Edgar Allan Poe’s Insight into the Mind of Oligarchist Split Personality Disorders
Edgar Poe as Cultural Warrior Part 16
This is the fourth installment of our inquiry into the true reasons for the Ripper Murders of 1888. Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, and Part 3 is here.
Edgar Allan Poe’s Insight into the Mind of Oligarchical Split Personality Disorders
In several of his most poignant short stories, Edgar Allan Poe showcased perverse murderers who displayed a loss of capability to control their own murderous impulses, and sometimes even demonstrated a form of split personality disorder.
In The Imp of the Perverse, a narrator tells a tale of his commission of a perfect murder, and documents the nearly-demonic impulse which compelled him to break down in public and admit to the crime resulting in his trial and execution.
In the Black Cat and the Tell Tale Heart, Poe’s perverse narrators once again demonstrate no clear ability to control their basic impulses, and are compelled as if against their own will, to both commit horrible crimes all while the consciences they don’t believe exist ultimately lead to their own downfall.
Finally in the case of Poe’s 1839 story William Wilson, a figure representing a decadent oligarchical personality in Eton and Oxford embraces a lifestyle of vice and debauchery chased by a doppelganger named ‘William Wilson’ who acts the part of both his conscience and mortal enemy. By the end of the story, William Wilson has sabotaged the narrators clever efforts to cheat and steal from other students resulting in Wilson being stabbed repeatedly by the enraged narrator who only then realizes that the man he has stabbed repeatedly is himself.
Unlike those occultists obsessed with becoming possessed by actual demons amidst a frenzied Bacchanalian drug-infused orgy under the moonlight, Poe’s demonic characters are ironically possessed by the very real force of conscience which their deluded minds can only perceive to be a terrifying demonic force that leads them into their own undoing.
Poe’s insights into the unnatural oligarchical personality type, and its schizophrenic attributes as well as his understanding of occult thinking and the principle of evil present an invaluable diagnostic tool for the next phase of our exploration… as we ask ‘who’ else may have actively participated in the ritual murders of Whitechapel?
This is an obvious question since it is impossible that Robert D’Onston Stephenson would have been capable of acting alone. The incredible amount of coordination (ie: ensuring that specific women be present at extremely specific locations at very specific times and overseen by leading Freemasonic powers then spearheading the Solomon Temple reconstruction agenda in Jerusalem)… makes the thesis of ‘spontaneous murders’ by a sociopathic fiend on a rampage’ completely untenable for any thinking mind.
The Troubling Evidence of Split Personality Disorder among Occultists
Her house sinks down to death,
And her course leads to the shades.
All who go to her cannot return
And find again the paths of life.
— Proverbs 2:18–19
In 1890, Arthur Conan Doyle speculated that the killer eluded capture by dressing as a woman and dubbed the murderer ‘Jill the Ripper’… was this a random guess, or a demonstration of the same “supernatural insight” which he used when making Sherlock Holmes’ address on Baker Street nearly identical to the location which the actual Whitechapel killer(s) would live and work between 1890 to 1891?
Mabel Collins was known in theosophical circles as a “mystical vampire” with a Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde Complex who was accused of infusing black magic into her Theosophical writings and was credited by none other than Aleister Crowley as having provided the inspiration for his satanic theology through her Theosophical gospels ‘The Lotus and the Idyll’ and ‘The Blossom and the Fruit’.
It has also been established in part 13 of this series, that Mabel was subjected to intense brainwashing rituals while residing in front of Cleopatra’s Needle- the obelisk installed on ‘The River Isis’ (aka: Thames) in the years directly preceding her becoming a ‘spirit medium’ and priestess of Theosophy.

Might Mabel have formed one or more split personalities over the years which involved tapping into a bestial personality capable of performing unimaginable evil?
The occult belief in multiple souls co-existing in each person (as well as multiple demonic entities which talented initiates may by trained to “channel” is also an interesting concept which could easily lend itself to controlled personality fragmentation disorders.
Take as an example the case the following extract from an article published in Lucifer Magazine vol VII, in 1890 (edited by Mabel Collins) where Madame Blavatsky described the Theosophists’ occult belief in the animal and divine egos, saying that we “would have to admit a lower (animal) and a higher (or divine) mind in man, or what is known in occultism as the ‘personal’ and the ‘impersonal’ Egos. For between the psychic and the noetic, between the Personality and the Individuality, there exists the same abyss as between a ‘Jack the Ripper’, and a holy Buddha.” [1]
During this period, Lucifer Magazine published articles which described at length the belief that spirit mediums (which Collins, Besant, Olcott and Blavatsky professed themselves to be) may engage in extreme sexual pleasures, or even unthinkable monstrosities, while acting as conduits for those disembodied entities they channel at any given time.
In the following November 1892 issue of Theosophical Forum (a sister magazine to Lucifer), we read a description of the communion of a victim of a violent death whose spirit ‘enters’ into a channeler:
“Entering into such connections, they [spirits of tortured souls] enjoy vicarious gratification from such passions as the medium may indulge in, and greatly stimulate those passions, so that in time the medium may become a monster. Few among such mediums are ever recognized as mediums, or realize it themselves. They appear as ‘Jack the Ripper’ and the committers of other unspeakable horrors usually dealt with in legal and medical books of limited circulation.” [2]
Mabel’s fellow witch and business partner, Baroness Vittoria Cremers was also deeply aligned to the arch-Satanist Aleister Crowley serving as his business manager first secretary of his Argentum Astrum Lodge in 1910.
According to Crowley, the demon spirit Aiwass was channelled to him via a scarlet woman (ie: a drugged up and often abused personal witch) in the form of ‘The book of Law’, and anointed him as ‘the Prophet of the New Aeon of Horus’. The instrument which would advance this ‘new aeon’ was dubbed the Argentum Astrum and Orto Templi Orientis Lodges which he promptly set up with Cremers.
Crowley’s writings are filled with notions of fragmenting the brain into divisions utilizing Qaballistic rituals, and necromancy.
In Crowley’s Lesser Key of Solomon, we find ‘The Beast’ musing over the neurological fragmentation of the initiate describing the influence of the five senses and the associated ‘brain changes’ of magicians writing:
“These unusual impressions (of the five senses) produce unusual brain-changes; Its projection back into the apparently phenomenal world is therefore unusual.Herein then consists the reality of the operations and effects of ceremonial magic, and I conceive that the apology is ample, as far as the ‘effects’ refer only to those phenomena which appear to the magician himself… even to ecstasy on the one hand, and death or madness on the other… The spirits of Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (through the eye).” [3]
What Crowley describes at length are the various means of programming initiates utilizing perfumes, melodies, geometric images, sacraments, etc which will have the effect of invoking one or another “spirit” or “demon” which may have the effect of providing the channeler “ecstasy on the one hand or death/madness on the other”.
It is noteworthy that Crowley also wrote of Vittoria Cremers’ Jeckyll/Hyde personality in his 1917 novel Moonchild writing that Cremers was a “combination of the witch burner with the witch, an incarnation of the spirit of puritanism, from its sourness to its sexual degeneracy.”
Crowley’s characterization indicates that the naive innocence popularly portrayed of Cremers amongst Ripperologists simply doesn’t fit the reality of her true character and which also implies that the association which both Mabel and Vittoria had with D’Onston Stephenson may partake in his bloody activities during 1888 to a greater degree than anyone had hitherto been willing to admit.
Evidence of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Imp of the Perverse
Among other participants of the Ripper ritual, it is perfectly valid to ask if Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle- a Jesuit-trained member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, actively participated?
Doyle’s strange decision to place the home office of Sherlock Holmes directly next door to the eventual home office of Mabel, Vittoria and D’Onston appears to be more than a coincidence.
Doyle- like D’Onston was a trained surgeon, who had travelled the world. In Doyle’s case, it was as a doctor on an arctic whaling ship where he took strange pleasure in skinning seals alive, wearing their severed fins on his hands as mittens, and leaving an injured patient to die in order to have fun hunting. [5]
All this he did prior to venturing to West Africa as ship’s surgeon on another vessel (the ss Mayumba) in 1882.
Upon acquiring his medical diploma, the young Doyle wrote the strangest message to his mother featuring a drawing of himself and the caption “license to kill”. While not in itself a proof of Doyle’s tendency to murder, within the context of everything we have read thus far, it is telling of another identity floating under the surface of Doyle’s public persona.
But the similarities don’t end there.
Like D’Onston, Doyle self-experimented with psycho-active drugs, which have also played a role in the fragmenting of personalities since the earliest days of the Eleusinian Rites of Ancient Greece up to the modern days of MK Ultra. [4]
What did Doyle experience in West Africa prior to taking up the pen for a living, and was it similar to the occult rituals documented by D’Onston’s autobiographical musings in Lucifer Magazine and the Pall Mall Gazette?
Additionally, as we saw in The Occult Tesla Part 11, Arthur Conan Doyle was not so much a promoter of logical induction or forensic analysis which readers of Sherlock Holmes novels have presumed, but was a radical adherent to necromancy, spiritualism and occultism throughout his life. This obsession with the paranormal brought him into the highest echelons of influence of the British Empire’s Society for Psychical Research and Ministry of Propaganda during WW1.
After the first world war, Doyle found himself overseeing a network of spiritualists affiliated with the elite of New York and London and as we saw in that location, Conan Doyle was directly involved with a child abduction ring that was exposed by the American magician Harry Houdini in 1924. [6]
It is clear that Doyle, being himself an initiate of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn alongside Crowley and friend of W.T. Stead places the “fiction author” directly into the networks of those who carried out the Ripper murders.
Before closing up our analysis of the Jack the Ripper ritual sacrifices of 1888, it is necessary to tackle one more important consideration which we have hitherto avoided: The royal family’s involvement and the evidence for the royal blood sacrifice of young Prince Albert Victor.
[1] Lucifer Magazine vol. VII, no. 38, Oct 1890 p. 89-98
[2] Theosophical Forum, Nov. 1892, rep. in Theosophy vol 33, no. 11, Sept. 1945
[3] Aleister Crowley and MacGregor Mathers, The Magical Books of Solomon, Entreacacias Publishing, 2020, p.191
[4] As Drs. Daniel and Eugene Friedman demonstrate in The Strange case of Dr. Doyle: A Journey into Madness and Mayhem, Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was himself a prolific user of a variety of drugs from his days as a medical student who self-experimented with opiates until his later years as the overseer of a new world religion of fairie queens, and spiritualism.
[5] After describing Arthur’s fall into icy water, Daniel and Eugene Freeman note from the author’s journals: 'His mittens frozen solid, he thought he would have some fun by cutting off two hind flippers of the seals he had skinned, putting them on his hands as replacements.' Daniel Friedman, M.D. and Eugene Friedman, M.D., The Strange Case of Dr. Doyle: A Journey Into Madness & Mayhem (Square One Publishers, New York, 2015) p. 153
[6] Writing to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle August 4, 1925 of this troublesome investigation in America, Le Roi Goddard Crandon (the leader of the New York-based spiritualism cult) asked: “Dear Sir Arthur- Here is a little problem for Sherlock Holmes…In April 1925, our Secret Service Department at Washington received a letter saying that I had first and last sixteen boys in my house for ostensible adoption and that they had all disappeared and advised the Department to look us up. Last week, I had a telephone from the Boston manager of the White Star Line saying that an M.P [Member of Parliament] had sent a long questionnaire to the White Star Line at London concerning the going and alleged return of the English boy. It is quite apparent that there is an enemy here either Houdini or McDougall… I will try to get the name of the M.P. In the meantime, ask Sherlock Holmes to think it over.”
Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion” and our CP Docu-Series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs”.
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Bio: Matthew Ehret is the editor-in-chief of The Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow of the American University in Moscow and Director of the Rising Tide Foundation. He has written the four volume Untold History of Canada series, four volume Clash of the Two Americas series and Science Unshackled: Restoring Causality to a World in Chaos. He is also co-host of The Multipolar Reality on Rogue News and Breaking History
Ah such a vast topic.
Haven’t read this yet, but I just want to say that I appreciate your interesting choices of topic/angle.