Great discussion. However, I suffer a complete disconnect, if not permanent detachment with your thinking about energy, as I do with all “normal” people, in spite of their intelligence due to “emotional beliefs” that shape their understandings. I’m just too bloody logic-bound (autistic) when it comes to science, particularly physics, engineering and biochemistry, and so I’m triggered, almost automatically, whenever you feel the need to behave like a traffic cop who’s monopolized the rules & methods of problem-solving history’s mysteries. I’ve never been a “cultists,” as you say, but have a unique understanding of physics and energy that allows me to, not believe, but understand our universe; one of an infinite, expanding multiverse with infinite recycling processes from birth, near death to a natural rebirth. I hope to convince you (someday) of this “reality.”

I am looking forward to reading your latest book on science, however, preemptively skeptical about some of your conclusions such as one universe, the use of solar panels & wind turbines, and as I just mentioned, how your mind thinks about energy in general. When you stick to dates, historical records, art & music and those who manipulated it over time, I’m almost in complete agreement and can’t wait for your next discussion. Additionally, I Love and admire Dr. Fuellmich and Dagmar, too. Beautiful minds. You are becoming an invaluable asset I can’t do without—helping me complete and properly edit my own work in progress. You better live a long life, Matt.

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That’s quite naive assessment , imo, and one loaded with Hopium.

The latest from Russia: “ In order to create an appropriate platform for resolving interstate issues of managing the climate agenda, for the development of transboundary projects, synchronizing approaches to carbon regulation and developing joint standards for the energy transition, Sber proposes to create a BRICS climate council,” https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russias-friendliest-bank-will-help?

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I'm so glad you addressed this critically important question. For years now, I haven't' been clear as to whether Russia was playing a role (acting as if it were opposing the expansion of NATO and the NWO, to create the next New Thing), or whether it was a legitimate force counterposing the globalists. I was hoping the latter, and see that corresponds to your considered view.

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What is actually the latest on Reiner after his arrest and everything? It’s gone very quiet.

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So what do you make of Falun Gung?

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