You must get extremely tired of discussing such absurd and criminal behaviour repeating over and over. They've proven repeatedly they are incompetent, criminal and happy to sacrifice millions for the bottom of the barrel oligarchs. When will they finally get that they are also on the chopping block when the time is ripe.

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“The pro-war elites are clearly out of step with voters, and they have been punished for it.“

Really??! No they are not out of step they do not give a damn about ‘voters’ and they definitely have not been punished.

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Can't watch in UK

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Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead,for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

On the subject of the Ukraine war, The American's are only in it to keep the 10 to 12 Trillion Dollars worth of natural assets - minerals and land - for themselves and not let Russia get it for themselves and China. When has America ever got involved in anyone else's Wars, when there has been nothing in it for themselves, as well - I've published the article covering this on my free substack, the last day or so, back.

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Couldn’t get it to play.

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I love and appreciate your content and the clarity and research behind it.

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