Thanks again for pointing us to the context of the mad western world in which we live in at the moment. It gives me hope that after the storm that's probably coming soon, there might come a sane era for our little planet, maybe even in our lifetime.

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Second all that🙏

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Really enjoyed this post , Matt. The bitterness that rises in us when we understand how severely these parasites of the FIRE economy have undermined our future is tempered by the certainty that they will fail in their ultimate push for tyranny.

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Thanks once again for your incredible genius. It really helps to understand what’s going on in the background and helps make sense of things!

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great post. Mr. Glazyev's 13-minute memorial address was exceptional.

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Excellent article Matthew . Sergey Glazyev ,a brilliant economist ,is very appropriate for this memorial of Lyndon Larouche ,his thoughts and writings on the subject ..

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For anyone interested in learning more about Sergey Glazyev and his ideas his 2015 book "The Last World War: The USA to Move and Lose" is available in multiple formats for free download here.


He also did a very good interview on the new global financial system earlier this year with "The Cradle" which Pepe Escobar has published here:


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I remember 25-30 years ago how I puzzled over why Lyndon LaRouche was demonized, but it was difficult to glean information about his ideas from the corporate media, so I did not become a devotee. He impressed me as being neither left nor right, neither for nor against corporations. This is perhaps what the oligarchs feared most about him, his potential to unite left and right. His rejection led inevitably to the election of Donald Trump, who likewise appeals to neither manager nor worker, but who lacks some of the long-term insights of LaRouche.

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Thanks for reminding us why LaRouche was so important.

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