A carrier of substances but not a reactor with substances.
Easiest way to retard science and medicine was to subvert the knowledge of water.
We live within the realm of water. Our atmosphere is water.
Air is the gaseous form of water. It takes the form of bubbles.
Water is the liquid form of water. Full bubbles or drops
Ice contain both drops and bubbles.
Every gas exists when it is carried inside bubbles of air.
Hence every gas contains water.
Stir water and water air escape.
Oceans generate air as their waves generate bubbles.
Plants do not make oxygen.
Oxygen and nitrogen are man-ufactured and exist only when contained. They are not components of the atmosphere.
I have an article titled
We breathe air not oxygen
I hope you read it.
The second article provides experimental evidence oxygen and nitrogen are the same gas. Nitrogen is differentiated with the addition of carbon particles to suppress combustion.
Both gases invented to solve metallurgical problems.
Did you recover knowledge that water is not H2O?
Water is an element, inert hence it can cycle.
A carrier of substances but not a reactor with substances.
Easiest way to retard science and medicine was to subvert the knowledge of water.
We live within the realm of water. Our atmosphere is water.
Air is the gaseous form of water. It takes the form of bubbles.
Water is the liquid form of water. Full bubbles or drops
Ice contain both drops and bubbles.
Every gas exists when it is carried inside bubbles of air.
Hence every gas contains water.
Stir water and water air escape.
Oceans generate air as their waves generate bubbles.
Plants do not make oxygen.
Oxygen and nitrogen are man-ufactured and exist only when contained. They are not components of the atmosphere.
I have an article titled
We breathe air not oxygen
I hope you read it.
The second article provides experimental evidence oxygen and nitrogen are the same gas. Nitrogen is differentiated with the addition of carbon particles to suppress combustion.
Both gases invented to solve metallurgical problems.