Or the whole narrative of Fascist Nazism vs. Marxist Communism is a convenient division of world people's for the same wealthy elite Authoritarians to use and exploit for their labor and wealth, lesser people viewed as property like cattle. Hitler and Stalin did sign their pact, with secret protocols, that wasn't just about Stalin buying…
Or the whole narrative of Fascist Nazism vs. Marxist Communism is a convenient division of world people's for the same wealthy elite Authoritarians to use and exploit for their labor and wealth, lesser people viewed as property like cattle. Hitler and Stalin did sign their pact, with secret protocols, that wasn't just about Stalin buying time - both systems are naturally more compatible with each other than western liberal capitalism that respects individual liberty and freedom. Both Stalin and Hitler (and Mussolini) shared loathing for the individualists, hating them more than their putative geopolitical rivals.
And American high society and industry was in the main proponents of Fascism, including the practice of eugenics with Supreme Court rulings declaring "three generations of imbeciles is enough!" that inspired Hitler's death industry...that American industrialists profited from.
In that context this history of Finland and Nazism presentation, while accurate in the parts it tells omits a much bigger global picture; these events did not happen in isolation to other, bigger, even more malign global interests. With a home in the UK and US, Switzerland, Netherlands, Rome, in all of the wealth centers of the world.
The last few years have taught me not to believe what I read, or what I am told, without other available evidence and some critical thought.
No single country, or leader, comes out looking innocent in the horrors of the mid 1900's.
Poland massacring 58,000 German civilians at Danzig and Bromburg.
The NKVD, massacring 22,000 Polish officers at Katyn.
The Ukrainian SS Galicia murdering 38,000 Jews at Babi Yar.
The German concentration camps*
The allied terror bombing of German and Japanese civilians.
Churchills policies contributing to the starvation of 4 million Bengalis.
The murderous Soviet advance into Berlin, where 2 million women were raped, or shot, or both.
Eisenhowers death camps, where 1 million German soldiers and civilians were purposefully starved to death after the war.
The US government knowing about Pearl Harbour beforehand, after backing Japan into a corner.
*I did see some historical evidence that Hitler had planned to deport all of the Jews to Madagascar, as the "final solution" to the Jewish problem.
A plan that was blocked by the allied capture of the country.
I have also seen it claimed that in all of the records captured after the war, there is no written evidence of Germany's plan to exterminate the Jews.
Unfortunately all information of this type is limited to so called "far right nationalist" web sites, so even if true, it's authenticity would be called into doubt.
David Coles video of his visit to Auschwitz is eye opening to say the least.
The fact that he is Jewish, did not prevent him from having to go into hiding from the JDL
None of that is meant to diminish the horrors that the Jews and others undoubtedly suffered.
But it does give rise to many questions that we have never been allowed to ask, because it may still constitute a criminal offence to ask them.
Or the whole narrative of Fascist Nazism vs. Marxist Communism is a convenient division of world people's for the same wealthy elite Authoritarians to use and exploit for their labor and wealth, lesser people viewed as property like cattle. Hitler and Stalin did sign their pact, with secret protocols, that wasn't just about Stalin buying time - both systems are naturally more compatible with each other than western liberal capitalism that respects individual liberty and freedom. Both Stalin and Hitler (and Mussolini) shared loathing for the individualists, hating them more than their putative geopolitical rivals.
And American high society and industry was in the main proponents of Fascism, including the practice of eugenics with Supreme Court rulings declaring "three generations of imbeciles is enough!" that inspired Hitler's death industry...that American industrialists profited from.
In that context this history of Finland and Nazism presentation, while accurate in the parts it tells omits a much bigger global picture; these events did not happen in isolation to other, bigger, even more malign global interests. With a home in the UK and US, Switzerland, Netherlands, Rome, in all of the wealth centers of the world.
The last few years have taught me not to believe what I read, or what I am told, without other available evidence and some critical thought.
No single country, or leader, comes out looking innocent in the horrors of the mid 1900's.
Poland massacring 58,000 German civilians at Danzig and Bromburg.
The NKVD, massacring 22,000 Polish officers at Katyn.
The Ukrainian SS Galicia murdering 38,000 Jews at Babi Yar.
The German concentration camps*
The allied terror bombing of German and Japanese civilians.
Churchills policies contributing to the starvation of 4 million Bengalis.
The murderous Soviet advance into Berlin, where 2 million women were raped, or shot, or both.
Eisenhowers death camps, where 1 million German soldiers and civilians were purposefully starved to death after the war.
The US government knowing about Pearl Harbour beforehand, after backing Japan into a corner.
*I did see some historical evidence that Hitler had planned to deport all of the Jews to Madagascar, as the "final solution" to the Jewish problem.
A plan that was blocked by the allied capture of the country.
I have also seen it claimed that in all of the records captured after the war, there is no written evidence of Germany's plan to exterminate the Jews.
Unfortunately all information of this type is limited to so called "far right nationalist" web sites, so even if true, it's authenticity would be called into doubt.
David Coles video of his visit to Auschwitz is eye opening to say the least.
The fact that he is Jewish, did not prevent him from having to go into hiding from the JDL
None of that is meant to diminish the horrors that the Jews and others undoubtedly suffered.
But it does give rise to many questions that we have never been allowed to ask, because it may still constitute a criminal offence to ask them.
if it were not such a forbidden discussion it would not be sooo very suspect.