The citizens of the USA, and citizens of all constitutional democracies around the world, must accept the reality that “We the People” will never have the wealth that is required to preserve our Constitutional Liberty & Rights, and defeat the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy who possess all the wealth they need to implement their One World Globalist Fascist Empire.

It’s gonna take a Superpower to defeat a Superpower!

Today, there are two Superpowers in the world:

the Superpower of the West and the Superpower of the East.

The Western Superpower: British Oligarchy (Royals, Rothschilds, City of London Banksters), the BIS (Bank for International Settlements, aka International Banksters), UN-WEF, WHO, NATO, the Vatican, and all of their puppets who govern “so-called” western democracies.

The Eastern Superpower: China, Russia, India, and the BRICS+ countries.

The Western Superpower wants to abolish independent sovereign nation-states, wants to abolish constitutional democracies, and wants to implement a neo-feudal society where the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy own and control all of the Earth’s natural resources, and “We their Serfs” are reduced to a lifestyle of servitude begging for permissions and favors.

The Eastern Superpower wants to empower the UN and return the UN back to its original charter where independent sovereign nation-states collaborate to prevent wars, and negotiate trade agreements that are equitable to resource-rich nations and nations rich in technologies and manufacturing capabilities.

Ever since the victory of American General George Washington over British General Cornwallis at Yorktown on October 19, 1781, the British Oligarchy have continued to wage a never-ending war against sovereignty in order to preserve their Empire. The last two hundred plus years have been a global battle between the British System of Political Economy (imperialism, colonialism, slavery, one-sided free trade, privately-owned Central Banks, economic austerity, suppression of advancement through technology development, and perpetual war) and the American System of Political Economy (independent sovereign nation-states, constitutionalism, personal liberty and rights, fair trade agreements, a government-owned National Bank, economic prosperity, economic growth through technology development, and everlasting peace).

So, when choosing which side you support and hope to live in the type of society that they seek to achieve, whether the Western Superpower or the Eastern Superpower, a good set of discriminating factors are which side is promoting “The Great Collapse of Society” through massive debt, Critical Theory, Global Hoaxes (Overpopulation, Global Warming, Food Shortages, Energy Shortages, Terrorism, UFOs, Plandemics), and which side is currently negotiating international trade agreements to bolster its New Silk Road - Belt and Road Initiative, and is closest to pursuing the American System of Political Economy?


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That's it in a nutshell, except I don't think the Eastern powers are united anywhere near the extent of the Western Bankster empire. They need to get united. Right now the Bankster cult is trying to goad Russia into a full scale war giving them an opportunity to color revolution Russia, and split it up into a dozen or so fiefdoms, all of which they control. Then with Russia out of the way they can squeeze China on energy & resources. Thus their goal of a World Feudal Totalitarian State will be realized.

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your comment that the towers were controlled demolition whether richard gage agrees or not is untrue as the network feed of ABC peter jennings' reporting beginning at 4:09 on the day of 9/11 has footage of ground zero taken by an independent videographer less the 1 hour previous to his appearance on ABC shows what is left standing of the south tower lobby facade and it is the tallest thing around - a 106 story building cannot collapse into its own footprint and leave part of the facade of the lobby standing - i have that footage on my site vigilantcanadian.ca - view my site and explain how it was explosives - you will see what remains of the north tower and read what the firemen in the north tower experienced when it collapsed with them in the stairway at ground level - after you view this material you will be less dismissive of the truth of that day or you will be exposed as an online fake

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What is the difference between aluminum and steel? The reason I ask is the answer becomes the rebuttal to your "factual" argument. I have independent footage taken from a rooftop where one smoking tower is plainly visible beside it's twin when some thing, not a plane, strikes the second tower, and explodes on impact throughout that floor. There were no planes visible. Video from a hand held camcorder. Remember those. I have another one too. A different angle, very short, under 3 seconds. I had to watch repeatedly to catch what the blur striking the first tower was. Only after slowing it down could we see it was a missile. Now I'm no military man, but , I sure as fuck know the difference between a missile and a jumbo jet. I do know the difference between aircraft fuselage constructed from a lightweight metallic element and steel reinforced concrete and I-beam girder structural design. You will never convince anyone with real construction trade experience that an aluminum plane, no matter how large that craft maybe, could have ever down more than superficial damage to those buildings. It just wouldn't. High school physics man come on, I mean just think about it. We were all fooled that day. I for one, am not afraid to admit it. And if you lost somebody that day, I am very sorry for you and you do have my deepest sympathy. If it had been me who lost a loved one, I wouldn't have been thinking straight either. Shock has that effect, as does fear. But shock and fear are temporary. Reason is needed to get the true monsters who did that. Some one once said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." Lets not quibble amongst ourselves lest we all join those who lost their lives that awful day. Cool heads make for sharp minds, and now is the time to look at everything and anything to expose the truth, no matter how dark it may be. It's karma. Somebody is responsible and someone, along with all involved, will pay dearly. After all, we still don't really know who killed the Kennedy's.

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Pretty much to sums it up .. always a boogie man to instill fear .. brace yourself... they're not done with us!

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Excellent video, Matt. Although there’s nothing funny about it, the inclusion of the BBC’s infamous Jane Stanley / Building 7 footage brought a wry smile to my face

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Yes indeed Andrew - and is this an orange? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLz9ewBt-dw

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That is a good video, actually shows the demolition charges going off right before the collapse. If only people had acted then, instead of giving them the Patriot Act, we wouldn't have suffered through the Covid Plandemic.

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your continued effort to sidestep reality leads to the conclusion that you are either a paid or unpaid diversion from the actual events of 9/11 - to simply state that richard gage is correct without viewing the footage from the network feeds of that day or viewing FEMA/government photos 'labels' you as 'disinformation' intended to mislead - you are not able to believe that Gage is part of the conspiracy? please do not reply to this comment unless you have viewed the material to which i have referred you vigilantcanadian.ca

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But I think we would have anyway Smith - it was the Repo crisis in Sept 2019 that triggered the Covid scam: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w

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There was a lot more going on than a monetary problem. This was an experiment in Tyranny and total control over the population. With digital IDs, digital health certificates all morphing into World Government (i.e. the latest W.H.O. takeover of national sovereignty in anything remotely related to public health i.e. even climate change) and, of course, CBDC's and a Carbon Footprint & Social Credit score for every citizen.

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 3 - CBDCs and Universal Basic Income


"The financial system we have live under for the past 50 years is rapidly coming to an end and in it's place there will be a completely new financial system based upon Central Bank Digital Currencies and Universal Basic Income. The system will facilitate surveillance of the most intimate aspects of our lives and demand our absolute compliance. There is more to CBDCs than meets the eye..."

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Exactly Smith, this is why I wrote my book: BUT this video is a wonderful summary that I spent 200 pages to explain in 2018! And this is what it will look like (per one of my Chinese readers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXyzpMDtpSE

I described the reason for the collapse here: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w

We are on the same page my friend.

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it is also interesting that jane was not the first - NBC made such a claim earlier and another network 'suggested' its collapse - thing is the SEC was located in building 7 - meaning the files on Enron - the largest scam in history at the time though now would loose out to covid - were 'lost' so destruction of building 7 would be built into the narrative during the 'planning' stage - to get an understanding of the magnitude of the 9/11 attack view network footage of ground zero that day - all network footage was available until at least 2012 when i viewed the footage on archives.org which has now hidden the complete broadcasts leaving only a few short pieces - my links to the footage are permalinks and therefore still viewable on my site vigilantcanadian.ca

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This is the footage they really want to have buried:

9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory:


9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory - video Dailymotion WTC2 video, Flight 175, Boeing 767-222/ER:


Gallery | 9/11 Anomalies Plane Boeing 767 crash into WTC2 pictures, remote control pod


"....First off, all serious researchers aside from Morgan Reynolds (a former Bush economist) agree that planes actually hit the towers, however the planes that hit the towers had no windows and extra equipment attached (PODs) and are believed to be remote control drone aircraft. In fact, a similar plan was devised in 1962 by Robert McNamara called OPERATION NORTHWOODS which detailed flying an aircraft filled with FBI agents (allegedly college students on vacation) in flight the plane would switch transponder signals with a drone aircraft which would then be shot down over Cuba. The FBI agents on the plane would then land safely and resume new covert identities. There is evidence that a similar plot was hatched on 9/11:

Thomas Deatherage, Former Airline Captain B- 747-400 and B- 737-300: "After viewing many posted videos on "Youtube" I can tell you without hesitation that clearly aircraft # 2 B-767 - was radio controlled into the building Tower 2. The "pod" mounted on the bottom of the aircraft, is manufactured by "Martin Marietta" Corporation in Los Angeles. The pod has been used extensively by the USAF for outfitting drone aircraft for over 22 years, and you can clearly see it in (4) of the amateur videos- just before impact, with tower # 2. Also, I would like to find an insider A and P mechanic at both United and America to cross reference the A/C serial number of flight 77 and 93. I guarantee that they change the N issued tail number. However, one could trace and find this original A/C, from an insider employee, at these companies- leading to the smoking gun these aircraft were not destroyed."

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This is excellent INTEL Smith - thank you very much. I have worked with UK SIS in the past (commercial) and know precisely how the MoD works. I have been tracked since the 1970s especially when I was in East Germany in 1984, Belarus in 1994 and subsequently in Simons Town (SA) in 2002.

The MIC (Military Intelligence Complex) is vast and all survielling. There is no option but to play the game - so I ask: "Is Occam's Razor worth applying to this question" - well, is this an orange? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLz9ewBt-dw

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Yes that's a good one. And that goes back to the remote controlled planes. It's obvious Flight 93 was meant to crash into WTC7 which was pre-wired with explosive & thermite cutting charges. So the remote control pod malfunctioned and the plane veered off course so it was shot down, spreading debris over a wide area. And no it did not fly into a little hole in the ground.

They claim the plane was flown straight down at 580mph and burrowed its way 40 ft into the ground. And the 2 black boxes located in the tail of the plane managed somehow to bury themselves 10ft & 25ft into the ground. That is flatly impossible, the plane would have to displace a half million kgs of sand in a less than a half a second. Newton's second law of motion. F=ma. The forces exerted on the plane structure would be immense and rip the plane into pieces, spread over the surface of the ground for hundreds of meters in the direction of the plane's velocity at initial impact.

That's why a 50cal BMG armor piercing round traveling at over 2000mph will only penetrate about 2ft of sand. See video:

" how many sand bags does it take to stop a 50 cal rifle? "


Notice how the bullet casing is shredded by the impact leaving only the ultra-hard, super-dense, tungsten core.

GermanWings Flight 9525 crashed into the side of hill @ 430mph and the flight data recorder penetrated 8 inches of soil. Rest of the plane, bodies, debris, engines, seats, luggage, cargo scattered over 2 sq km .

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Thank you Smith - you are clearly well advised and I am grateful for your sharing. These things are not often discussed, even in private company. My life experience has been broad ranging and exciting in parts interspersed with long periods of peace and serenity. I am grateful to my Maker for his blessings and my preservation thus far - although at 78 I don't push the limits too far now!

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morgan reynolds was in Bush's administration on 9/11 as the lead economist in the dept of labour he is prof emeritus at Texas A and M university and a director of the Mise institute of Alabama - the fountain heard of Austrian school of economics - stated in a Fox news interview in 2006 "American airlines flights 11 and 77 aren't even in the Bureau of Transportation Data Base for that day" meaning no flight plans were filed - the lack of any debris pile for the twin towers - a part of the lobby facade of the south tower is still standing and is the tallest thing around - we did not witness a 'controlled demolition' as the term is generally believed - part of building 4 has 'disappeared building 6 has a large hole cored out with no debris in the hole - the idea of fake planes and pods is just a distraction to occupy people's time rather than focussing on the fact that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Bush administration committed High Treason on 9/11 - forget distraction focus on the High Treason charge

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No they were clearly controlled demolitions, several thousand architects & structural engineers as well as demolition experts have testified to that. You can see the standard 45 deg cutting charge cuts on vertical beams in the wreckage. And the vast quantity of thermite residue in the dust spread all over, there is no possible way it got there except by use of large amounts of thermite cutting charges. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. No need to invent alien technology for something that is all quite straightforward, using standard off the shelf tech.

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So, here’s a theory I’m grappling with as, despite having read about a dozen books on 9/11, there’s still so much for me to learn. Here’s what I’m wondering: fighter jets were never scrambled from Andrew’s air base, 10 miles from Washington, because that’s where the hijacked planes were landed and where the drones which hit WTC were taken off from, a La Operation Northwoods? The various war games that were being carried out in the sky that morning which were on FAA’s radars simply added to the chaos and confusion? That’s to say nothing of the passengers on the planes. Do we know if any body parts identified from WTC were passengers on the planes? Forgive me if these questions seem idiotic but I’m still some way off piecing the jigsaw together

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There is an air force base that was evacuated, in that region, that morning, all personnel sent home for the day, I read about it, but forget the name. The drones could have taken off from there or anywhere else, a airline pilot saw a plane with the pod mounted underneath before 9/11, parked at an airport, he asked around and was told it was for remote control operation. So likely the actual planes flew to the evacuated military base and that's where the passengers made the impossible phone calls from (i.e. they couldn't have been made on a moving plane). Including one call where a girl left a message for her boyfriend that ended with the quick phrase "it's a frame". Also some of the phrases used by the passengers in the phone calls were unusual, like they were reading from a script, written by someone who was foreign raised. Likely there the passengers were gassed and murdered. The CIA developed fentanyl gas for that purpose.

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Jesus Christ

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All true Guy IMHO: Is this fake - techy team say not?


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Matt, I ask the question because in all the material of yours I've watched you never address the control of the USA by the British Territorial they were given authority in 1789, and took full control after the Mercenary Conflict ie Civil War, and this is well researched. Are you even aware of this?

Ya know by some of the content in that film some people might get the idea you support Trump. Not that it would be a bad thing, I just didn't get that impression from other articles, which is ok too.

I am curious what you may think about these two videos, if you have seen either of them?

The first is about 48 minutes and breaks down (all researched thoroughly) the initial forms of government of the USA and their giving authority to the British Territorial and Holy Roman Empire *now the Holy See), and she has won court cases in the ICC. So don't be fooled by this little old grandma and her great teams work.


This one is on youtube, but I found a link with a transcript so tend to use it. As far as I know this site is not an affiliated site to the network set up here in USA and has spreading around the world as this has happened to many other countries as well, Correction it has been updated and has the link to the 50 states assemblies at the top now too.


This is the official American States Assemblies site set up in all 50 States and at least Australia


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What is Trumpism Vs Progressivism?

Trumpism is Nationalism over Globalism.

What is Trumpism? In order to understand Trump’s popularity you must first understand that the USA is not divided between Republicans and Democrats, but between Nationalists and Globalists. Nationalists want to live in an independent sovereign nation-state with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that guarantee and protect each citizen’s personal liberty, property rights, and personal pursuit of happiness in a capitalist economy. Nationalists are America First MAGA Patriots. Globalists want to abolish independent sovereign nation-states. Globalists want open borders. Globalists want to abolish the US Constitution. Globalists want the sheeple to subordinate their personal liberty, property rights, and personal pursuit of happiness to the “community.” Globalists want to replace capitalism with modern fascism in the form of Global Public-Private Partnerships. Globalist Fascists want to use Global Public-Private Partnerships to force upon the sheeple Digital ID, Digital Currency, a Social Credit Score System that will be used to control sheeple’s access to money and whether or not they can get bank loans, mortgages, and goods and services. Globalist Fascists want to use Global Public-Private Partnerships to implement UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) dictates that businesses will have to adopt in order to get bank loans and capital investment. Globalists want to replace independent sovereign nation-states with “Mega Regions” that will be governed by a more empowered, both financially and militarily, United Nations. Of course the Globalists will have to change the name of the new governing organization from “United Nations” to something more in line with their New World Order of global governance.

Trumpism is Nationalism over Globalism!

Who are the Globalists?

They are the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.

They are the European Royalty, the Black Nobility, the Rothschilds, the Banksters, the Pilgrims Society, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the George Soros Open Society, and all of the internationalist/globalist think tanks/institutions, like the British Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), its US subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Aspen Institute, the Tavistock Institute, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the recent Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican created by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the even more recent Creative Society, etc. etc. etc.....

Keep reading......


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By the way I'm a Trump supporter, and the woman in this video has won in ICC against entities like the Vatican.

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could it be capitalism

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the ABC footage of ground zero presented at approximately 4:10 broadcast on the peter jennings news which is available on my site vigilantcanadian.ca trumps any footage you may have

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We'll all need to purchase the book "The Art of War" since we are in the middle of one.

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At around 6 minutes Jason mentions the name of someone (I think) who lives outside Toronto and is trying to organise people to "get out of town" Is there any commenter who can help with the name. My hearing is not that good and Matt must be insanely busy! Thanks.

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Excellent discourse Matthew, thank you. It all confirms my own understanding of the sneaky Brits at work behind the scenes (I worked at the War Office in the 1960s but can't tell due to HMG Secrets Act ) as has been the case since Elizabeth 1 and her team of subversives. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-security-bill-factsheets/espionage-etc-national-security-bill-factsheet

But all this is not really serious - it's actually a game of 3D chess as far as I my experience dictates and Bob Newhart hit the nail on the head 70 years ago! Have a laugh whilst absorbing some historical truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XDxAzVEbN4

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