I am on Team Trump and the America First MAGA Patriots. You are apparently on Team Xi and the BRICS+ so I just bought your two books on the China Psyops because like you wrote, “Know your Enemy.”
I am on Team Trump and the America First MAGA Patriots. You are apparently on Team Xi and the BRICS+ so I just bought your two books on the China Psyops because like you wrote, “Know your Enemy.”
Hey William. As you know I am a supporter of Trump and I don't see it as exclusive of supporting the BRICS+ or Xi. I'm also happy that you bought the two volumes and hope you enjoy the content
It is impossible to be on Team Trump and simultaneously support a Maoist dictator like Xi and his totalitarian technocracy in China. What I am struggling to understand is why supposed Patriots like Matthew Ehret, Cynthia Chung, the laroucheorganization.com, and even Alex Krainer can be supporters of the BRICS after reading the XV BRICS Summit Declaration?
It seems to me that BRICS is not just a “Belt and Road Initiative” for global infrastructure development, but in actuality BRICS is laying the foundation for “Global Governance” led by China. The XV BRICS Summit Declaration reads like a bureaucratic administrative guidebook for implementing a One World Global Governance Technocracy. It looks like the UN and all of its sub-agencies (WHO, WTO, IMF, etc.) are all caught in the middle of a Tug-of-War between the BRICS and the WEF. The question is….who will win control over the UN and get to implement their version of Global Governance? In light of this apparent Tug-of-War between BRICS and WEF is the added confusion of why would the WEF hold its Summer Davos in China???
Hey William. I say this with fully respect, but your confusion is due to a lack of awareness of the factors at play, and a certain superficially in your method of analysis. Trump's synergy with the fight to established a viable financial-security-cultural program along side Russia and China is documented thoroughly in my book series as well as the video I published on 'Why China Kicked out George Soros in 1989' which you can watch here: https://rumble.com/v2a5pde-how-china-banned-soros-in-1989-a-canadian-patriot-press-film.html
You place too much importants on words rather than real processes shaping reality, and due to that over-valuation of words, you have found yourself accepting toxic narratives shaping how your mind receives, and judges facts, while closing your mind off of facts that disrupt those judgements you have allowed yourself to commit to far too quickly.
Again, I'm not trying to insult you here, but I really do encourage you to with-hold your leaps to judgement in order to evaluate a wider array of facts objectively such as reading through the entire BRICS declaration and not merely looking at selected points enumerated after point 52 which fall into your pre-judgement of the New World Order. Seriously, take 15 min and read the whole list of points in the declaration, including the emphasis on using hydropower, nuclear power and even fossil fuels, ending poverty, promoting industrial growth for all nations, and then compare those written words with actual measurable actions taken by China and other allies in regards to protocols which undermine oligarchist systems.
But seriously, you need to use a different method of analysis and be more rigorous before leaping to judgement. Start with the link to my video above and ideally work through the Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops vol 1 which you mentioned that you purchased.
Why do you avoid all of the Declaration’s references to global governance, Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, and all of its other bureaucratic administrative-ese that promotes a One World United Nations?
The two places where the term 'global governance' is brought up are directly tied to the simple topic of policies which influence the governing of the world. If you want to live in some fantasy world where nations don't have to coordinate policies that influence the world on which we all live, then you are sadly out of touch with reality. The question is: will those policies be tied to natural law (which involves the right of all people to abundant food, water, job opportunities, security, peace). These proscriptions were what informed the best of the USA's constitutional traditions and the Four Freedoms that animated the original intention of the UN Charter which is very different from the earlier League of Nations. If you are not aware of this history, then you can get a quick primer in this episode of Rogue News: https://canadianpatriot.org/2021/06/29/the-strategic-hour-with-matt-ehret-the-un-charter-vs-unipolar-rules-based-order/
The IMF and World Bank were the world's two first such institutions created during the 1944 conference at Bretton Woods. Along with the original UN Charter, these institutions were originally designed to be tools of actual development launched by the international new dealers working with Franklin Roosevelt.
The Chinese and Russian leadership are operating from the standpoint that they can influence these mechanisms to return to their founding principles just as they are operating on the strategic standpoint that the USA and other western nations can sober up and re-discover their constitutional better selves.
This is shaped by a deep Confucian philosophy from China side and a sharp grasp of natural law from a Christian ethos from Russia's side.
The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN is made up of 17 points. Of course the agenda itself emerged un-naturally with an evil intention in the 1990s to promote a new set of dark age values for a Great Reset system that desires global depopulation, stupidification and de-industrialization. However, since the oligarchy can't say 'we want to kill everyone and restore feudalism'... so they had to use generic broad, generic rosy language with uber-vague goals that are:
1 'end poverty', 2 'no hunger', 3 'good health/wellbeing', 4 'quality education', 5 'gender equality', 6 clean water/sanitation, 7 affordable clean energy, 8 decent work/economic growth, 9 industry-innovation-infrastructure, 10 reduced inequalities, 11 sustainable cities, 12 responsible consumption/prodcution, 13 climate action, 14 clean life before water, 15 improved life on land, 16 peace-justice-strengthen institutions, 17- build partnerships to make happen.
There is obviously alot of room for maneuvering here over WHAT AND HOW will these things be defined. For the most part no sane person would think that any of those 17 things are intrinsically evil. The question is how do you define the problems and what set of values are you applying to address them? If you are a death cultist then you want to value actions on each 17 points which kills people, reduces the effect of life, makes people stupider, selfish and fearful and ironically increases inequality, land abuse, destroys partnerships, undermines life, and all of the other positive generic goals.
The question then becomes: based on the effects of their policies, ARE China and Russia advancing a death cult agenda? Is mobility of the individual both social and geographical increasing or decreasing? Is energy access and affordability per capita, and national increasing or decreasing? Is poverty decreasing and is longevity increasing? Are wars increasing or decreasing through their policies? Are productive industrial forces increasing or decreasing through their policies? How about business? Are entreprenneurs and small/medium business getting punished by ESG/carbon taxes etc? OR are businesses encouraged to access more carbon-based power? Is the industrial base of China being wired to a dependency on 'green energy systems like windmills/solar panels' as they are being sold in the west OR are those green energy systems only used for residential sectors while industrial activity is supported by hydrocarbon/nuclear/hydro power? CULTURALLY: are the cultures of Eurasian nations being coerced into embracing a woke, nihilistic anti-family, set of values OR the opposite (clue: it is the opposite).
GENDER EQUALITY: If you think there aren't serious issues globally around gender inequality you are out to lunch. Women were just granted the right to drive cars in Saudi Arabia in 2020, and still can't vote. Female genital mutilation is still rampant among tribes across Africa, and don't get me started on India and Pakistan. This generic topic doesn't mean you want to eliminate the 'male/female' sexes nor does it mean enforcing equal outcomes independent of merit.
The WTO emerged out of the earlier GATT which was created at Bretton Woods in 1944 and generally is also made up of vague rules without alot of detail supporting 'economic justice', economic freedom, blah blah blah. These institutions are vague, generic and open to being influenced towards the good or towards the evil based upon the reality of political agendas who carry weight. The reason why they are used to destructive ends is because the rules and general principles they promote are not followed so if China, Russia, Iran etc believe that they can use their new-found economic weight to influence them towards sanity instead of embracing the alternative which is total war (which means nuclear war), then I get why they would push in that direction.
Lastly, I go into this reasoning with much much more detail, supporting statistics and references in the following locations:
So very sad that you have surrendered your PERSONAL Liberty & Rights, oh wait, you’re Canadian, you’ve always been a subject of the Crown and never experienced Personal Liberty & Rights. Well, as an American, I have no intention of surrendering my Personal Liberty & Rights to any Globalist Oligarchy, be it the BIS-WEF-UN-NATO-City of London-Vatican Oligarchy or the BRICS+ Oligarchy. You really should become a true Patriot, like Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Matthew Carey, Henry Carey, John Quincy Adams, Nicholas Biddle, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, FDR, JFK, and Donald Trump, and spend your time and energy promoting the American System of Political Economy, the US Constitution, and the US Bill of Rights.
I’m surprised that you can’t see that Xi is using the Belt and Road Initiative as bait to form an alliance of third world countries in order to take control of the UN. Have you ever watched the old movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life?” Remember the scene where Banker Old Man Potter tries to hire George Bailey by flattering him up with platitudes and offers of wealth and luxuries, but in reality Potter just wanted to own George so that as soon as Potter got what he wanted he was going crush George and eliminate him as a competitor.
In many ways I see you playing the role of George Bailey and Xi playing the role of Potter, except, unlike George Bailey, you’ve taken Xi’s offer and are now trying to sellout all of your audience to the Xi-world Globalists. I hope you have a Clarence to save your soul.
I forgot to mention that it is quizzical/puzzling that the XV BRICS Summit Declaration was written in such perfect English without any hint of an accent coming from the languages of the host countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, or South Africa. It makes me wonder just who the intended audience of the Declaration was written for, obviously not the people of the host countries, but more likely the people of the Western countries.....their Enemy.
It was translated into many languages. English happens to be a lingua franca at this moment in history due to the hegemony of Anglo-American colonialism for the past few centuries, so it shouldn't surprise you that people across BRICS nations include folks who speak and write english rather well
I am on Team Trump and the America First MAGA Patriots. You are apparently on Team Xi and the BRICS+ so I just bought your two books on the China Psyops because like you wrote, “Know your Enemy.”
Hey William. As you know I am a supporter of Trump and I don't see it as exclusive of supporting the BRICS+ or Xi. I'm also happy that you bought the two volumes and hope you enjoy the content
Hey Matt,
It is impossible to be on Team Trump and simultaneously support a Maoist dictator like Xi and his totalitarian technocracy in China. What I am struggling to understand is why supposed Patriots like Matthew Ehret, Cynthia Chung, the laroucheorganization.com, and even Alex Krainer can be supporters of the BRICS after reading the XV BRICS Summit Declaration?
It seems to me that BRICS is not just a “Belt and Road Initiative” for global infrastructure development, but in actuality BRICS is laying the foundation for “Global Governance” led by China. The XV BRICS Summit Declaration reads like a bureaucratic administrative guidebook for implementing a One World Global Governance Technocracy. It looks like the UN and all of its sub-agencies (WHO, WTO, IMF, etc.) are all caught in the middle of a Tug-of-War between the BRICS and the WEF. The question is….who will win control over the UN and get to implement their version of Global Governance? In light of this apparent Tug-of-War between BRICS and WEF is the added confusion of why would the WEF hold its Summer Davos in China???
XV BRICS+ 2023 Summit Declarations:
Hey William. I say this with fully respect, but your confusion is due to a lack of awareness of the factors at play, and a certain superficially in your method of analysis. Trump's synergy with the fight to established a viable financial-security-cultural program along side Russia and China is documented thoroughly in my book series as well as the video I published on 'Why China Kicked out George Soros in 1989' which you can watch here: https://rumble.com/v2a5pde-how-china-banned-soros-in-1989-a-canadian-patriot-press-film.html
You place too much importants on words rather than real processes shaping reality, and due to that over-valuation of words, you have found yourself accepting toxic narratives shaping how your mind receives, and judges facts, while closing your mind off of facts that disrupt those judgements you have allowed yourself to commit to far too quickly.
Again, I'm not trying to insult you here, but I really do encourage you to with-hold your leaps to judgement in order to evaluate a wider array of facts objectively such as reading through the entire BRICS declaration and not merely looking at selected points enumerated after point 52 which fall into your pre-judgement of the New World Order. Seriously, take 15 min and read the whole list of points in the declaration, including the emphasis on using hydropower, nuclear power and even fossil fuels, ending poverty, promoting industrial growth for all nations, and then compare those written words with actual measurable actions taken by China and other allies in regards to protocols which undermine oligarchist systems.
But seriously, you need to use a different method of analysis and be more rigorous before leaping to judgement. Start with the link to my video above and ideally work through the Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops vol 1 which you mentioned that you purchased.
Before you write anymore posts about the BRICS, actually READ their Declaration in their own words.
It’s only 26 pages long. I don’t think I read anywhere in those 26 pages the words, “Belt and Road Initiative.”
Read it for yourself.....
I have read it William. Everything I wrote stands
Why do you avoid all of the Declaration’s references to global governance, Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, and all of its other bureaucratic administrative-ese that promotes a One World United Nations?
The two places where the term 'global governance' is brought up are directly tied to the simple topic of policies which influence the governing of the world. If you want to live in some fantasy world where nations don't have to coordinate policies that influence the world on which we all live, then you are sadly out of touch with reality. The question is: will those policies be tied to natural law (which involves the right of all people to abundant food, water, job opportunities, security, peace). These proscriptions were what informed the best of the USA's constitutional traditions and the Four Freedoms that animated the original intention of the UN Charter which is very different from the earlier League of Nations. If you are not aware of this history, then you can get a quick primer in this episode of Rogue News: https://canadianpatriot.org/2021/06/29/the-strategic-hour-with-matt-ehret-the-un-charter-vs-unipolar-rules-based-order/
The IMF and World Bank were the world's two first such institutions created during the 1944 conference at Bretton Woods. Along with the original UN Charter, these institutions were originally designed to be tools of actual development launched by the international new dealers working with Franklin Roosevelt.
I wrote about this fight at Bretton Woods between the anti-oligarchists of the USA vs the eugenics-obsessed globalists of the British Empire here: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-ugly-truth-of-john-maynard-keynes
The Chinese and Russian leadership are operating from the standpoint that they can influence these mechanisms to return to their founding principles just as they are operating on the strategic standpoint that the USA and other western nations can sober up and re-discover their constitutional better selves.
This is shaped by a deep Confucian philosophy from China side and a sharp grasp of natural law from a Christian ethos from Russia's side.
The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN is made up of 17 points. Of course the agenda itself emerged un-naturally with an evil intention in the 1990s to promote a new set of dark age values for a Great Reset system that desires global depopulation, stupidification and de-industrialization. However, since the oligarchy can't say 'we want to kill everyone and restore feudalism'... so they had to use generic broad, generic rosy language with uber-vague goals that are:
1 'end poverty', 2 'no hunger', 3 'good health/wellbeing', 4 'quality education', 5 'gender equality', 6 clean water/sanitation, 7 affordable clean energy, 8 decent work/economic growth, 9 industry-innovation-infrastructure, 10 reduced inequalities, 11 sustainable cities, 12 responsible consumption/prodcution, 13 climate action, 14 clean life before water, 15 improved life on land, 16 peace-justice-strengthen institutions, 17- build partnerships to make happen.
There is obviously alot of room for maneuvering here over WHAT AND HOW will these things be defined. For the most part no sane person would think that any of those 17 things are intrinsically evil. The question is how do you define the problems and what set of values are you applying to address them? If you are a death cultist then you want to value actions on each 17 points which kills people, reduces the effect of life, makes people stupider, selfish and fearful and ironically increases inequality, land abuse, destroys partnerships, undermines life, and all of the other positive generic goals.
The question then becomes: based on the effects of their policies, ARE China and Russia advancing a death cult agenda? Is mobility of the individual both social and geographical increasing or decreasing? Is energy access and affordability per capita, and national increasing or decreasing? Is poverty decreasing and is longevity increasing? Are wars increasing or decreasing through their policies? Are productive industrial forces increasing or decreasing through their policies? How about business? Are entreprenneurs and small/medium business getting punished by ESG/carbon taxes etc? OR are businesses encouraged to access more carbon-based power? Is the industrial base of China being wired to a dependency on 'green energy systems like windmills/solar panels' as they are being sold in the west OR are those green energy systems only used for residential sectors while industrial activity is supported by hydrocarbon/nuclear/hydro power? CULTURALLY: are the cultures of Eurasian nations being coerced into embracing a woke, nihilistic anti-family, set of values OR the opposite (clue: it is the opposite).
GENDER EQUALITY: If you think there aren't serious issues globally around gender inequality you are out to lunch. Women were just granted the right to drive cars in Saudi Arabia in 2020, and still can't vote. Female genital mutilation is still rampant among tribes across Africa, and don't get me started on India and Pakistan. This generic topic doesn't mean you want to eliminate the 'male/female' sexes nor does it mean enforcing equal outcomes independent of merit.
The WTO emerged out of the earlier GATT which was created at Bretton Woods in 1944 and generally is also made up of vague rules without alot of detail supporting 'economic justice', economic freedom, blah blah blah. These institutions are vague, generic and open to being influenced towards the good or towards the evil based upon the reality of political agendas who carry weight. The reason why they are used to destructive ends is because the rules and general principles they promote are not followed so if China, Russia, Iran etc believe that they can use their new-found economic weight to influence them towards sanity instead of embracing the alternative which is total war (which means nuclear war), then I get why they would push in that direction.
Lastly, I go into this reasoning with much much more detail, supporting statistics and references in the following locations:
The first article is:
The other article is:
So very sad that you have surrendered your PERSONAL Liberty & Rights, oh wait, you’re Canadian, you’ve always been a subject of the Crown and never experienced Personal Liberty & Rights. Well, as an American, I have no intention of surrendering my Personal Liberty & Rights to any Globalist Oligarchy, be it the BIS-WEF-UN-NATO-City of London-Vatican Oligarchy or the BRICS+ Oligarchy. You really should become a true Patriot, like Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Matthew Carey, Henry Carey, John Quincy Adams, Nicholas Biddle, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, FDR, JFK, and Donald Trump, and spend your time and energy promoting the American System of Political Economy, the US Constitution, and the US Bill of Rights.
Sure William.
I’m surprised that you can’t see that Xi is using the Belt and Road Initiative as bait to form an alliance of third world countries in order to take control of the UN. Have you ever watched the old movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life?” Remember the scene where Banker Old Man Potter tries to hire George Bailey by flattering him up with platitudes and offers of wealth and luxuries, but in reality Potter just wanted to own George so that as soon as Potter got what he wanted he was going crush George and eliminate him as a competitor.
In many ways I see you playing the role of George Bailey and Xi playing the role of Potter, except, unlike George Bailey, you’ve taken Xi’s offer and are now trying to sellout all of your audience to the Xi-world Globalists. I hope you have a Clarence to save your soul.
I forgot to mention that it is quizzical/puzzling that the XV BRICS Summit Declaration was written in such perfect English without any hint of an accent coming from the languages of the host countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, or South Africa. It makes me wonder just who the intended audience of the Declaration was written for, obviously not the people of the host countries, but more likely the people of the Western countries.....their Enemy.
It was translated into many languages. English happens to be a lingua franca at this moment in history due to the hegemony of Anglo-American colonialism for the past few centuries, so it shouldn't surprise you that people across BRICS nations include folks who speak and write english rather well