On his deathbed, Thule Society founder Dietrich Eckhert bragged of his initiation of Adolf Hitler into ‘The Secret Doctrine’—a term popularized by Madame Blavatsky in 1888. Eckert stated to a meeting of the Thule Gesellschaft in December 1923:
In regards to Gallipoli, I remember reading something from Richard Poe about how the Gallipoli campaign was never meant to succeed. He quoted an Australian author, Harvey Broadbent, who hypothesised that the British intentionally allowed the Turks to win. It was the worst possible landing spot to launch an attack, they informed the enemy 5 months in advance, the most incompetent commanders were put in charge. Had the Allies succeeded, Britain would have been obliged to turn Constantinople over to the Russians as per a secret treaty of March 1915. The British definitely didn't want to do that, so they intentionally lost the battle.
I was going to make a similar comment. McGregor and Docherty, in Prolonging the Agony, make the case the battle was deliberately lost because that passage was the promise to the Russians to fight this war, that is why the Tsar obliged. But they never wanted Russia to have it, had no intention of capturing it but needed a visible attempt to keep them in the war. The Russians were about to do it themselves.
Furthermore, the Mel Gibson character is loosely based on the journalist tasked with writing the "for public" version of this story. His real life name was Keith Murdoch and he midwifed a giant media empire from this.
But the stone bridge Tavistock-Exeter in south England is NOT the location of the Tavistock Clinic or The Tavistock centre of behaviour change. These were located in central London (Bloomsbury / Fitzrovia).
The Australians also were the ones who broke the stalemate on the Western Front in WW1 when they started in 1916 to work out tactics to avoid "the merciless machine gun fire" that marked the Battle of the Somme. By 1918, under the leadership of Lord Monash, they had had a string of victories that turned the tide. Enjoyed the discussion, thanks
The phrase "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will. The slaves shall serve." is actually associated with Aleister Crowley's philosophy of Thelema. It appears in "The Book of the Law" (Liber AL vel Legis), which is the central sacred text of Thelema.
FYI, I get varying opinions on Starikov but always find something new in his articles.
"So who is the real author of Mein Kampf? Turns out it’s an American intelligence agent.”
…”Hanfstaengl couple managed to save Hitler’s life twice. For the first time it happened in 1923 during their car trip to Berlin. The road was going through Saxony which was practically under the power of communists. That is why in that part of Germany there existed an order to arrest Hitler and “was even assigned a price for his head”. The unit of communistic militia stopped the car on the road. Then it was really the question of life and death. And at that very moment Hanfstaengl took out the Swiss passport out of his pocket (he used it to return from the USA) and explained that he was a foreigner going to the Leipzig Fair and accompanied by the driver and the footman. “You saved my life”, said Hitler then. In the next years Hitler always remembered that incident with appreciation. While Hanfstaengl wrote in his book that “Hitler was offended that I called him the footman”.
How about this:
.. "After he had done so much for the Reich, he suddenly left Germany in 1937. Meaning that he secretly left the country because he supposedly had conflict with Hitler’s surroundings and felt threat to his life.
Where did our hero go? To his other home — America. It appeared that in America he had another good friend, his Harvard classmate — president of the USA Franklin Delano Roosevelt! Our German hero worked for Hitler in the position of the press secretary of foreign affairs of the party, so what? In the United States Putzi laid wreaths to the memorials ... with eagles and swastika, so what?
During the World War II Hanfstaengl was working... as president Roosevelt’s counsel!
Not so secret any longer, [nazi] is just another name for 'serpent' & it's just a continuation of the oldest war, God I AM v evil
Come quickly Sweet Jesus.
[nazi] one world gov't is alive & thriving on this roQ; Eph 6:12
little "discussed" faQ, [nazi] killed nearly as many Christians as Jews.... Why ain't that discussed¿
MAGAA1st is the ONLY way to defeat evil
AND MAGAA1st will need many eyes on it too; Flesh being flesh
Now, if we could just get rid of the machines before 6-11-2024
1 Corinthians 16:22 translates the expression as: "Our Lord, come!" but notes that it could also be translated as: "Our Lord has come”; "Come, O Lord"; "Make room for the Master!"
Revelation 22:20: "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
Thanks for posting this comment. I am watching the interview now and am getting a bit riled up over this guy's presentation.
From the start this guy (Cooper) struck me as being a disinfo artist. His DoD creds don't help him and he comes off a lot like Stephen Greer of UFO fame. Then he informs everyone that you can't know the truth about a topic if you've only read a few books, you need to read 50, or 100 - in other words, finding the truth is too difficult for you, so don't bother, leave it to us, we're experts - on and on he goes. Utter nonsense.
The idea that Jim Jones was a "True Believer", and that his movement was organic and tracked the civil rights movement, etc is an outright lie. Worse than the stupid orthodox portrayal of him as being weird and charismatic, etc and weird things happen in the jungle when people get too religious...and communist. Jim Jones was a trained mind-control operator and the People's Temple was a mass-mind-control operation, plain and simple.
There's not enough space here to detail all of the evidence, but those people were murdered, with the exception of a few mothers who literally drank the kool aid a few moments after their infants were murdered in their arms by poison injections. Let that sink in for a moment. (Those injections were administered by the mostly female, white "family" members that surrounded Jim Jones and had deep family connections to the intelligence-elite families. Listen to the "death tape" and you'll hear the babies being murdered. After that, the distraught mothers drink the poison - I consider that murder too.)
Most others were injected against their will or shot down. Their bodies were collected from the fields and jungle and dumped off near the main pavilion. (Look at the aerial photos, pay attention to the tire tracks and body positions. How many trips from the fields and jungles back to the pavilion did that truck make, coming back over those tracks to dump those bodies near the pavilion to stage mass suicide? How many times did they practice the planned suicide - white nights - where the mind-control never took and people would never drink. Even on the death tape, they argue to the very end against suicide. Take a look at what the coroner said about the wounds on the bodies, etc. Take note of the survivors' reports of hiding in trees while gun shots rang out through the night.) There's so much more...this guy knows these things too, if he spent the time he claims reading about it and listened to all these tapes.
People, make no mistake, this was one of the sickest operations in human history. The ultimate cynical act: murder people and then accuse them of killing themselves. The one positive from this event is that the plan was to mind-control a bunch of people (who the world controllers consider to be worthless) into committing suicide and it failed. No matter how many scumbags like Cooper lie about it, it failed. Humanity's desire for life won. I bet that burns these people up to no end. Death cult indeed.
So, now we're going to have this chump (Darryl Cooper) come along and slander the victims again while insulting us about not having done a 32 hour podcast on the topic without actually getting into any of the fundamental underlying facts of the case and therefore not being qualified to speak about it.
This fits in with what I think of Tucker Carlson, especially after watching the clips of him and Joe Rogan that Matt pointed out regarding the whole alien nonsense. Tucker does some positive things, but he's got handlers, for sure. Ask Putin.
Addendum: I seem to recall that Col Towner Watkins (on Breaking History a while back) mentioned Jonestown and understood the true nature of it. Matt, this is an important issue (Jonestown) and this should be addressed formally. I think Gordon is really good on the show, but he's gotta get educated about Jonestown so he can see through hacks like this guy.
I appreciate your long post. And the more that I've dug into the Jonestown matter, the more I've come to agree with everything you've said. This article moved me especially https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/Jonestown.html
It's been a while since I dug into the massacre, but John Judge, Mae Brussell and Jim Hougan were three of the sources I found invaluable. Also though, you can look at the photos (espec. the aerial photos), read the bios of the persons in close (all white and mostly women) coterie surrounding him, listen to the tapes (espec. the death tape).
Not all aspects of the mass-murder thesis are easily provable, but there's enough primary evidence to completely demolish the orthodox narrative and enough to prove that murder was a significant element. After that, you start filling in from your understanding of how these operations work, including the cover-up, and it becomes pretty obvious. The occult connections are appearing more strongly to me now that I am revisiting it after having paid much attention to your recent work.
This might be the first piece I read years ago that made me wholly re-evaluate the "drink the kool-aid" thesis:
Colonel Towner-Watkins has a whole episode about Jones Town on her Operation Gladio series with Alpha Warrior. It's well worth a listen, she has done an incredible amount of research. I was gobsmacked listening to it.
but that is a great summary/primer. (You may want to skip ahead to where they get into the topic.)
She doesn't spend much time describing her sources, but I can say from my own experience that much of the info she puts out there is easily provable. I went through the exercise a few years ago. It's getting harder to find sources via search engines, but it's still there.
A few points:
She discusses the earlier days of Jim Jones playing the part of a "faith healer" who pulled cancers out of sick people's mouths. In reality, of course, they were chicken livers, and the willing participant would simply spit them out on cue. This is well documented and there is video of some of this, as well as video of Jim Jones stomping Bibles. Does this sound like a "True Believer" to you?
She brings up the links between Jim Jones, Jonestown, and various CIA foreign interference operations like Angola; as well as the co-location of the Jonestown complex with pre-existing Operation Gladio facilities. So basically, they had on-site oversight of the operation.
It's possible that Congressman Leo Ryan was moving against some of these CIA foreign interference operations and was lured to Jonestown to be murdered. I don't doubt this, but I have not satisfied myself that it is the case. The idea is that the family members of one of the "cultists" who convinced Ryan to investigate were actually aware of what was happening and were part of the operation. I don't know if this is true or not.
What I do know is true is that Mark Lane, perhaps the most prominent JFK Warren Commission skeptic, was in Jonestown at the time of the massacre. It seems clear that he was lured there by Jones' handlers in order to smear his reputation, and probably eliminate him too. His escape story is interesting.
One more thing: While in America, and especially while in the Bay Area, local politicians were frequenting events held by the People's Temple. This includes Harvey Milk and Mayor of SF, George Moscone. (Those two were killed by Dan White, days after the massacre in what was certainly further cleanup of the operation.) These people, and others, were undoubtedly receiving sexual favors from men, women and children Temple members. Jones is known to have sexually assaulted men and women Temple members frequently, which was clearly part of the trauma-based mind control technique. Take a look at Milk and Moscone's compadres and you'll see names like Feinstein and Pelosi...
There's so much more to this story, so why are Tucker and that fraud historian running cover for these people?
In regards to Gallipoli, I remember reading something from Richard Poe about how the Gallipoli campaign was never meant to succeed. He quoted an Australian author, Harvey Broadbent, who hypothesised that the British intentionally allowed the Turks to win. It was the worst possible landing spot to launch an attack, they informed the enemy 5 months in advance, the most incompetent commanders were put in charge. Had the Allies succeeded, Britain would have been obliged to turn Constantinople over to the Russians as per a secret treaty of March 1915. The British definitely didn't want to do that, so they intentionally lost the battle.
I was going to make a similar comment. McGregor and Docherty, in Prolonging the Agony, make the case the battle was deliberately lost because that passage was the promise to the Russians to fight this war, that is why the Tsar obliged. But they never wanted Russia to have it, had no intention of capturing it but needed a visible attempt to keep them in the war. The Russians were about to do it themselves.
Furthermore, the Mel Gibson character is loosely based on the journalist tasked with writing the "for public" version of this story. His real life name was Keith Murdoch and he midwifed a giant media empire from this.
His son, Rupert, still manages this empire.
I love your work. I really do.
But the stone bridge Tavistock-Exeter in south England is NOT the location of the Tavistock Clinic or The Tavistock centre of behaviour change. These were located in central London (Bloomsbury / Fitzrovia).
Do you have any idea how this has been confused? Not the first time I've heard this (Matt's) take on the painting.
Which is smaQ dab in the middle of the NWO, don't step in any of that....
The Australians also were the ones who broke the stalemate on the Western Front in WW1 when they started in 1916 to work out tactics to avoid "the merciless machine gun fire" that marked the Battle of the Somme. By 1918, under the leadership of Lord Monash, they had had a string of victories that turned the tide. Enjoyed the discussion, thanks
The phrase "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will. The slaves shall serve." is actually associated with Aleister Crowley's philosophy of Thelema. It appears in "The Book of the Law" (Liber AL vel Legis), which is the central sacred text of Thelema.
FYI, I get varying opinions on Starikov but always find something new in his articles.
"So who is the real author of Mein Kampf? Turns out it’s an American intelligence agent.”
…”Hanfstaengl couple managed to save Hitler’s life twice. For the first time it happened in 1923 during their car trip to Berlin. The road was going through Saxony which was practically under the power of communists. That is why in that part of Germany there existed an order to arrest Hitler and “was even assigned a price for his head”. The unit of communistic militia stopped the car on the road. Then it was really the question of life and death. And at that very moment Hanfstaengl took out the Swiss passport out of his pocket (he used it to return from the USA) and explained that he was a foreigner going to the Leipzig Fair and accompanied by the driver and the footman. “You saved my life”, said Hitler then. In the next years Hitler always remembered that incident with appreciation. While Hanfstaengl wrote in his book that “Hitler was offended that I called him the footman”.
How about this:
.. "After he had done so much for the Reich, he suddenly left Germany in 1937. Meaning that he secretly left the country because he supposedly had conflict with Hitler’s surroundings and felt threat to his life.
Where did our hero go? To his other home — America. It appeared that in America he had another good friend, his Harvard classmate — president of the USA Franklin Delano Roosevelt! Our German hero worked for Hitler in the position of the press secretary of foreign affairs of the party, so what? In the United States Putzi laid wreaths to the memorials ... with eagles and swastika, so what?
During the World War II Hanfstaengl was working... as president Roosevelt’s counsel!
Sittin' here on my SaQ of s33ds, pondering....
Not so secret any longer, [nazi] is just another name for 'serpent' & it's just a continuation of the oldest war, God I AM v evil
Come quickly Sweet Jesus.
[nazi] one world gov't is alive & thriving on this roQ; Eph 6:12
little "discussed" faQ, [nazi] killed nearly as many Christians as Jews.... Why ain't that discussed¿
MAGAA1st is the ONLY way to defeat evil
AND MAGAA1st will need many eyes on it too; Flesh being flesh
Now, if we could just get rid of the machines before 6-11-2024
1 Corinthians 16:22 translates the expression as: "Our Lord, come!" but notes that it could also be translated as: "Our Lord has come”; "Come, O Lord"; "Make room for the Master!"
Revelation 22:20: "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
I agree with your points. Another important aspect of the Jones Cult which Cooper completely ignored is found here: https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/Jonestown.html
Thanks for posting this comment. I am watching the interview now and am getting a bit riled up over this guy's presentation.
From the start this guy (Cooper) struck me as being a disinfo artist. His DoD creds don't help him and he comes off a lot like Stephen Greer of UFO fame. Then he informs everyone that you can't know the truth about a topic if you've only read a few books, you need to read 50, or 100 - in other words, finding the truth is too difficult for you, so don't bother, leave it to us, we're experts - on and on he goes. Utter nonsense.
The idea that Jim Jones was a "True Believer", and that his movement was organic and tracked the civil rights movement, etc is an outright lie. Worse than the stupid orthodox portrayal of him as being weird and charismatic, etc and weird things happen in the jungle when people get too religious...and communist. Jim Jones was a trained mind-control operator and the People's Temple was a mass-mind-control operation, plain and simple.
There's not enough space here to detail all of the evidence, but those people were murdered, with the exception of a few mothers who literally drank the kool aid a few moments after their infants were murdered in their arms by poison injections. Let that sink in for a moment. (Those injections were administered by the mostly female, white "family" members that surrounded Jim Jones and had deep family connections to the intelligence-elite families. Listen to the "death tape" and you'll hear the babies being murdered. After that, the distraught mothers drink the poison - I consider that murder too.)
Most others were injected against their will or shot down. Their bodies were collected from the fields and jungle and dumped off near the main pavilion. (Look at the aerial photos, pay attention to the tire tracks and body positions. How many trips from the fields and jungles back to the pavilion did that truck make, coming back over those tracks to dump those bodies near the pavilion to stage mass suicide? How many times did they practice the planned suicide - white nights - where the mind-control never took and people would never drink. Even on the death tape, they argue to the very end against suicide. Take a look at what the coroner said about the wounds on the bodies, etc. Take note of the survivors' reports of hiding in trees while gun shots rang out through the night.) There's so much more...this guy knows these things too, if he spent the time he claims reading about it and listened to all these tapes.
People, make no mistake, this was one of the sickest operations in human history. The ultimate cynical act: murder people and then accuse them of killing themselves. The one positive from this event is that the plan was to mind-control a bunch of people (who the world controllers consider to be worthless) into committing suicide and it failed. No matter how many scumbags like Cooper lie about it, it failed. Humanity's desire for life won. I bet that burns these people up to no end. Death cult indeed.
So, now we're going to have this chump (Darryl Cooper) come along and slander the victims again while insulting us about not having done a 32 hour podcast on the topic without actually getting into any of the fundamental underlying facts of the case and therefore not being qualified to speak about it.
This fits in with what I think of Tucker Carlson, especially after watching the clips of him and Joe Rogan that Matt pointed out regarding the whole alien nonsense. Tucker does some positive things, but he's got handlers, for sure. Ask Putin.
Addendum: I seem to recall that Col Towner Watkins (on Breaking History a while back) mentioned Jonestown and understood the true nature of it. Matt, this is an important issue (Jonestown) and this should be addressed formally. I think Gordon is really good on the show, but he's gotta get educated about Jonestown so he can see through hacks like this guy.
Sorry for the long post.
I appreciate your long post. And the more that I've dug into the Jonestown matter, the more I've come to agree with everything you've said. This article moved me especially https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/Jonestown.html
Thanks for the reply Matt.
It's been a while since I dug into the massacre, but John Judge, Mae Brussell and Jim Hougan were three of the sources I found invaluable. Also though, you can look at the photos (espec. the aerial photos), read the bios of the persons in close (all white and mostly women) coterie surrounding him, listen to the tapes (espec. the death tape).
Not all aspects of the mass-murder thesis are easily provable, but there's enough primary evidence to completely demolish the orthodox narrative and enough to prove that murder was a significant element. After that, you start filling in from your understanding of how these operations work, including the cover-up, and it becomes pretty obvious. The occult connections are appearing more strongly to me now that I am revisiting it after having paid much attention to your recent work.
This might be the first piece I read years ago that made me wholly re-evaluate the "drink the kool-aid" thesis:
There's plenty there to get started, and the footnotes are of value too.
Colonel Towner-Watkins has a whole episode about Jones Town on her Operation Gladio series with Alpha Warrior. It's well worth a listen, she has done an incredible amount of research. I was gobsmacked listening to it.
Thanks for posting the reference. I'm not sure if this is what you were referring to:
but that is a great summary/primer. (You may want to skip ahead to where they get into the topic.)
She doesn't spend much time describing her sources, but I can say from my own experience that much of the info she puts out there is easily provable. I went through the exercise a few years ago. It's getting harder to find sources via search engines, but it's still there.
A few points:
She discusses the earlier days of Jim Jones playing the part of a "faith healer" who pulled cancers out of sick people's mouths. In reality, of course, they were chicken livers, and the willing participant would simply spit them out on cue. This is well documented and there is video of some of this, as well as video of Jim Jones stomping Bibles. Does this sound like a "True Believer" to you?
She brings up the links between Jim Jones, Jonestown, and various CIA foreign interference operations like Angola; as well as the co-location of the Jonestown complex with pre-existing Operation Gladio facilities. So basically, they had on-site oversight of the operation.
It's possible that Congressman Leo Ryan was moving against some of these CIA foreign interference operations and was lured to Jonestown to be murdered. I don't doubt this, but I have not satisfied myself that it is the case. The idea is that the family members of one of the "cultists" who convinced Ryan to investigate were actually aware of what was happening and were part of the operation. I don't know if this is true or not.
What I do know is true is that Mark Lane, perhaps the most prominent JFK Warren Commission skeptic, was in Jonestown at the time of the massacre. It seems clear that he was lured there by Jones' handlers in order to smear his reputation, and probably eliminate him too. His escape story is interesting.
One more thing: While in America, and especially while in the Bay Area, local politicians were frequenting events held by the People's Temple. This includes Harvey Milk and Mayor of SF, George Moscone. (Those two were killed by Dan White, days after the massacre in what was certainly further cleanup of the operation.) These people, and others, were undoubtedly receiving sexual favors from men, women and children Temple members. Jones is known to have sexually assaulted men and women Temple members frequently, which was clearly part of the trauma-based mind control technique. Take a look at Milk and Moscone's compadres and you'll see names like Feinstein and Pelosi...
There's so much more to this story, so why are Tucker and that fraud historian running cover for these people?