Apr 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

don't forget a few weeks ago he talked to Bret Weinstein about Chinese military age men sneaking into the US through some 'pass' in Panama or some place - careful to say 'oh, we don't know why!!!' - but clear implication the evil Chinese are up to something dangerous for the us!!!!!!!!!!!! - I fear Tucker may have been lured or forced to the dark side, somehow - ... and Weinstein both - very hard to know who to trust anymore -

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

Thank you for highlighting this important FACT. Tucker is just another carefully constructed wheel in the cog of deception. A pied piper to the nuevo truthers "sticking it to the establishment" a la Trump who is of a similar flock. Dumb dumbs eat it up. "They" control all sides at all times. You don't get a seat on the Stage without it. It's embarrassing to watch how infantile and uneducated the intelligence and discernment of so many who follows these deceivers actually is.

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Apr 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

Jehovah's Witnesses are also an offshoot of Darby dispensationalism.

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Matthew, I typically am in awe of the stuff you write. But this article is totally off base. It seems to me you did not listen to the full three hour conversation with Rogan but cherry picked this one. It becomes increasingly clear, Tucker is speaking from true conviction, and was channeling from the many and varied experiences he's had. Yes there were no footnotes, but this is a very informal interview and he was putting out his private and personal thoughts more than trying to inculcate some occult mass formation in the public you seem to imply. Tucker makes it crystal clear his conviction of a spiritual world as he speaks of his unique experiences, even quoting Genesis 6 (the Bible's most bizarre clue to our reality). You too often pontificate with an endless stream of obscure history and supposed uncovered facts much of your audience has no idea if you're making it up or if you've found some perfect proof which allows you project with such conviction. Perhaps it was the underwater UFO's that put you over the top. I for one, was a bit amazed since it corroborates Bill Cooper's experiences which he wrote about decades ago. He being a prophet to our current age. To sum up the whole three hour conversation, they both agree that we've all be lied to about everything, And nothing, even the fantastic, should never be off the table for consideration. Please...go back and watch the entire interview.

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Apr 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

This is what the Ehret duo truly excel at: the use of history to explain what we are witnessing today, thereby assisting readers in applying critical thinking over what ideas they are letting into their hearts and minds. We are created to discern living words from God, our creator, not the destructive, hot air of false prophets out in deserts and secret chambers. John 14 applies: vs 15-21, but do read and reflect on the whole chapter: “lf ye love me, keep my commandments.

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever,

Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him: for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

I will not leave you fatherless: but I will come to you.

Yet a little while, and the world shall see me no more, but ye shall see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

At that day shall ye know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them: is he that loveth me: and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father: and I will love him, and will show mine own self to him.”

Praying over you as always.

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Apr 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

Pretty funny watching Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson two limited hangouts in one podcast.

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Thank you for connecting all of these dots. So many of your writings have done this well and clearly without intended offense, but with documentation that makes sense. Keep informing. There will be a lot of work ahead to unravel the mega knot we have created. Putting it book form (as you and your wife both have been doing) will be a great foundation for the rest of us to help in our ways. Thank you!!!

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Apr 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

Enjoyed reading your insight. I have enjoyed listening to the Tucker interviews ever since he broke off on his own. ( I really did not listen or pay attention much to him when on Fox, as I had pulled away from all of MSM ) I will take your interpretation and use it as a counter balance when I listen to Tucker. As of now, I enjoy his views and interviews. Thanks

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

The callback to Dr. Strangelove should shake some mental cobwebs off anyone who is skeptical about your reasoned take here. Great breadcrumbs to put words to something that I've noticed without being too well-versed in the history: "THEY" want to "INVADE YOUR BODY." This has been used to great effect to spur the deindustrialization of the US in anti-nuclear advocacy; you can see racism, you can see misogyny, you can quantify a wage gap, but you can't see radiation.

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With all our high technology, we still don't have a good, clear picture of aliens.

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Hi Matthew , I watched that interview. I was both alarmed and bemused. There was loads of mumbo jumbo and deflection but mostly theatre.

I can’t work out who or what exactly is Tucker? Is he CIA, is he really super brilliant or super stupid? But there is no denying he is clever, successful and surely on the spectrum!

A lot of us who live outside the US struggle with complete comical, dangerous and pathetic state of whatever one calls the United States, it’s insane history coming to the surface and those who live inside the place. Mind you we of the Commonwealth are in no position to take the high ground! Complete Evil across the ocean for a thousand years.

Following your work over time I now don’t really believe anything about recorded history. All I know for sure is what I don’t know. Civilisations have come and gone as do the angels and demons - in all forms. We all seem to be living in a Star Wars series atm.

Back to Tucker - at least he is never dull particularly when he appears to be talking shit - maybe 🤷‍♀️

Love your and Cynthia’s work. Brilliant both of you.

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A few thoughts. First, humans allegedly use about 10% of their brain power so their views may be underscored by their lack of complete brain power. Second, there seems to be loads of human history that has been erased by history and/or by humans (or aliens), and one wonders what revealing all that history would show us. Third. we humans seem to be bifurcated by our blood types, and that begs the question of where the Rh Negative blood type humans came from. Fourth, DNA evidence goes back further and seems to be more accurate than do human records, and that begs the question of whether we should rely more on genetic genealogy than on traditional paper record genealogy. Fifth, there are early cave drawings that show what appear to be aliens and space craft, and that helps beg the question of whether or not aliens have been here a long time, and if they have been here all along, why do they choose to remain hidden from view. Sixth, we have huge structures (e.g. Kailasa Ellora Caves, India) that were crafted and built by earlier humans and one has to wonder how they did all that design and work.

All of this causes me to question our recorded history and to wonder why humans have been so creative and successful in the past and why the early civilizations were apparently destroyed.

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UFO Theory is another distraction that distracts the masses from believing in the one true God, Jesus Christ. It makes me laugh that in 2024, people can't draw a logical conclusion that perhaps the so-called UFO conspiracy theory is nothing but that and are only advanced drones that were built many years ago in Area 51 and was and still is a project funded by our corrupt Government who is doing everything they can (by throwing the "Kitchen Sink" at we the people) to get us away from family and faith! They are trying to make the UFO and Climate Change theory the "New Religion"!

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Yes to all that but just being picky about your phrase "...gnostic Christian mysticism...". This seems to blend two different things unhelpfully. Gnosticism is piggybacking Christianity. If it is Gnostic it isn't Christian, merely sometimes pretending to be. 'Gnostically corrupted Christian mysticism' might just about work?

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You should invite Tucker to have a conversation with you...

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I've been reading Judy Woods' "Where Did the Towers Go?". She does a good job of presenting a credible case for the use of Directed Energy Weapons in the unique destructive process of the WTC complex. Her understanding is that the theories of Tesla, Piglotti, Townsend, and others have been harnessed by military authorities and that these weapons can be used for mass destruction, such as the WTC, and, imo, the Lahaina Fire. Dr. Woods quotes the scientists who worked with these forces as describing the ability to use that energy to move objects at close to the speed of light. As she states, any new technology that is powerful and is hidden from the masses is basically looked upon as magic. Perhaps that is what this UFO business is all about: predictive programming of the masses in preparation for mass destruction by "aliens" who happen to reside in DC, NYC, London and elsewhere but don't wish to be known as the perpetrators of the vast destruction they intend to embark upon? Carlson, son of the former CEO of Voice of America, and heir to the Swanson food company fortune, has been positioned to be a believable messenger of this "magical occurence."

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