Yes that's a good one. And that goes back to the remote controlled planes. It's obvious Flight 93 was meant to crash into WTC7 which was pre-wired with explosive & thermite cutting charges. So the remote control pod malfunctioned and the plane veered off course so it was shot down, spreading debris over a wide area. And no it did not fly…
Yes that's a good one. And that goes back to the remote controlled planes. It's obvious Flight 93 was meant to crash into WTC7 which was pre-wired with explosive & thermite cutting charges. So the remote control pod malfunctioned and the plane veered off course so it was shot down, spreading debris over a wide area. And no it did not fly into a little hole in the ground.
They claim the plane was flown straight down at 580mph and burrowed its way 40 ft into the ground. And the 2 black boxes located in the tail of the plane managed somehow to bury themselves 10ft & 25ft into the ground. That is flatly impossible, the plane would have to displace a half million kgs of sand in a less than a half a second. Newton's second law of motion. F=ma. The forces exerted on the plane structure would be immense and rip the plane into pieces, spread over the surface of the ground for hundreds of meters in the direction of the plane's velocity at initial impact.
That's why a 50cal BMG armor piercing round traveling at over 2000mph will only penetrate about 2ft of sand. See video:
" how many sand bags does it take to stop a 50 cal rifle? "
Notice how the bullet casing is shredded by the impact leaving only the ultra-hard, super-dense, tungsten core.
GermanWings Flight 9525 crashed into the side of hill @ 430mph and the flight data recorder penetrated 8 inches of soil. Rest of the plane, bodies, debris, engines, seats, luggage, cargo scattered over 2 sq km .
Thank you Smith - you are clearly well advised and I am grateful for your sharing. These things are not often discussed, even in private company. My life experience has been broad ranging and exciting in parts interspersed with long periods of peace and serenity. I am grateful to my Maker for his blessings and my preservation thus far - although at 78 I don't push the limits too far now!
Yes that's a good one. And that goes back to the remote controlled planes. It's obvious Flight 93 was meant to crash into WTC7 which was pre-wired with explosive & thermite cutting charges. So the remote control pod malfunctioned and the plane veered off course so it was shot down, spreading debris over a wide area. And no it did not fly into a little hole in the ground.
They claim the plane was flown straight down at 580mph and burrowed its way 40 ft into the ground. And the 2 black boxes located in the tail of the plane managed somehow to bury themselves 10ft & 25ft into the ground. That is flatly impossible, the plane would have to displace a half million kgs of sand in a less than a half a second. Newton's second law of motion. F=ma. The forces exerted on the plane structure would be immense and rip the plane into pieces, spread over the surface of the ground for hundreds of meters in the direction of the plane's velocity at initial impact.
That's why a 50cal BMG armor piercing round traveling at over 2000mph will only penetrate about 2ft of sand. See video:
" how many sand bags does it take to stop a 50 cal rifle? "
Notice how the bullet casing is shredded by the impact leaving only the ultra-hard, super-dense, tungsten core.
GermanWings Flight 9525 crashed into the side of hill @ 430mph and the flight data recorder penetrated 8 inches of soil. Rest of the plane, bodies, debris, engines, seats, luggage, cargo scattered over 2 sq km .
Thank you Smith - you are clearly well advised and I am grateful for your sharing. These things are not often discussed, even in private company. My life experience has been broad ranging and exciting in parts interspersed with long periods of peace and serenity. I am grateful to my Maker for his blessings and my preservation thus far - although at 78 I don't push the limits too far now!