Hmm, I think you misrepresent Jung a bit when quoting him re: Hitler as a semi divine figure. I remember reading that very line in some book and he was not celebrating it, at all, quite the contrary; he was warning of the dangers of archetypal, mass ideological possession when the unconscious is not acknowledged and then explodes to the surface in such a violent way. There is much greater context to the quote than you give it imho.
Otoh that bit about Semetic's being lesser than Aryan and incapable of an original creative culture of their own (paraphrasing) does make me greatly want to reevaluate Jung.
I watched a little of Stew Peter's movie and cannot see the Nazi influence unless you think any criticism of Israel is anti semetic.... and this genocide is somehow justified? One wonders who the real Nazis are.
At the 56 min mark after nearly one hour of traumatic coverage of evil zionist crimes (which I am not denying nor am I excusing), the narrative shifts gears and becomes full blown pro-Hitler. So unless you were watching the film on mute I have no idea how you processed the content.
OK, just saw shit.. Hitler killed ordinary Jews... did he get rid of the bankers? Probably not... they probably left with their money and the working class got toasted.. and Hitler went on to make war with the surrounding nations for Greater Germany. Sounds like Greater Israel. Same shite, different flavour!
In the mid 1990's I discovered La Rouche and donated $500. I was immediately rewarded by the top recruiters in my Los Angeles area, and given all the books and magazines...which was a wonderful education. I greatly respect the intellectual skills of the La Rouchian school.
I will also say they are arrogant, full of self-certainty to the point of hubris, and dogmatic.
While I enjoyed this well-edited rehash of diatribes against Theosophy and fear of the "Occult," I grew beyond that. Life is not black and white.
I learned of the American System of economics, the Whigs, Lincoln, and the underground war against the British Oligarchical system. Ironically so did Hitler and he applied this same American System to defy the Venetian City of London Versailles attempts to destroy Germany, and regenerate the German economy to the surprise of all; even getting praise from Churchill early on.
My view now is that "God" weaves the Dark and the Light throughout all cultures and systems; all this to create the Great Play of the World, in which the Great Spirit dons many faces and loves every character It writes; there is no Game unless there are competing sides.
The mystic, mock as you rationalists may, discovers the Spirit is Eternal, and Death is an illusion existing only in the mind of egoic man. We are but temporary leaves on the Great Vine that is Christ Consciousness. The Logos writes, and re-writes the Script of Life over and over an over, and we are all walk-on characters in His Imagination.
In other words, get over your self. God is beyond our ability to grasp.
The first and final irony is that this screed opens with a quote from Isaiah. By now I hope many are discovering the the Dark and twisted roots of this murderous xenophobic "godling" Yahweh Who is a poisonous worm at the heart of Judaism, and who should be extirpated from the ideals of Christianity.
This will be very complimentary to my coming piece, “Magic, Myth and Archaic Mind Control,” where Jung and archaic civilization will be discussed at length.
Thank you for this diligently documented research and for the depth and breadth of all your work.
I quoted two of this article’s passages in a short piece that I posted here on Substack last month, which describes how Jung’s simplistic psychological ideas (which amount to a resentful reaction-formation against Jewish Freudianism) seamlessly accommodated Nazi ideology, in case you’re interested:
Matt I studied Alice Bailey's work intensively for 12 years and in fact her writings led me directly to the door of understanding the grift of the Banking Cartel/Federal Reserve and the BS of the New Age. She clearly had faults and weaknesses in her presentation of the Ageless Wisdom but it's evident you've never read her and really have no idea what she was presenting. AAB may have included promotion of the newly formed UN in her writings, and her society may still enjoy some followers who think it a valuable enterprise, but by 1987, when I started reading and studying with a group of her students, we were well aware that the UN had been, as she repeatedly warned, co-opted and destroyed from within. She taught this happens to all institutions, more quickly the likely they are to have a significant impact for good. She may have been naive about its founders and blind to their intent, but she called it right on.
It is obvious from comments you've made, like this one from a recent post of yours, that you don't understand even the most basic thrust of her philosophy: "The reader should take note, the very clear sharing of philosophy with that of Jiddu Krishnamurti, Alice Bailey and the Theosophists more broadly. That there should be no work for reaching the stage of “enlightenment,” rather it is simply to open oneself as an empty vessel and let the “universe,” or whatever is around, pour in." Um, no. This is wildly inaccurate. Alice Bailey was a middle-of-the-road guide to the Perennial Philosophy and its basic tenets, like getting one's life under control via taking on responsibility in one's career and sphere of influence, living with humility, daily prayer and meditation and evening ethical/behavior reviews, regular/periodic self-examination of one's faults and making plans to overcome them to be a more useful adult. She advocated lifelong study of the great books, including the bible and the Bhagavad Gita, endeavoring to discern the truth behind world affairs (which led me to your work) and cultivating the sense of discernment and one's intuition, developing an attitude and a personal discipline of service to Humanity and the Divine, and never, ever, indulging in this reckless "open(ing) oneself as an empty vessel to the Universe or whatever." She taught that daily meditation and prayer to G-d and Christ was more than sufficient and "channeling" a dangerous conceit. I'd be happy to share you a compilation of dozens of quotes from her books exhorting readers NOT to do this.
But most importantly she exhorts us to find our own ability to listen to the voice of the trinity, of G-d and Christ and Holy Spirit, via disciplined attention in our own practices and to reject out of hand anything *in her writings or teachings and anyone else's* that might lead us to illusion and self-aggrandizement. Ever since she started writing, various of her teachings have been repeatedly taken out of context and sensationalized into ridiculous New Age and Satanic claims. I started a Catholic and still remain one. I agree with her teaching that "Lucifer" is our personal Shadow, our unresolved selfishness and fears, and the pain we experience in listening to THAT voice, brings us to the light. There's plenty to criticize in the way her work has been distorted and disseminated and like everyone she had many flaws and presented some materials and ideas of questionable value, but most of what you say about her just is not accurate.
Amazing compilation, cited details provoking lots to think about. Deserves a re-read, and contemplation on just how deep the German Hitler movement had on the pysche of Canadians. Would have been better if all this was known before ie the 1970's and the so called gestalt therapy workshops. Thinking India had better resolutions, particularly in the Path of the Saints. Colonel Olcott and many of the Theodophists ended up in their later years frustrated with the Blavatsky's ISIS Doctrines and apparently became happy devotees og Master Baba Saawan Singh, called The Great Master --- at the Beas Colony in the Punjab.
As a lifelong student of the Ageless Wisdom I can concur that Blavatsky was a nutcase and her writings of little value. I found great value in the disciplined approach AA Bailey presented, daily meditation, study of the Great Books and world affairs, and finding and cultivating a realm of real service in the world. I don't know that Bailey's work is still useful, it's been very distorted and misinterpreted, but it was enormously helpful way back when.
Woah I'm a long time Jung reader, that is a crazy quote of his. I will not write him off entirely (nor have I took him on entirely, ever) but that is a bit of a stab. I've always had questions re: his work though. I'll have to read the entire article now. Funnily enough, I think just an hour ago I left a rely on another one of your substack articles referencing Jung in some manner, or quoting him before reading this one.
A quick search of Dietrich Eckart quickly brings up denials that he was ever a part of the Thule Society. Why would there be rejection of this so many years later?
"Gradually, the images transformed before me and began to offer me presents: sometimes a ring, other times a golden sphere or a pair of keys. I now understood that just as every devil is a fallen angel, every angel is also a demon that has risen.” (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
My issue is with any philosophy that tried to reduce metaphysical/moral attributes and powers (including cognition, tendency to use intellect with rigor, empathy, etc) as a consequence of either blood, genes, race
To be as clear as I can, I do not categorise Jew as a racial genetic specific as I do not Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc. My Great Grandma was a ruthless London money lender and my father's side all the the 'look'; if you know what I refer to. All 'uncut' and of no belief system; but we jest about it.
P.S. David Irving, about whom you made a seemingly derogatory aspersion recently, has apparently never read Mein Kampf because he does not believe Adolf was the whole author. Do I recall that correctly? I hope so. That's an interesting take, no?
Hmm, I think you misrepresent Jung a bit when quoting him re: Hitler as a semi divine figure. I remember reading that very line in some book and he was not celebrating it, at all, quite the contrary; he was warning of the dangers of archetypal, mass ideological possession when the unconscious is not acknowledged and then explodes to the surface in such a violent way. There is much greater context to the quote than you give it imho.
Otoh that bit about Semetic's being lesser than Aryan and incapable of an original creative culture of their own (paraphrasing) does make me greatly want to reevaluate Jung.
I watched a little of Stew Peter's movie and cannot see the Nazi influence unless you think any criticism of Israel is anti semetic.... and this genocide is somehow justified? One wonders who the real Nazis are.
At the 56 min mark after nearly one hour of traumatic coverage of evil zionist crimes (which I am not denying nor am I excusing), the narrative shifts gears and becomes full blown pro-Hitler. So unless you were watching the film on mute I have no idea how you processed the content.
OK, just saw shit.. Hitler killed ordinary Jews... did he get rid of the bankers? Probably not... they probably left with their money and the working class got toasted.. and Hitler went on to make war with the surrounding nations for Greater Germany. Sounds like Greater Israel. Same shite, different flavour!
I didn't get that far... I can only handle so much genocidal footage... but I'll check out the 56 mark.. thanks.
In the mid 1990's I discovered La Rouche and donated $500. I was immediately rewarded by the top recruiters in my Los Angeles area, and given all the books and magazines...which was a wonderful education. I greatly respect the intellectual skills of the La Rouchian school.
I will also say they are arrogant, full of self-certainty to the point of hubris, and dogmatic.
While I enjoyed this well-edited rehash of diatribes against Theosophy and fear of the "Occult," I grew beyond that. Life is not black and white.
I learned of the American System of economics, the Whigs, Lincoln, and the underground war against the British Oligarchical system. Ironically so did Hitler and he applied this same American System to defy the Venetian City of London Versailles attempts to destroy Germany, and regenerate the German economy to the surprise of all; even getting praise from Churchill early on.
My view now is that "God" weaves the Dark and the Light throughout all cultures and systems; all this to create the Great Play of the World, in which the Great Spirit dons many faces and loves every character It writes; there is no Game unless there are competing sides.
The mystic, mock as you rationalists may, discovers the Spirit is Eternal, and Death is an illusion existing only in the mind of egoic man. We are but temporary leaves on the Great Vine that is Christ Consciousness. The Logos writes, and re-writes the Script of Life over and over an over, and we are all walk-on characters in His Imagination.
In other words, get over your self. God is beyond our ability to grasp.
The first and final irony is that this screed opens with a quote from Isaiah. By now I hope many are discovering the the Dark and twisted roots of this murderous xenophobic "godling" Yahweh Who is a poisonous worm at the heart of Judaism, and who should be extirpated from the ideals of Christianity.
What, you don't think God is a genocidal maniac?? Blasphemy!!!
This will be very complimentary to my coming piece, “Magic, Myth and Archaic Mind Control,” where Jung and archaic civilization will be discussed at length.
Looking forward to reading that Dave.
Occultists Unveiled! A great read....
Thank you for this diligently documented research and for the depth and breadth of all your work.
I quoted two of this article’s passages in a short piece that I posted here on Substack last month, which describes how Jung’s simplistic psychological ideas (which amount to a resentful reaction-formation against Jewish Freudianism) seamlessly accommodated Nazi ideology, in case you’re interested:
It is uncanny to see that root and branch quote almost echos exactly what Heinrich Heine wrote in Religion and Philosophy in Germany, in 1934 :
What a strange contrast did this man's outward life
present to his destructive, world-annihilating thoughts !
In sooth, had the citizens of Königsberg had the least
presentiment of the full significance of his ideas, they
would have felt a far more awful dread at the presence of
this man than at the sight of an executioner, who can but
kill the body. But the worthy folk saw in him nothing
more than a Professor of Philosophy, and as he passed
at his customary hour, they greeted him in a friendly
manner and set their watches by him.
But though Immanuel Kant, the arch-destroyer in the
realm of thought, far surpassed in terrorism Maximilian
Robespierre, he had many similarities with the latter,
which induce a comparison between the two men.
Kant, the omnipulverizer, arch-destroyer, executioner of creativity, worse terrorist than Robespierre, from Königsberg, today Kaliningrad.
Question then is was Kant some kind of occultist? Kant is worshiped like Newton all across academia.
Matt I studied Alice Bailey's work intensively for 12 years and in fact her writings led me directly to the door of understanding the grift of the Banking Cartel/Federal Reserve and the BS of the New Age. She clearly had faults and weaknesses in her presentation of the Ageless Wisdom but it's evident you've never read her and really have no idea what she was presenting. AAB may have included promotion of the newly formed UN in her writings, and her society may still enjoy some followers who think it a valuable enterprise, but by 1987, when I started reading and studying with a group of her students, we were well aware that the UN had been, as she repeatedly warned, co-opted and destroyed from within. She taught this happens to all institutions, more quickly the likely they are to have a significant impact for good. She may have been naive about its founders and blind to their intent, but she called it right on.
It is obvious from comments you've made, like this one from a recent post of yours, that you don't understand even the most basic thrust of her philosophy: "The reader should take note, the very clear sharing of philosophy with that of Jiddu Krishnamurti, Alice Bailey and the Theosophists more broadly. That there should be no work for reaching the stage of “enlightenment,” rather it is simply to open oneself as an empty vessel and let the “universe,” or whatever is around, pour in." Um, no. This is wildly inaccurate. Alice Bailey was a middle-of-the-road guide to the Perennial Philosophy and its basic tenets, like getting one's life under control via taking on responsibility in one's career and sphere of influence, living with humility, daily prayer and meditation and evening ethical/behavior reviews, regular/periodic self-examination of one's faults and making plans to overcome them to be a more useful adult. She advocated lifelong study of the great books, including the bible and the Bhagavad Gita, endeavoring to discern the truth behind world affairs (which led me to your work) and cultivating the sense of discernment and one's intuition, developing an attitude and a personal discipline of service to Humanity and the Divine, and never, ever, indulging in this reckless "open(ing) oneself as an empty vessel to the Universe or whatever." She taught that daily meditation and prayer to G-d and Christ was more than sufficient and "channeling" a dangerous conceit. I'd be happy to share you a compilation of dozens of quotes from her books exhorting readers NOT to do this.
But most importantly she exhorts us to find our own ability to listen to the voice of the trinity, of G-d and Christ and Holy Spirit, via disciplined attention in our own practices and to reject out of hand anything *in her writings or teachings and anyone else's* that might lead us to illusion and self-aggrandizement. Ever since she started writing, various of her teachings have been repeatedly taken out of context and sensationalized into ridiculous New Age and Satanic claims. I started a Catholic and still remain one. I agree with her teaching that "Lucifer" is our personal Shadow, our unresolved selfishness and fears, and the pain we experience in listening to THAT voice, brings us to the light. There's plenty to criticize in the way her work has been distorted and disseminated and like everyone she had many flaws and presented some materials and ideas of questionable value, but most of what you say about her just is not accurate.
Amazing compilation, cited details provoking lots to think about. Deserves a re-read, and contemplation on just how deep the German Hitler movement had on the pysche of Canadians. Would have been better if all this was known before ie the 1970's and the so called gestalt therapy workshops. Thinking India had better resolutions, particularly in the Path of the Saints. Colonel Olcott and many of the Theodophists ended up in their later years frustrated with the Blavatsky's ISIS Doctrines and apparently became happy devotees og Master Baba Saawan Singh, called The Great Master --- at the Beas Colony in the Punjab.
As a lifelong student of the Ageless Wisdom I can concur that Blavatsky was a nutcase and her writings of little value. I found great value in the disciplined approach AA Bailey presented, daily meditation, study of the Great Books and world affairs, and finding and cultivating a realm of real service in the world. I don't know that Bailey's work is still useful, it's been very distorted and misinterpreted, but it was enormously helpful way back when.
Typo: "... and accept the moral as much as the moral." I suppose you meant "as much as the amoral"
Questions: is this the Major General Albert Stubblebine who was so vocal about 911 being an inside job?
Anton Levay? As far as I know, Levay = Levi?
Take your time, I know you're a busy man.
Woah I'm a long time Jung reader, that is a crazy quote of his. I will not write him off entirely (nor have I took him on entirely, ever) but that is a bit of a stab. I've always had questions re: his work though. I'll have to read the entire article now. Funnily enough, I think just an hour ago I left a rely on another one of your substack articles referencing Jung in some manner, or quoting him before reading this one.
Fascinating stuff.
'The Babelsburg Working'. 'b' and 'w' were once interchangable
A quick search of Dietrich Eckart quickly brings up denials that he was ever a part of the Thule Society. Why would there be rejection of this so many years later?
"Gradually, the images transformed before me and began to offer me presents: sometimes a ring, other times a golden sphere or a pair of keys. I now understood that just as every devil is a fallen angel, every angel is also a demon that has risen.” (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
Jung can go jump.
But, what is the Jewish race? Are you suggesting it is a distinct racial genetic class of human specie?
I view Jew as Christian as Muslim as Hindu as atheist... a belief system, not a genetic category. Do enlighten me otherwise.
My issue is with any philosophy that tried to reduce metaphysical/moral attributes and powers (including cognition, tendency to use intellect with rigor, empathy, etc) as a consequence of either blood, genes, race
As clear as mud my dear fellow!
To be as clear as I can, I do not categorise Jew as a racial genetic specific as I do not Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc. My Great Grandma was a ruthless London money lender and my father's side all the the 'look'; if you know what I refer to. All 'uncut' and of no belief system; but we jest about it.
P.S. David Irving, about whom you made a seemingly derogatory aspersion recently, has apparently never read Mein Kampf because he does not believe Adolf was the whole author. Do I recall that correctly? I hope so. That's an interesting take, no?
I much enjoy your work.