Western kakistocracy has been killing the world for 3,000 years.

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perfect description. Kakistocracy: rule by the worst, least qualified, most unscrupulous.

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I just posted a comment on Robert Malone that added 500 yrs to your estimate:

I realized this morning that this will not end until the interlocked systems of government, money and ideology have been completely and absolutely discredited, and every person knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were never designed to be on our side. It's worse than them not caring if we live or die--it's the intention that we die, and that's been the reality for the 3500 years of 'civilization' since the invention of coinage and the way that it enabled blind obedience to their manipulation.

Since there's nothing we can do to change this, and since nothing else would ever have changed our obedience to the system, I'm thinking we should be planning for what we want to replace it when that moment of realization hits the world, all at the same time.

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Tereza, it's not money, it's the West's autocratic, undemocratic governance. China had money just as early, but is Confucian-Daoist-Buddhist.

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On Western governance, I just posted an episode on The Constitutional Convention Coup. Matthew and I disagree about Hamilton but after doing more research, I'm even more convinced that he's the one who made sure the new nation was just like the one they'd seceded from--serving the bankers.


China's monetary system of sovereign money is certainly better for the government, since exports build up their Treasury while the producers are paid in renmimbi, is it?, that they produce out of nothing. Smart for them but for the people it means the products of their labor aren't making their own lives better because they're being extracted with nothing in trade.

The obscene wealth disparity is nowhere more evident than China. I'm surrounded by it in California, with the parents of students paying a year's exorbitant rent in cash at one time. Meanwhile, Sweatshop 'R Us in the manufacturing province of Guangdong. The one-child policy and severe, interminable lockdowns exemplify the Great Reset agenda like nowhere else. So I don't see their monetary system serving the people.

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May I suggest getting hands-on, boots on the ground knowledge about China? I lived, worked and traveled there for 16 years, speaking and writing the language fluently.

With all due respect, your understanding of Chinese finance and economics is drop dead wrong,



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Haha, well that's one way to end an 'argument' ;-) But recommending your books would have sufficed. I'm glad to hear that I'm wrong because I've been thinking that our future in the US depends on China.

You have two people, among others, who I much admire recommending your books: John Pilger and Pepe Escobar. Pepe interviews Michael Hudson, whose FIRE economy and petrodollar research is a major cornerstone of my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. There's no question that the petrodollar is in freefall, missing only the final splat to know it's happening. If you would indulge me while I figure out how to buy your books in (more worthless by the day) dollars, what will China do with all those Treasury bills? Or do I have that wrong?

Cynthia's work has already alerted me that much of what I think I know about China is wrong. I've been wrong so many times I've come to take it as a point of pride, and did an episode on it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/when-did-you-stop-being-wrong

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Congratulations on your Substack. I subscribed.

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Good point on the $1tn in US treasury bonds held by the Chinese.

When the dollar eventually collapses, the bills won't be worth very much, except for face value. Maybe they could take Manhattan in an exchange. One big Chinatown!

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

I very much like your comments at the end of the interview. I'm an American. When Trump first announced his candidacy in 2015, I joked that America didn't have an economic reset button. We couldn't declare bankruptcy as Trump had done a few times in his business life. At the time, the US national debt was around 18-19 trillion USD and rising with no end in sight. It's now over 30 trillion and they just keep creating "money" out of thin air.

I've come to the realization that the only way to stop their evil plans of CBDC, one world government, and bugs for dinner is to do exactly that. We must forgive all debt globally and return to national fiat currencies backed by something we can all agree has value (like gold). The international banking system must be disbanded. The US federal banks must be disbanded. I believe we can accomplish this and make people whole with minimal disruption to human life and dignity. The banksters and the oligarchs will not like it, but who cares. They are thieves and/or descendants of thieves. It's time.

I'm not a financial person, so I'm not burdened with the "we can't do that" mentality. Yes, people are very attached to their money and their stuff. Most of us, myself included, may experience negative impacts; but the alternative is contrary to human flourishing and will be very hard and costly to undo.

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Yep alot of people are coming to this realization pretty fast these days.

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We are in complete agreement on the ends, cm, and only differ on the means. For other countries, the ability to walk away from their debts without needing the bankers' forgiveness has already been supplied by Russia and China's new trade economy. There may still be leaders beholden to the bankers but it will only take an example (Venezuela?) for the rest to follow suit.

For the US, our debt is held mostly by China in the form of Treasury bills. The trillion-dollar question is whether they would allow us to just walk away from that.

An alternative is for communities to take their properties out of the dollarized debt system and make them impervious to foreign ownership or the extraction of profits. Then you can leave the dollar system to fail because it can't take your community down with it. That's what I talk about in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, and these episodes:



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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

However it is accomplished, it must be done. Most of the wealth owned by oligarchs and others is not backed by real assets (real estate, gold). They (whoever they are) keep creating money out of thin air. Most of the wealth is made of thin air. So, we cancel it. I'm not a communist or a socialist. I believe in a fair capitol system (which we've never had). But I have no problem taking ill-gotten wealth from the oligarchs and Chuckers to pay off the thin air debt. I have no objections to defaulting on the Chinese. None. Nada. Zip.

If we try to work within the system, we see only problems. If we the people of the world decided to cancel all debt...an actual great reset...and returned to national fiat currencies backed by tangible assets (gold), it isn't really a problem. Sure, the banksters and globalists would lose. I might even lose. But I want my children and my niece and nephews to have a future. We are trapped in a rich man's snow globe. It's time to break it.

Did you follow the UPenn swimmer story? A guy in a suit claims to be a girl. He joins the team. The girls are threatened into silence. He blows away some records. He talks about his hopes for the Olympics. Finally, FINA stepped in to restore some sanity. But the girls on the UPenn team and the girls on their competitor teams could have stopped it immediately...if they'd been willing to sacrifice their season for future seasons and future UPenn women swimmers. If 90% of the UPenn women's team quit, what do you think would have happened? It wasn't fair, and they should never have been put in that awful position; but difficult times call for bravery.

Thanks. I'll read your stack.

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Thanks for reading my stack, CM! My book, which I'll link here, goes into a lot of detail on how money's created out of thin air by bankers, 94% of all dollars through mortgage debt. So their money is backed by real estate and the government enforcement mechanisms that can and will evict you for nonpayment, showing who the real owner is of the house.

I also write about gold and how the concentration of ownership of lives in symbolic form put conquest, slavery and colonization on steroids. The mining of gold is horrible for the people and environments where it's done. How would a gold-backed currency not reward the people whose ruthlessness amassed it in the first place?

I've seen cartoons and videos, like JP Sears, on the UPenn swimmer. But I think it's hard to blame individuals for not standing up alone against a system designed to mow us all down. I look at designing the system we want, and being ready when the old one self-destructs, which I see as not just inevitable but immanent.


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I'm not blaming the UPenn swimmers. I'm saying that difficult times require bravery and self sacrifice. People who have worked hard and accumulated some degree of wealth will no doubt be hurt (lose money) by loan forgiveness on a national or global scale, but the dystopian alternative is contrary to human flourishing. What kind of future do you want for your children and grandchildren, for the people of the world?

I understand your point about gold mining. The full faith and confidence of the United States of America is a shell game.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Wow. I can’t believe how much I didn’t know.

Valuable testimony Matt.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Off-topic. Sorry. Watching your presentation to the Corona Committee, the image you showed of Senator Norris(?), the web of Wall Street. Did it occur to you, as it did me, that that image looks like a sketch for the WEF wheel of fortune? https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1Gb00000038pGiEAI

If you mentioned it and I missed it, ignore me, lol. Just a thought...

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That's too similar. Very adroit observation

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Question for Matt, if you see this...

I started listening to Reiner Feullmich back in the late summer, I think, of 2021... Early on, anyway. I was following the Grand Jury episodes with great interest. I think he's a Truther...

I know someone here on Substack who swears vehemently that Feullmich and his crew are Controlled Opposition. I just don't see that, but... what do you think? It seems absurd to me that those folks would have put together such a group of experts who want to OUT the "Bad Guys"...

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From what I gather, it is a group of well intended folks who created a platform to fight something they don't fully understand. Naturally various forms of intelligence operations are run to install misinformation voices onto their platform from time to time which fall under the radar, and this always happens. Not the end of the world. Just part of the process.

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That fits in with my thinking on it, too. Ta, Matt.

Thanks for all this good stuff you do. ^_^

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There have never been any actual elections. All results are predetermined. When the "votes" disagree with the correct result, the "votes" are adjusted. No need to cancel the noisy stageplays. Media and candidates make lots of money from the stageplays.

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Never? I find that hard to believe, and I'm pretty damn skeptical (PDS)...

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She is being taught the nazi salute by her nazi loving uncle Edward VIII who was writing letters to Hitler begging for more bombs to fall on London and scheming to be installed back in power as the nazi king. Nothing is being taken out of context here

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Agreed. And sorry for the auto correct on BRI to BLT

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