Point 2) I don't think you can conflate the consumerist society of North America and Europe with all 'development'. The toxic cult of consumerism was directed, as Matthew has pointed out in other interviews, by the CIA with their Congress for Cultural Freedom. They were purposely directing people to patterns of behaviour that would re…
Point 2) I don't think you can conflate the consumerist society of North America and Europe with all 'development'. The toxic cult of consumerism was directed, as Matthew has pointed out in other interviews, by the CIA with their Congress for Cultural Freedom. They were purposely directing people to patterns of behaviour that would reduce the family to nothing. Who knows if future development would be similar or not. All I can say is that if things don't improve in the world fairly soon, it won't matter which empire runs things. Maybe a global flood would be an improvement on all this empire crap.
Regardless, how did you conclude he was "conflating the consumerist society of N America & Europe with 'all development'". He didn't even mention a single country or region in his statement. Only at the very end of the statement does he mention Asia, to provide an example - further supporting his general point....
Point 2) I don't think you can conflate the consumerist society of North America and Europe with all 'development'. The toxic cult of consumerism was directed, as Matthew has pointed out in other interviews, by the CIA with their Congress for Cultural Freedom. They were purposely directing people to patterns of behaviour that would reduce the family to nothing. Who knows if future development would be similar or not. All I can say is that if things don't improve in the world fairly soon, it won't matter which empire runs things. Maybe a global flood would be an improvement on all this empire crap.
I think you meant "Point 1)", not "Point 2)"....
Regardless, how did you conclude he was "conflating the consumerist society of N America & Europe with 'all development'". He didn't even mention a single country or region in his statement. Only at the very end of the statement does he mention Asia, to provide an example - further supporting his general point....