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Matthew, I agree with everything you say about oligarchical systems throughout the history. They make huge mistakes driven by enormous hubris, but they can also kill millions of people with their scheming and manipulations. The technological advancements have now turbocharged their power to inflict damage to billions of human lives. We currently have an oligarchical system with unprecedented powers to control people, to inflict damage, to kill, while the majority of humanity is utterly unaware of the war being waged against us. Without a critical mass of awareness and resistance we will fail to protect ourselves. This combination is deadly.

Where we differ, I think, is that you see the resistance by China, Russia, et al to Western Oligarchy as a potential salvation, while I see oligarchies in these countries which will sooner side with their oligarchical brethren in the West than with their own people let alone with people living under Western Oligarchical yoke. Whatever is happening now is not something which is likely end in our liberation; I mostly see jockeying for better final oligarchical settlement. Only we can save ourselves; nobody else will. We can still save ourselves and overthrow this system, but it cannot happen with the current velocity of awakening. KOVID was a test which Humanity has failed. Nobody can predict the future, but based on current force diagram, I would say we are in deep trouble.

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I feel like you're not actually thinking about the points that I have been making. As I lay out the point clearly in the article I referenced in my first response to you, (on top of the myriad of other locations that I've developed this point), the core aims, principles, effects and designs of the Chinese, Russian alliance that serves as bedrock of a new system stands in total opposition to the evil death cult agenda animating the unreconstructed Nazi system that took over the western nations the minute Franklin Roosevelt died. I'm not saying China or Russia can save us, but I will say that without their fighting as they have fought and continue to fight then we will not be able to save ourselves. Lastly, I highly recommend you actually read my referenced essay and tell me what it is wtihin its content that confuses you:


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Matthew, a very thoughtful essay. I am fully aware of real physical development of China, Russia, India,... They are doing what the young US Republic wished to do in contrast to the British Empire. At the end, American System was undermined and oligarchical structures behind British Empire took over the US. American physical development was real just as China’s is today, and yet the oligarchical system prevailed and killed off American physical development. Other countries wanted to follow the lessons of the American System. Germany, Japan, South Korea, Soviet Union, and now China, have all used American System’s methods through works of Friedrich List. There are no other quick ways to increase the standard of living of a country. It is obvious to both of us that British Oligarchy won the battle with the American System. Western Empire is a continuation of British Empire with the visible imperial center shifting to the US. What I currently see is the replay of the imperial methods used to subdue the US being used against China. It took two world wars, in addition to constant internal meddling, to destroy American independence. I do not wish what had happened to the US to happen to China and any of the others desiring real physical improvements of their countries. We both know that the Empire is relentless and is willing to do ANYTHING to achieve its perverted goals. In addition, both China and Russia, in contrast to Early American Republic, are rather comfortable with totalitarian measures for controlling their respective populations. In this respect, the Western Empire’s descent into totalitarian control of its population is totally in sync with China’s. During KOVID psy-op there have obviously been some level of coordination of measures, to me, a most troubling indicator. China/Russia “victory” over Western Empire is unlikely to undo the totalitarian shift which we are currently undergoing. I see a lot of potential convergence between “east” and “west” and it is all troubling. There is a good chance that an emerging China’s oligarchy will at some point decide that they have more in common with Western Oligarchy than with its own people. This development is already more visible in Russia. British Oligarchy won by fostering its own oligarchical Fifth Column in the US, and they are surely currently using the same methodology on the target countries. The same can happen again. It is worth keeping in mind that the British Nation State was utterly exhausted by WWI, WWII and colonial (mis)adventures. And yet, the British Oligarchy prevailed over a dynamic and growing nation state - the US. The same can happen again.

I believe we are mostly on the same frequency with the difference being in your more optimistic outlook and my grimmer outlook. In any case, we are living through tumultuous times and I hope we both live to see the final outcome.

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On "coordinated covid policies": I wrote the following recently https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/beijing-the-five-eyes-or-something

On their totalitarian control of their people: It isn't nearly as bad as you appear to think it is. The social credit hellscape is a made-up illusion promoted with the help of armadas of Falun Gong cultists under the inter-galactic messiah Li Hongzhi who runs Epoch Times and works with the Western directed Chinese deep state that began to get exposed when China kicked out Soros in 1989. I did a few things on that topic here:


and here: https://rumble.com/v2a5pde-how-china-banned-soros-in-1989-a-canadian-patriot-press-film.html

and a myriad of other places.

The takeaway, is that the same oligarchist operations that are trying to destroy the USA and Europe are the same oligarchist operations that have been kicked out of China and are painting the dark totalitarian hellscape image of China which you have chosen to embrace.

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I did not embrace imperial picture of China, but neither have I closed my eyes to Chinese system’s reality. The fact is that most of the KOVID measures in China were incorporated into the Western Empire’s “response”. None of the pandemic preparedness plans of the countries in the West contained those measures. Imperial oligarchy admires China’s expedient methods; they are working hard on refashioning our systems to systems resembling those of China. I don’t wish China to lose its sovereignty to imperial oligarchical structures, but neither do I want to close my eyes to the nature of the Chinese system. I grew up under communism and I know, first hand, one or two things about totalitarian systems. While I believe Chinese system is up for Chinese people to deal however they wish, I don’t wish any elements of Chinese system incorporated here regardless how social credit and such aren’t as bad as imperial propaganda makes them to appear. The ease with which Western Oligarchy is extinguishing our rights is enabled by people who have lost their sense of freedom and what freedom really means. For me social credit systems are totalitarian measures, regardless in what stage they may be in their totalitarian development. Chinese did the right thing to kick Soros out but that does not change my opinion of the Chinese system. Just because I don’t want Imperial Criminals ruling us, it doesn’t mean I need to look at the Chinese system as something desirable. I agree with their desire to be in charge of their destiny, of keeping their sovereignty, of desiring a real physical development. I desire the same for our countries in the West. I see no Chinese internal structures desirable for us, least of all social credit systems, ease of spying on their people. I am distressed that Western Criminal Oligarchy desires the same for us.

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