PPC candidate, author and podcast host Tish Conlin and I discuss a wide array of geopolitical, and historical realities with a broad discussion on the metaphysics of economics, Maurice Strong’s perversion of Canada’s foreign policy, oligarchist war on industrial civilization, nuclear power and the roots of Agenda 21.
Matthew, have you noticed the philosopher / neurobiologist/ psychiatrist Dr Iain McGilchrist? Especially his book "Thr Master and his Emissary". He is on YouTube with readings from and discussions of his books (the readings are from his more recent book). I find his concept as far as I have a preliminary understanding of it brilliant. And your ideas and his ideas are what keeps me sane and above all helps me assert our dignity in confrontation with the would be global micromanagers. Based on McGilchrist's fascinating concept of left and right brain, I would see these people as the ancillary emissaries gone rogue and insurgent against us right brain generalists. This is of course not exactly what McGilchrist says but he gave me this idea. I noticed for instance Lyndon LaRouche's book about "The Science of Christian Economy" after you had refflrrred to LaRouche whom I had not been aware of before; and to me, like LaRouche, McGilchrist and you too seem to be the only representatives at the moment of a dignified attitude for members of Western enlightened yet Christian civilization. We really have to raise the standard more aggressively so that it becomes clear how faulty and flawed, and desolate those Schwab and Harari are. And we need that turn around soon, before October November (IHR rules entering into force). Taking back our well-founded self esteem, returning to well founded arrogance even, from our side, will make it embarrassing instead of desirable for members of parliaments etc to be seen endorsing and being associated with left brain dominated, right brain deficient, uncultivated billionaire projects. So far we have been demeaned by tools like insults of being too stupid compared to their genius; racism etc. It is time to simply assert any race person's mental superiority over those deficient specimens of the human race who are themselves not deficient due to any race, in fact they are varied and the discussion cannot and must not be aborted by leading it into the racism Cul de sac, but who are deficient due to their predatory personality disordered psychological makeup. Likewise we are not basing our assertion of superiority on any racist or racial argument, but simply on our superior grasp and processing of reality which let's be honest, in the mentioned above as well as in their woke armies is seriously impaired. And it needs to be said! We have to stop being tactful or we will be ruled by asylum inmates starting November (end of 18-month deadline for opting out of the amendments to the WHO Int'l Healthy regulations). Those rules of the WHO where human dignity is cancelled out from the text, by deficient leftbrainers who do not understand nor live in the concept of humanness or dignity. Listen to McGilchrist and I think when hearing his case reports of right-brain impaired patients, you too will think of our would be masters of the globe.
Great discussion, all the way up to your support for Trump—and then a total crash and burn straight to hell. I just do not understand how anyone who understands Zionist-Eugenics, Israel and war-banker Rothschild-history—how immensely evil they are—can support Trump or Biden, who are both Israel-Mossad & CIA supporters, not to mention their support for the ethnic cleansing of the entire Palestinian peoples, and that’s just the tip of the Satanic iceberg. Out of over 300 million Americans, there are at least one hundred thousand better capable of being president than Trump or Biden, including RFK—who I don’t totally agree with on trade & boarder issues—but most of them will never be known to the American voters due to the Zionist-CIA-Mossad-controlled media. I want to go on and on listing over a hundred verifiable reasons to prosecute Trump and Biden for treason, but it’s like speaking to Matrix slaves with compartmentalism disorders. I don’t necessarily mean you, Matt, but the Left vs. Right paradigms of the general public. Look, was Trump railroaded? Yes, but so what? He’s a Zionist monster, nevertheless. For the record: I’m not anti-anything, accept anti-compulsory Satanisms; slavery, torture, murder and war—which is what Zionism is all about.
Matthew, have you noticed the philosopher / neurobiologist/ psychiatrist Dr Iain McGilchrist? Especially his book "Thr Master and his Emissary". He is on YouTube with readings from and discussions of his books (the readings are from his more recent book). I find his concept as far as I have a preliminary understanding of it brilliant. And your ideas and his ideas are what keeps me sane and above all helps me assert our dignity in confrontation with the would be global micromanagers. Based on McGilchrist's fascinating concept of left and right brain, I would see these people as the ancillary emissaries gone rogue and insurgent against us right brain generalists. This is of course not exactly what McGilchrist says but he gave me this idea. I noticed for instance Lyndon LaRouche's book about "The Science of Christian Economy" after you had refflrrred to LaRouche whom I had not been aware of before; and to me, like LaRouche, McGilchrist and you too seem to be the only representatives at the moment of a dignified attitude for members of Western enlightened yet Christian civilization. We really have to raise the standard more aggressively so that it becomes clear how faulty and flawed, and desolate those Schwab and Harari are. And we need that turn around soon, before October November (IHR rules entering into force). Taking back our well-founded self esteem, returning to well founded arrogance even, from our side, will make it embarrassing instead of desirable for members of parliaments etc to be seen endorsing and being associated with left brain dominated, right brain deficient, uncultivated billionaire projects. So far we have been demeaned by tools like insults of being too stupid compared to their genius; racism etc. It is time to simply assert any race person's mental superiority over those deficient specimens of the human race who are themselves not deficient due to any race, in fact they are varied and the discussion cannot and must not be aborted by leading it into the racism Cul de sac, but who are deficient due to their predatory personality disordered psychological makeup. Likewise we are not basing our assertion of superiority on any racist or racial argument, but simply on our superior grasp and processing of reality which let's be honest, in the mentioned above as well as in their woke armies is seriously impaired. And it needs to be said! We have to stop being tactful or we will be ruled by asylum inmates starting November (end of 18-month deadline for opting out of the amendments to the WHO Int'l Healthy regulations). Those rules of the WHO where human dignity is cancelled out from the text, by deficient leftbrainers who do not understand nor live in the concept of humanness or dignity. Listen to McGilchrist and I think when hearing his case reports of right-brain impaired patients, you too will think of our would be masters of the globe.
Great discussion, all the way up to your support for Trump—and then a total crash and burn straight to hell. I just do not understand how anyone who understands Zionist-Eugenics, Israel and war-banker Rothschild-history—how immensely evil they are—can support Trump or Biden, who are both Israel-Mossad & CIA supporters, not to mention their support for the ethnic cleansing of the entire Palestinian peoples, and that’s just the tip of the Satanic iceberg. Out of over 300 million Americans, there are at least one hundred thousand better capable of being president than Trump or Biden, including RFK—who I don’t totally agree with on trade & boarder issues—but most of them will never be known to the American voters due to the Zionist-CIA-Mossad-controlled media. I want to go on and on listing over a hundred verifiable reasons to prosecute Trump and Biden for treason, but it’s like speaking to Matrix slaves with compartmentalism disorders. I don’t necessarily mean you, Matt, but the Left vs. Right paradigms of the general public. Look, was Trump railroaded? Yes, but so what? He’s a Zionist monster, nevertheless. For the record: I’m not anti-anything, accept anti-compulsory Satanisms; slavery, torture, murder and war—which is what Zionism is all about.