You are very interesting and insightful.

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I particularly like the videos between you and Sean. Always good topics and professionally done. Hope to see many more videos of you two in the future. Cheers!

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In Memory and the Spirit of James Baldwin:

On August 6, 2023, the Occupied State of Japan, (on Hiroshima bombing anniversary), decries Russia’s ‘nuclear threat, with no mention made of Anglo-American’s involvement in the tragedy that set the stage for the Cold War.

Henceforth, the U.S. denied the Humanist roots and the tradition of the 19th Century “American System of Political Economy” and embraced our nemesis’ Anti-Humanist, British “Free Trade’ System of Imperialist Hegemony and World Domination. Mathew Ehret presents this case masterfully, In “Breaking History”,Episode 8.

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Excellent presentation! Posted to my networks. For further consideration on this subject,

Please address the misguided notion being promulgated by Libertarian networks in the US, that equate the Hamiltonian “American System of Political Economy”, 1st and 2nd National Banks (Public) of the US are equivalent to the Federal Reserve Private Central Bank. Andrew Jackson is hailed as a hero for disbanding the 2nd National Bank, but in fact it plunged the U.S. into a recession and thousands of private regional banks were allowed to print their own currencies. Hayek and Mises Libertarians appear to push a renewed Confederacy, Colonization and Balkanization of the U.S. , under British “Free Trade” Imperialist dominion. Thank you.

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