The irony of a useless global elite psychopath minion declaring the rest of humanity useless.

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Jun 22, 2022
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Psychopaths are not known for their creativity, nor for their ability to imagine anything beyond their own noses. It's all about ME, says the psychopath. Literally. So, I say we put 'em in a nice concrete room, with plenty of mirrors, a toilet, and some video games...

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...and seal the air vents.

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Mention that poisoned mind-dwarf Harari or the self-aggrandising WEF and my hackles go up with indignation. Thankfully you oppose them with quotes from giants like Franklin, Kennedy and Putin. There is hope that future generations may dispense with hierarchy and caste finally and soon.

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Salut Matt. You expressed your opinion and facts expertly like the greats in ages past. We humans need you like the greats of the past. The satanic WEFers, just keep pushing their non-human, soulless agenda again and again, like they've done in eons past. Time for them to move elsewhere!! We humans are here to stay.

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What a creepy photo of Harari! It's telling that he says "when humans are no longer useful to the economy," rather than the economy as a system that exists to serve humans. Who does it serve? Some humans obvi. Just not the rest of us.

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge with this brilliant and rich commentary. There is much to savor and research for a novice such as myself.

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Harari, to wit; as Leonard Nimoy said in episode "The Enterprise Incident", "He is not sane".

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Malthus was proven wrong and derided as an incompetent within his own lifetime, over 200 years ago. His despicable 'work' survives only because it resonates with the cold souls of the billionaire/bankster class which does not see humanity as individuals with families & souls, but units to be worked & taxed.

Robert Zubrin's great book, Merchants Of Despair is quite clear on how Malthusian thought, in combination with the vicious racism of Darwin has shaped our modern world.

This has resulted in progress being sabotaged, for example nuclear power, through the zealots such as greenpeace, of the perverted 'environmental' movement.

Do humans have immortal souls?

I heartily recommend genius journalist Jim Marrs' excellent book, Our Occulted History.

Occculted=deliberately concealed.

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What are your thoughts on Edward Slavsquat?

"After all, Russia’s largest bank isn’t only interested in developing and distributing clot-shots: in 2020, Sber became the World Economic Forum’s climate change missionary for Russia. (Sber CEO Herman Gref is/was a member of the WEF’s Board of Trustees."


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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks for your post. Yuval Harari is a homosexual and supposedly Jewish although I say he is not but of the synagogue of Satan as the saying goes.

'Ara hair unholy va' is anagram of his name, but as he shaves his head that seems a bit odd. Like Yuval of course.

'Ara huh royal vain' is another anagram which makes sense seeing as he seems to think he can lord it over others.

I appreciate that London based deep state has a role in all the Covid 19 nonsense, but ignores the role of the Nazis and Marxists who currently run the USA and who are active the world over. They came out of Germany originally.

It also ignores the role of the Roman Catholic Church as all roads do really lead to Rome. After all ‘Vaccination’ is an anagram of ‘Icon Vatican which is a big clue.

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Should you travel to Europe anytime soon you would be invited to speak about the Fabian society ( et al. ) In Italy, as we have an untouchable minister of Health member of - or under direct orders of - such nefarious and evil group.

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I don't trust Putin. He is playing the same game. He still favors experimental vaccines for the VIC to be used on his people.

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Putting the blame for 4IR on Marshall McLuhan is a horrible misreading of the man’s work.

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“I am resolutely opposed to all innovation, all change, but I am determined to understand what’s happening. Because I don’t choose just to sit and let the juggernaut roll over me. Many people seem to think that if you talk about something recent, you’re in favor of it. The exact opposite is true in my case. Anything I talk about is almost certainly something I’m resolutely against. And it seems to me the best way to oppose it is to understand it. And then you know where to turn off the buttons.”-Marshall McLuhan

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I found a nice commentary in French about it:

Alain Gommerais: Bientôt va se reposer la contreverse du Concile de Valladolid...les pauvres ont-ils une âme ? Au sens de l'humanité, en fait servent-ils à quelque chose (prétexte officiel) pour pourvoir les exterminer en ayant bonne conscience.


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