Haven't watched it yet (I will - cause it's interesting and important), but here is the answer.

China is their big friend and a testing playground for various methods of tyranny for the rest of the world.

Don't mind their Orwellian bs - Oceania (we) is a war with Eurasia and allies with Eastasia, etc. ... cause it's not about the enemy (only on paper), it's about the continuity of war, as the best catalysator for revoking and crushing the rights and freedoms of their own people.

To present China/Russia as an enemy 'of democracy and freedom', but especially of the NWO is a false dichotomy and pretty much laughable.

China, as it is today (huge tech giant) was made by the US and Israel.

Dell, Apple, IBM and rest of the S. Valley have built Chinese dystopian BB software and firewall - so they can control every move of every Uighur - and in parallel they have expanded it on every Chinese. Now these cameras are installed all over the world, even in US military bases.


And this is known since 2016-17


This is in the UK.


These cameras are installed all over the UK ... When "panic" about the "Chinese BB cameras" broke in media, the result of it is that they are going to be removed from the govt buildings, i.e. "sensitive sites", but I can bet on money that they will be left on the public space.

ALL OF THEM (Putin, Xi, Modi, Israel, US (Trump/Biden/Obama/Bush/whoever), Africa, Europe/EU, UK, Australia, New Zeeland, Central and S. America, Canada) are installing the same tyrannical digital Panopticon (agenda UN/WEF-Davos 2030-2050) in their own countries.

Making 'alternative' and 'different' (yet parallel) banking system in order to "counter SWIFT" is a bs, cause they can (again) merge in one whenever they want.

Yes, there are ("personal") disputes among 'leaders' cause it's not only following of global agenda - which is their common goal, but it's a fight of personal power grabs in order to stay in power, but make no mistake, ALL of them (Putin, Xi, Modi, Israel, EU, US admin and 'presidents', etc.) are ALL IN for the UN agenda (set by the Rockefeller's & CO)

CCP tyranny - the biggest democide ever made - is the wet dream of every government.

From a China Traveler - NYT 1973 (by D. Rockefeller)

One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony. From the loud patriotic music at the border onward, there is very real and pervasive dedication to Chairman Mao and Maoist principles. WHATEVER THE PRICE OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION (meaning - tens of millions of victims due to the mass killings and starvation), it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration (i.e. deviant urge that comes with absolute power - that gives "the right" to crush every heretic voice and thought), but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose (i.e. silence, apathy and absolute submissive obedience).


That's the world we are looking at more and more.

The only difference is that our submission, apathy and obedience was not a product of physical tyranny, but of Orwellian Big Brother methods wrapped up in glittery paper of perverted semantic bs (glittering generalities and the rest of propaganda tools and methods), tech progress 'for our benefit' and CONVENIENCE.

We have given them our absolute permission to treat us like serfs, proles and 'useless eaters' free willingly.

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Jul 30
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I wrote it before watching the interview.

The biggest weakness people have is in idolizing other people (political saviours who would save us all from the evil 'other ones') and always falling for the same old trick; good cop - bad cop. ... Cause Soros said openly in 2009, for the Financial Times, that they will deliberately crush the US and make China the main world power - making them a part of the "New World Order" ... than he 'corrected' his Freudian slip into "financial New World Order".


The article - transcript


FT: What sort of a financial deal should Obama be seeking to strike when he travels to China next month?

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Excellent and informative conversation!

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Communism is a British invention . China is still a British colony just as the USA . Hallelujah brother !

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Jefferey Sachs’ love affair with China makes it very hard for me to believe China is ‘a better way’. Also the WHO’s deference to China. I suspect there are no ‘good guys’ playing for us in these upper levels. They may have in-fighting amongst, but still all sides in the upper strata of this game see us pawns to be controlled & sacrificed.

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