👍🏽👍👍🏿 This is the very first time I’ve seen V in a human face. I like both styles. First time I’ve heard Alex, too. I’m relieved I’m not the only one who get’s what’s happening; a slow 9/11 controlled demolition totally out of control by monster war-bankers panicking to kill everyone in another world war as soon as possible—to clean the slate, so to speak—to erase the record of events, kill most of the people and humanity’s true record of existence and real greatness. It’s just too insane We the People are so dopey that we can’t resist; just stop following orders from these few in luxury bomb shelters, stop killing each-other and peacefully institutionalize them. I’ll never understand the minds of the brainwashed fighting flock.

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Anything under 40 mins I'd definitely watch with you and Alex Krainer.

but 1 hour 45? I can see the attraction for you, but there is just so much out there even if I only work 2 days a week,

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just take a break halfway! It is really worth listening to

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So are a dozen other podcasts a day.

including one a week by Alex and almost one a day by Matt.

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I thought it was great and I really liked that format. I hope it is used more. Alot more of the financial aspect was covered but that is "the soup that Alex swims in" so it was interesting . How to be able to get bread when all we have ever known collapses scares people alot.

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Every video we've got a pad and a pen at the ready. Never do we NOT have to use it. 🖊️🖊️🖊️🖊️

Thank you Matthew.

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