It was recently brought to my attention that someone had taken my recent five part series 'Is the Universe Governed by Life or Death' and turned it into a film adding their own creative twists throughout the script.
" I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Thank you so much Matt! Someone just sent me this mailout 😂 and I’m so honoured you noticed it, on my tiny corner on the fringe of the web. Your series, referenced multiple times to you from beginning to end of the video and linked completely in the description box, was so inspirational to me because it condensed something for me that I couldn’t put my finger on, but had a strong feeling about. It was never intended for more than my group - as an informational share. I think we all share ideas of people that inspire us, or write about expressions of others that make us think, one way or another. So happy you’re happy, and if you have time, as I imagine you to be quite busy, it would be fun to chat for awhile about your series and who and what inspired you! 🙏🏽❤️🙌🏽
I greatly appreciate your and Cynthia's work but I am distinctly wary of this trashing of Aristotle (slavery was everywhere and seeing it as normal is not auto-invalidating of the ancients as we currently seem to hold) and elevation of Platonic virtue, of preferring Plato's higher abstractions to Aristotle's materialism (another over-simplification, sorry). Plato actually can take us to totalitarianisn and elitism with his worldview as easily as a grounded Aristotle or imho even more so. Neoplatonism and gnosticism, mystification of elevated knowledge are part of Plato's world and legacy. Aristotle was more the scientist even where he got stuff badly wrong. I'll keep listening but your weaved lineages are too neat and boxed. Keep it up! 🙂
Still Matt, it is difficult to understand why they did this video without getting permission from you to do so or does your work have no copywrite?
" I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Thank you so much Matt! Someone just sent me this mailout 😂 and I’m so honoured you noticed it, on my tiny corner on the fringe of the web. Your series, referenced multiple times to you from beginning to end of the video and linked completely in the description box, was so inspirational to me because it condensed something for me that I couldn’t put my finger on, but had a strong feeling about. It was never intended for more than my group - as an informational share. I think we all share ideas of people that inspire us, or write about expressions of others that make us think, one way or another. So happy you’re happy, and if you have time, as I imagine you to be quite busy, it would be fun to chat for awhile about your series and who and what inspired you! 🙏🏽❤️🙌🏽
I greatly appreciate your and Cynthia's work but I am distinctly wary of this trashing of Aristotle (slavery was everywhere and seeing it as normal is not auto-invalidating of the ancients as we currently seem to hold) and elevation of Platonic virtue, of preferring Plato's higher abstractions to Aristotle's materialism (another over-simplification, sorry). Plato actually can take us to totalitarianisn and elitism with his worldview as easily as a grounded Aristotle or imho even more so. Neoplatonism and gnosticism, mystification of elevated knowledge are part of Plato's world and legacy. Aristotle was more the scientist even where he got stuff badly wrong. I'll keep listening but your weaved lineages are too neat and boxed. Keep it up! 🙂