Thanks for this important conversation! Thanks for bringing John Helmer to our attention. Matth, you are focusing on the most important aspects and wrapping up John Helmers analyses in a most constructive way. In Germany the situation is very dull indeed, see the election results in Lower Saxony last Sunday that are mind boggling and unexplicable with respect to the winning Reds and Greens. How was this possible, given the mood in our country, I do not know.

However, most importantly your reference to the truckers movement in Canada last winter. And yes, the East Germans (ex- GDR) are rising now faster than our people in the West of Germany and with the most relevant slogans: "Stop the sanction policies", „Let the Russian gas flow", "Get the NS II and I pipelines repaired", „End the flow of arms to Ukraine".

You are rightfully asking for clear minded and charismatic leaders, but who ever sticks his or her head out, is poorly treated. Whoever questions government policies from within is removed as a "Russian stooge“.

The one Michael Ballweg who was capable to move millions has been financially ruined after his reputation has been destroyed and thrown into prison, where he is still kept like a terrorist.

RA Rainer Fuellmich’s reputation has been successfully ruined, too. Dr. Bodo Schiffmann has been driven into African exile with his family - all of them have been smeared with corruption or/and accused of right wing leanings.

However those who are accused of right wing tendencies in Germany today are the least racist, they are the ones who dare to call for cooperation with Russia. Some of them may criticise the unlawful stretch of our immigration laws, but that is another chapter. The real Fascists of our days are not those fringe 'right wingers' but those who pretend to hold power. Among them I can see no light at all. The term ‚mediocracy‘ for them is a euphemism. But there is still hope, not for a revolution of course, but for the survival instinct in every people. The streets are being more and more filled with citizens assembling in peaceful protest - they have aquired walk out skills during the Corona repression. Thanks again. Irene

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Wonderful discussion. Been reading Helmer for ages on Naked Capitalism, where they share his posts from time to time. His comments at the end regarding the unlikelihood of ever completely eradicating xenophobia reminded me of a comment by LBJ: he said the the civil rights legislation enacted at the time could not make racism disappear, only make unacceptable in polite society (or something to that effect).

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

Excellent work Matt, as usual; what a learning curve this is. The ‘elites’ are behind all of it. I hate that word for them. What to call them; the ‘Parasites’, perhaps?

I keep thinking of Edward Cayce’s prophecy about Russia. Funny how SO many prophecies are resonating with the events of these strange times. Even the planets and stars are in on the show. Hopi Prophecy Rock is especially intriguing. I’ve started reading Rudolf Steiner. All SO fascinating; but I’m also scared shitless a lot of the time. ( It certainly feels like an initiation of consciousness, or a spiritual thing.)

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Removed (Banned)Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022
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