Another great one, thank you Matt! I’m looking for contributors to The Prophets..please jump in if you have time. https://open.substack.com/pub/sinatana/p/tom-nichols?r=zickz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


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Speaking of corruption and people "enslaving and destroying themselves", have a look at "pride month" in the Jewish State today: yandex.com/images/search?text=Tel+Aviv+pride+2023

"For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory. The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and *they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not*. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves." -- Isaiah 3

Note that the legendary Mt. Sodom, now an LGBT tourist attraction, is only about 40km east of the Dimona nuclear complex. Some people never learn. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/travel/2014-03-25/ty-article/the-israinbow-trail-the-lgbt-scene/0000017f-f54d-d887-a7ff-fded5a950000

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As usual, I’m always learning something new whenever you have a history discussion, which is why I’m always following your progress, but also so very perplexed by the “repeated” contradictions whenever discussing Jewish history or Israel; acknowledging the origins of ALL evil—the Money-Junky Satanic-Jews—who created Nazisms to have an enemy to always fight, for instance, but then discussing Israel as good or normal. Rothschild and his other very Criminal-Jewish Friends have created ALL of humanity’s current enemies to date, and of course by-way-of many non-Jewish asset-leader tyrants & lodges of secret organizations, like the the Free Masons, Black Nobility-300, Bilderberg, etc., to do their bidding; wars without end until they succeed in ending all of humanity. I do not see the logic for making excuses to support Israel, or Trump and other politicians who support evil Israel. Bloody Hell, man, it’s so maddening. I’m NOT looking for a reason beyond the realities of Jewish-controls to hate Jews. It’s all theirs; the Jews own the generalized hatred toward their organized, unfair trade practices, the humorous wars and theft of the world & human rights in every country on earth. What I feel toward radical, racist Jews is not hate, but more so disdain with little pity for these hypocrites—these monsters who keep insisting “their” racist divisions are justified, meanwhile condemning others they’ve lured into the same racist ideologies, like creating the Nazis, or radical versions of Christianity or Islam—so to have an evil enemy to constantly fight, with no end to it, ever. Same with the Rothschild created Israel with sprawling boarders, then making excuses as the poor, innocent Jews who’s hated by evil Arabs. It’s Nonsense. I live to see the complete destruction of Israel and the restoration of multi-ethnic-cultured Palestine, and all the assets of the world’s richest Jews they have taken from their victims liquidated and reappropriated…because it’s just and good.

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As there is NO Rumble in France - I am wondering HOW Americans can dare to discuss CORRUPTION - when the vaccine-empire of Bill Gates, that just committed GENOCIDE on a global scale is built on PURE corruption albeit with highly intelligent CAMOUFLAGE - as corruption has been RE-labeled into "GRANTS" & the Criminal MASS-MURDERER calls himself a "philanthropist" ?


As a German, who quit the protestant church in 1963 for their LIES & CORRUPTION - I came to my final conclusion - that it is very simple to differentiate today's OLD Testament from today's NEW Testament:


NEW=what's left of what JESUS from NAZARETH was teaching.


ONE example that explains it all:

America & the WEST is applying the OLD FAKE-Testament from the DEVIL with that catastrophic result of eternal WAR, that will finally destroy America.

It is called "the vicious cycle"

Something bad happens - the "vicious cycle" answers with something bad in return - so the victim now answers with something bad in return - so the "vicious cycle" never, never, never stops . . .

The idiots call it "SANCTIONS" - as they sell their brutality as if it were something "holy" - but it is just BS, and keeps the WAR going for ever . . .


JESUS of NAZARETH gave us 10 simple rules.

The most important one is to FORGIVE!

THAT is the only functioning METHOD on earth, to ever, ever, ever END a WAR!


America & the West has decided to stay with the OLD, the FAKE-Testament - that was written by some "DEEP STATE" agents already BEFORE God sent his son JESUS from NAZARETH - so it is NO surprise that it FAILS every time . . . !

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Wonderful discussion...America and all of North America was built on 'self-sufficiency' and the rural area of Farmer/Rancher 'Old World Values' is the key towards ressurgence of 'The American Dream' which also includes Canada even though Canada is Empire never wrought from Imperial Feudalism.

Though I don't often agree with your assessments I do truly value and treasure your very diverse knowledge base. Thank-you!!!

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Man is made in the image of God (Hashem).

Someone who landed from some strange planet would recognize that God must be corruptable. Regardless of faith, people are corrupted to lesser or greater extend. Prayers for forgiveness are nothing other than a deception. One reads that Jesus in his actions must have represented an ideology closest to communism. On the other hand communism is disliked by majority of people throughout the world.

For those that indulge in philosophical overthinking conclusion are infinite. Religion is a fantastic ointment that cures nothing.

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Look at Tikkun olam and Peter Hotez' "science Tikkun".

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