Hi, Matt. I just posted a video comparing your ideas to James Corbett's: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/matt-ehret-and-james-corbett. I have another going into more detail that I'll be recording later today. Please let me know if there's anyway in which I'm misrepresenting your views! And Tom of MofWooFoo is also a fan of both of you, so I just watched his good interview of you also. Glad to have both of you deep researchers and thinkers in my queue!

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Good interview. I used to liven in LA many years ago. KPFK was cringeworthy radio even back then. I see nothing has changed. You did well to persevere through that smarmy, full-of-himself "host."

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When I first saw a picture of the new NATO headquarters in Brussels my first thought turned to Hitler's megalomania architecture.

I was also interested to read in Cynthia's new book how so many war time Nazis held key positions in NATO during its early days.

I have always considered Jens Stoltenberg a latter day version of Count von Quisling, a fellow Norwegian, hung for collaborating with the Nazis. And of course "quisling" is now an addition to the English language.

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Yes... that was easy...

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Yes. And, Klaus Schwab’s daddy was a high ranking Nazi. WEF is a nazi system. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s daddy was a high ranking nazi, so California is captured by Nazis. Nazis are an intrinsic element of the US and global deep state. High level Nazis, Jesuits, Khazar Jews are inbred.

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Before World War II, the West allied with fascists to defeat communism. During WWII, the West allied with communists to defeat the fascists. After WWII, the West allied with fascists to defeat communists during post colonialism.

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All the global fascist letter organizations are the same.

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A few years ago I looked into the nursing home deaths in New York because I suspected the Leftist Democrat-controlled FBI/DOJ would allow a Leftist Democrat Governor to get away with mass murder. When it took me less than an hour of reading through Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders to confirm my suspicions, I kept digging and found most of the COVID-19 roads leading back to a Cognitive Warfare Apparatus in Ukraine that included NATO Strategic Communication Centers.

I merely suspected NATO was filled with treasonous mercenaries helping who I labeled "neo-Machiavellian globalists." I knew Vindman was steeped in oUNB, and I knew Ukrainian Nazis were holding a significant amount of sway in DC, but I never thought of NATO being Nazi till I saw this post and listened to your interview.

I can prove with epistemic certitude that the state of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California not only murdered their nursing home residents by issuing the nursing home mandate during their respective lockdowns, but EVERY U.S. CITIZEN that died as a result of the lockdowns while those nursing home mandates were in effect.

To put it in the "spoonful of sugar" vernacular, I know how to blow up the Death Star. I can prove COVID-19 was a treasonous Information Operation (IO) just with the nursing home murders alone. But I'm still not certain who built the damn thing.

We're in deep shit. And the reason I wrote this comment is because I've spent the last three years converting this shit into ice cream that keeps the public's attention. Bureaucratic murder may be boring, but it's incredibly lethal.

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Operation paperclip definitely come to mind . It has been said that all will be revealed ,and here we are .

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I was having exactly that conversation with a based friend just last week.

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Yes. They are... NATO socialists.

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All this information seems quite shallow to me. Not going into details why the wars started, who was ready and esp. who financed them all. Hitler was a failed human trying to be a artists, living homeless. > All your information is making it out to display Hitler as a genius madman that was trying to conquer the world. The Holocaust has many stories around it, and there was more then just one. I'll leave that here, look into https://codoh.com/ for research on that. Dresden bombing is acknowledged a Holocaust. Holodomor etc. Ukr troops collaborated with the SS and did most of their dirty work for them. Please research that. > Rheinwiesen style death camps for German with Uniforms after WWII all over Europe, and some in Poland before that war. Hitler got away in the end with aid of his American/British sponsors, which gave him all the info about any attempt to conspire/resist against him. 3 million Germans were murdered that way. The man got protected by the British for a reason... For me AH is just another puppet,installed by the same crew, that installed Stalin with help of the deadly ~Russian revolution. The burning of the Reichstag, was copied to bring Selenski to power, by the same sponsors. Ironic? Ford supplied Germans, British, American and Russian troops. Just one example. IG Farben was making profit for who, by what and with what? Auschwitz... was a temporary holding camp and huge factory. 3 million Germans got raped 100 times each by the victorious AlLies, with 250.000 children born, many died and many wished to have died. > No one coming to free a country would behave that way, but anyone trying to Conquer a nation would use the exact same tactics indeed... Steal as much as you can, rape pillage and kill as many as possible. > You may also have fallen victim to the propaganda of the Empire media. Germany is not allowed until today to exhume and bury their loved ones, stuck in the ground from the crimes of the USA. Subversion was next on the table. > To really know what went down you have to go back to ~1850 and see the reaction of Britain to the Germans having a united Empire. Then take it from there. > I agree that the Nazis that did the bidding were installed after the war. I've heard of a law that was passed to slip 50.000 Gestapo right back into their jobs, only in West Germany of course.

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good interview, we definitely have a serious problem in Canada with cretins such as crystia freeloader. that bitch is Out to DESTROY the sovereignty of Canada 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

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This blog has to be satire?! Right?!

Nobody is naive enough to give this idiotic article air?! Right?

If a single ounce of your being thinks there is truth in this - go and check yourself into a hospital - because there is something very wrong with you.

If the inventor of this reality-facade reads this - please understand, I’m not mad at you ---I’m just disappointed.

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