Not ‘better than” … ‘in addition to.’ Virus is ‘divide.’ Aliens are ‘conquer.’ This has gone on for so long, I do not believe the alien psyop will ever be abandoned. The investment has been enormous and over a century. After all, they done it before. Almost everything we were taught to “believe,” is a lie. This is just the logical conclusion.
I agree. Hiwever, the two can be used together and may be. But viruses are better right now because people believe in them; believe the authorities; can be frightened by them immediately, and thus controlled. Everyone knows their doctor won’t lie to them..😏 The War of the Worlds fiasco would not be easy to stage again - far too many would see it as a hoax. But announcing a “new”, lethal virus? Instant glazed eyes and pants wetting and obedience to authority. That makes it much cheaper and more effective. I live in a rural community supposedly prized for its high number of preppers. I was appalled at the obedience from such supposedly independent minded folks. They scoff at aliens but viruses are another thing altogether.
Matt is a great researcher, and writer but he's ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT that 1947 was the first year that UFO's were observed in America. Observations, and press accounts of UFO sightings date back to at least the late 19th Century.
In some of his other work he vastly oversimifies the role of the occult, or so-called mystery schools, in the evolution of humanity preferring to focus only on the negative aspects. It's clear he's never read, or seriously contemplated the vast body of work of the genius, and devout Christian, Rudolf Steiner, who released to the public a great deal of history hidden from the public for millennia by mystery schools.
Good article and thanks Matthew!. Reminds me of this guy can't quite remember his name but he designed an engine to run on water. Anywho! the authorities took interest, he had a few features on the news and ... then he died! Nothing else was heard of that development either. Guess nothing beats the 4-stroke engine but the electric car now is it?!
Yes, extremely environmentally damaging vehicles run on electricity generated by coal, natural gas, and nuclear power, all of which then has losses due to transmission over huge hi tension hi voltage power lines, are the new thing. Then there are the lithium batteries which require strip mining to produce, and which can spontaneously explode, and kill a driver, a cell phone user, or an electric bike rider almost instantly they have so much energy. Who wouldn't want an overpriced piece of crap EV?
They found something better than aliens. Infectious viruses that only the all powerful “they” can protect us from. Good article.
Not ‘better than” … ‘in addition to.’ Virus is ‘divide.’ Aliens are ‘conquer.’ This has gone on for so long, I do not believe the alien psyop will ever be abandoned. The investment has been enormous and over a century. After all, they done it before. Almost everything we were taught to “believe,” is a lie. This is just the logical conclusion.
I agree. Hiwever, the two can be used together and may be. But viruses are better right now because people believe in them; believe the authorities; can be frightened by them immediately, and thus controlled. Everyone knows their doctor won’t lie to them..😏 The War of the Worlds fiasco would not be easy to stage again - far too many would see it as a hoax. But announcing a “new”, lethal virus? Instant glazed eyes and pants wetting and obedience to authority. That makes it much cheaper and more effective. I live in a rural community supposedly prized for its high number of preppers. I was appalled at the obedience from such supposedly independent minded folks. They scoff at aliens but viruses are another thing altogether.
Matt is a great researcher, and writer but he's ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT that 1947 was the first year that UFO's were observed in America. Observations, and press accounts of UFO sightings date back to at least the late 19th Century.
In some of his other work he vastly oversimifies the role of the occult, or so-called mystery schools, in the evolution of humanity preferring to focus only on the negative aspects. It's clear he's never read, or seriously contemplated the vast body of work of the genius, and devout Christian, Rudolf Steiner, who released to the public a great deal of history hidden from the public for millennia by mystery schools.
Good article and thanks Matthew!. Reminds me of this guy can't quite remember his name but he designed an engine to run on water. Anywho! the authorities took interest, he had a few features on the news and ... then he died! Nothing else was heard of that development either. Guess nothing beats the 4-stroke engine but the electric car now is it?!
Yes, extremely environmentally damaging vehicles run on electricity generated by coal, natural gas, and nuclear power, all of which then has losses due to transmission over huge hi tension hi voltage power lines, are the new thing. Then there are the lithium batteries which require strip mining to produce, and which can spontaneously explode, and kill a driver, a cell phone user, or an electric bike rider almost instantly they have so much energy. Who wouldn't want an overpriced piece of crap EV?