Re: regenerative farming. It does work. Joel Salatin and Allan Savory have proven that if we graze cattle the way they would graze in a natural setting with predators, in small bunches quickly moving through, they actually improve the soil conditions. Just look at the 29 foot topsoil on the prairies from the bison herds. Small farms that take from older self sustaining methods can and do work. The problem has always been the not really free market that has always been controlled by megacorporations and banks. Farmers now are trained by chemical sales reps to believe it's better to keep the cattle living on piles of their own manure while feeding them hay grown with chemicals from the pasture the cattle aren't allowed to graze on. It's insane. We need to refine our understanding of microorganisms and how they are critical to soil health and plant growth. There is a lot to learn and re learn. The Green Revolution was about spreading chemical use throughout the world, it did not actually improve quality of food production. Masanobu Fukuoka actually experimented and proved that mimicking nature produced higher yields AND better soil and water retention.

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So much of science has been lead astray. Agriculture especially. You guys might want to read some rebels of science, like Harold Hillman, or Mae Wan Ho who debunked genetic determinism. or Gerald Pollack on the 5th phase of water and how this literally forces a rewrite of cell biology. Much of current science is based on bad ideas. There is a huge hope for a better future once we can root out the financial corruption of the discoveries of how nature really works.

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