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The American system of Governing has been out of action since 1861. We never reconstructed after the so-called Civil War. Our subcontractors happily substituted their own dopple ganger system complete with corporate debt slaves called U.S. Citizens/ citizens of the United States(Inc.). That is where "Democracy aka mob rule" came from. The true American system is unincorporated. It is a Republican form of governance. Self governance. The so called "U.S." government is not one but two foreign owned, bankrupt service corporations. That is where your "Democracy aka mob rule" comes from. There is the British Territorial Corp dba "the United States of America Inc." and then there us the Pope's MUNICIPAL Corp dba " UNITED STATES INC." Both with State of State/STATE OF STATE" franchises. Pure legal fiction. 100% foreign owned, bankrupt and operating under color of Law...and without a Lawful Contract( Constitution). Fraud.

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