US Congress passed a bill worth half a billion for "Negative Chinese Coverage". im sure this is only a drop in the bucket. i've noticed this PsyOp since Obama was in office.

for me, the most disheartening is the people without integrity, willing to sell their souls to promote evilness, war propaganda.. which may lead to death & suffering. shame on these people!

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China is the psyop for Republicans; and Russia for Democrats. I knew some Chinese into Falun Gong, they just liked it for the zifagung aspect of the qi gong training. Sorta like the Quakers, they just sit and wait for it to move themselves.

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im in the suburbs of Philly.. Quakers everywhere here. infact. . there's a really good Quaker proverb which i keep close to my chest: "when confronted with evil they could not prevent, Quakers have a tradition of bearing witness, so the evil does not go unnoticed."

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Wisdom you impart is for all to carry in their bosoms for the ages. Your ability to say so much by saying so little is extraordinary talent. On loan from God himself. Thank you on behalf of all mankind!

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Such amazing insights. You've contributed to human knowledge and understanding beyond all compare with such short, succinct post. No doubt the light of your existence will shine upon the earth for a thousand years. Bravo!

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This was great to get your formative background in the LaRouche Club of Dissident Thinkers ;-) I can see why you said my intro was a Platonic thought process. Your statement of how to build a logical thought system--not throwing everything out each time but being open to change when you hit something that doesn't logically fit--is exactly what I echoed in mine. That's so important to distinguish between being gullible and being willing to change your mind with new information!

I linked this interview in another Substack where someone was talking about the Uighers and organ-harvesting. Glad to be able to point them to someone with more knowledge than I had at my fingertips.

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Your assertion that George Bush would've been on the ground in Tienanmen Square fomenting a Color Revolution opens up your entire commentary to question. There's a lot more information available that is sufficiently compelling and credible enough to debunk your assertion. And in doing so call to question the entire China narrative presented in your remarks. I'm interested in your explanation that would help me reconcile your remarks with this historical context.

How George H.W. Bush became Beijing’s ‘old friend’ in the White House

CNN, December 1, 2018


"“There’s no doubt Beijing sees him as the best friend China has ever had in the White House"

The U.S.-China Relations Legacy of President George H. W. Bush

George H W Bush Foundation for US - China Relations


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a short, succinct 1 liner would've been suffice.

- China is diplomatic. everyone is their friend. ie. Kissinger who enforced the 1 child policy on them, is still mentioned as "Friend of China".

- it wasn't just George Bush but George Soros, Gene Sharp, among others. infact, George Soros was thrown out for life.

matt has gone through this many times on multiple previous episodes.

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And while I take issue with your characterization of Bush's intentions in China I read your post on finally winning WWII where you identify his father, Prescott Bush's important banking role supporting Hitler's war machine and death camps. And you identify the strong Fascist leanings found in the US that predate WWII and continued on after Germany's defeat.

So you obviously understand those malign influences the Bush family and fascist industrial movement in the US are connected to. But I think you may be too attached to a psyops-generated conception that Fascism and Communism are mortal enemies, Fascist vs Antifascist, Hitler vs Stalin irreconcilable differences level animus.

When the reality is both systems of authoritarianism have more in common and are more stable allies then either one of them could be as allies with western liberal democratic capitalism. The Hitler-Stalin Pact and Secret Protocols bears out my claims.


The Pact was broken, did not last because of the egos and ambitions of the men who signed it, not the irreconcilable unstable nature of it. The saying, "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it," isn't just for the victors to learn. The vanquished also learn, different lessons. Like don't break the Pact until western liberal democratic capitalism is vanquished first. Then settle on which authoritarian system prevails.

Armed with this understanding of history it becomes reasonable to believe that Bush and the invisible Fascists who remained in positions of power during and after WWII decided to sign a new secret pact and protocols with the Communists in China. With the recognition of the CCP-led China over Taiwan in 1971, just months after Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum was established, the continuation of the American-led Fascist New World Order agenda Prescott Bush was connected to a picture comes into greater focus.


https://www.weforum.org/about/our-story (Established January, 1971)

With this understanding of history, GHWB's "New World Order" speech in 1991 portends the authoritarian world unfolding around us today.


Authoritarian in dystopian ways nobody in the US and western nations truly understand is looming ominously on the horizon, the infrastructure being build around us right now, for implementation in just three and a half years, 2026. Follow the money. This Berkshire-Hathaway (Warren Buffet) business investor publication is quite certain of it. "Will" be our way of life. Not, "may," "might," "could," "possibly." "Will." No equivocation. Unless We, The People do something they don't expect us to do. Like wake up enough of our friends, family, neighbors and colleagues in time to the peril ahead. And come to realize they must reject the pleasant lies peddled by the Fascists and Communists that they are Building Back Better, they'll be happy owning nothing and eating bugs. Or at least they'll know not to complain about it and risk their social credit-based privileges.


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you wrote a novel but said absolutely nothing. less grandstanding. be more concise next time.

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