morgan reynolds was in Bush's administration on 9/11 as the lead economist in the dept of labour he is prof emeritus at Texas A and M university and a director of the Mise institute of Alabama - the fountain heard of Austrian school of economics - stated in a Fox news interview in 2006 "American airlines flights 11 and 77 aren't even in …
morgan reynolds was in Bush's administration on 9/11 as the lead economist in the dept of labour he is prof emeritus at Texas A and M university and a director of the Mise institute of Alabama - the fountain heard of Austrian school of economics - stated in a Fox news interview in 2006 "American airlines flights 11 and 77 aren't even in the Bureau of Transportation Data Base for that day" meaning no flight plans were filed - the lack of any debris pile for the twin towers - a part of the lobby facade of the south tower is still standing and is the tallest thing around - we did not witness a 'controlled demolition' as the term is generally believed - part of building 4 has 'disappeared building 6 has a large hole cored out with no debris in the hole - the idea of fake planes and pods is just a distraction to occupy people's time rather than focussing on the fact that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Bush administration committed High Treason on 9/11 - forget distraction focus on the High Treason charge
No they were clearly controlled demolitions, several thousand architects & structural engineers as well as demolition experts have testified to that. You can see the standard 45 deg cutting charge cuts on vertical beams in the wreckage. And the vast quantity of thermite residue in the dust spread all over, there is no possible way it got there except by use of large amounts of thermite cutting charges. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. No need to invent alien technology for something that is all quite straightforward, using standard off the shelf tech.
morgan reynolds was in Bush's administration on 9/11 as the lead economist in the dept of labour he is prof emeritus at Texas A and M university and a director of the Mise institute of Alabama - the fountain heard of Austrian school of economics - stated in a Fox news interview in 2006 "American airlines flights 11 and 77 aren't even in the Bureau of Transportation Data Base for that day" meaning no flight plans were filed - the lack of any debris pile for the twin towers - a part of the lobby facade of the south tower is still standing and is the tallest thing around - we did not witness a 'controlled demolition' as the term is generally believed - part of building 4 has 'disappeared building 6 has a large hole cored out with no debris in the hole - the idea of fake planes and pods is just a distraction to occupy people's time rather than focussing on the fact that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Bush administration committed High Treason on 9/11 - forget distraction focus on the High Treason charge
No they were clearly controlled demolitions, several thousand architects & structural engineers as well as demolition experts have testified to that. You can see the standard 45 deg cutting charge cuts on vertical beams in the wreckage. And the vast quantity of thermite residue in the dust spread all over, there is no possible way it got there except by use of large amounts of thermite cutting charges. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. No need to invent alien technology for something that is all quite straightforward, using standard off the shelf tech.