Hi Matt, great show. You keep challenging a lot of my beliefs.

You caught V off guard with that stuff about Qanon. He was the first person to provide a media outlet for Juan O Savin. He identified him as W, the intelligence guy. I tried asking him about it but never got any response.

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Here is a Document reported on Blog 'From Rome' by Br. Alexis Bugnolo living in Rome at this time. His reports are diverse and generally informative. Link:


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Hi Matt,

I'm going to try to communicate a thought to you here. I hope you review these when you have time although, given your schedule and amount of material produced, i can't imagine how.

I think there is a slight chance that i helped you with your inclusion of Bill Gates with the rest of the DARPA project designated "entrepenuer".

In this interview you used the term "Qanon" and pinned it completely to Steve Pieczenik. Now I know there is an unbelievable amount of crap in Qanon. JFK jr alive, Trump becoming Pres again without an election, all these people being arrested, trials, put to death, clones, masks and all the rest. I can see how all of that is disinformation designed to make people crazy, or at least appear crazy. And probably to make them less inclined to fight back and just wait to be Juan O Saved.

But, I also know that you are a great admirer of Benjamin Franklin and all he did to try to enable America become all he had hoped for. And although we fell short in many ways he never gave up trying. One of the things he did was write anonymous letters to his brother's newpaper using the name Silenced Dogood. Now when i look at the Q posts - TOTALLY SEPERATE FROM QANON and all the disinformation attached to it, it struck me as being somewhat similar to Ben Franklin's anonymous letters. Can you discern the distinction between Q and Qanon? If Q post were legitimate crumbs being sent from a cadre of people still striving for an America like Franklin dreamed would not the evil oligarchs intent on ruling the world and killing most of us try to plaster that information with non- sensical disinformation in order to discredit it?

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Awesome. V is great, too. He’s probably the best pairing of those you have discussions with. Wish you guys would make permanent schedule arrangements to do two or three episodes per week discussing a combo of current events, history and Oligarchy political, money, media controls.

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