The Covid was pure dictatorship, forcing millions of people to wear a mask

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They lied!

After 2 weeks of the lock down and the trash talk persisted. I knew there was a problem.

Then the Vax trash started. That made no sense to me. After almost a century of med researchers looking for a cure to another Corona virus I was supposed to believe there was suddenly a vax for this Corona virus. That made no logical sense to me. The first Corona virus I speak of is the Common Cold.

Then I was forced into a 10 day quarantine, because I came into contact with my fully Vax'd sister at my mother's funeral. The quarantine police pestered me nearly every day. I suspect that constant pestering may have been because I had recently purchased a Faraday bag and was experimenting with my phone in it. We now know the government were spying on our cellphone data at that time, and likely still are.

Needless to say, at this point I have nearly zero confidence in any information coming from the medical profession or any government agency.

Thanks for you great work Mathew.

Stay the Course.

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