I’ve enjoyed this chat. Thanks.

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Two of my favourite podcasters! It was great. I hope you do a round two. James is flexible and willing to change him mind, and Matt is a font (firehose?) of information. Thank you!

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One of your best interviews yet! & Thanks to both of you for sharing some of your personal beliefs regarding Christianity. Was very encouraged by this in particular.

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Lyndon La Rouche was right -the west needs to join BRICS to avoid collapse

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Definitely. Read the EIR regularly for many years and I can't think of anything they did thorough in depth reports of that didn't check out and it still always stuns me no American I know even highly educated know what the American System was and how crucial it was for its build-up. But the topics they covered in depth that are still relevant today are many

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If 3-mile Island was a psyop then was Chernobyl too? At some point the probability of life existing must have been 1:1 - right when the divine spark struck the primordial soup!

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I listened to the Delingpole interview, fantastic stuff!!!

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I really appreciated your account of your beginnings. It totally matches my experience, although you are far more accomplished than I will ever be.

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For one man's out of this world experience with the occult powers of one of the Rothschild crew see Project Camelot transcript of interview with Dr. Bill Deagle. I'm with David Icke on this issue. All the DS actors we see may not have occult powers but the 4D demons who possess some of them do. BTW love your work and Cynthia's too.

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