of both public debt and external debt as a % of GDP... the vast majority of Zone B countries are relatively well-positioned in terms of debt compared to the profligate Zone A brigade.

Notice too that the three main instigators [China/ Russia/India] of the new Zone B financial system all have extremely low external debt to GDP ratio's.

No doubt Uncle $am and the IMF will 'help to bail Japan out'... of course on the proviso they agree to allow more weapons on their soil... aimed directly at China of course.

I will quote Fabio Vighi here with this excellent description of how capital has lost its fundamental link with productive labour... from...


"Today, capital’s near-total dissociation from its origin (value-productive labour) makes its psychotic core increasingly visible. While the current use of emergencies is perverse in its nature, psychotic episodes could be just around the corner. And yet, by typecasting Putin as ‘Mad Vlad’, we miss the madness and truly criminal vocation of contemporary capitalism.

Let us repeat the key point: an implosive socioeconomic system sustained by financial leverage of the current magnitude desperately requires a continuous stream of emergencies as well as a Bond villain to blame. In turn, the industrial production of emergencies requires credible actors on the global stage, together with an audience who is willing to be shocked by cynical media propaganda."

... end quote...

NZ and Australia are not Natostan members but we most certainly are their lapdogs. In spite of the fact that we are signed up with RCEP we will yap away incessantly on the perimeters and in the mean time learn the slow hard way as to what the brand-new financial reality of the world will soon look like... not to mention just how utterly liberating and empowering it could be to become part of it.

Was it Henry Kissinger who once commented, "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal"? Yes I know... this quote is becoming something of a cliche' but goodness me has there ever been a more classic example than the US/Ukraine 'friendship' in this current tragic debacle?

Cheers to all


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Matt - great to see you digging so deeply into all of this. For yet another dimension I urge you to read Why the German Republic Fell written in 1938 by German / Austrian journalist Bruno Heilig here: https://history.hanover.edu/courses/excerpts/111heil.html

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