My Forensic analysis of the US governments operations and its Usurpations are greatly documented. They show precisely that the Catholic Church and British Empire have been running the US government since its founding and provides very clearly evidence of massive operations of grand theft, fraud, and support for global terrorism.

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Matt, I am interested in your additional materials on Freemasons.

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Dear Matthew:

I saw your Pat Timpone presentation. That prompted me to dig into the lives of well-known American Freemason public officials.

Harry Truman and Andrew Jackson were grand masters of their respective Grand lodges of Missouri and Tennessee. Gerald Ford made 33rd Degree, and served as the leading Scottish Rite Freemason in Michigan. Theodore Roosevelt was Master of a NY lodge.

The Freemasons who supported the American System of Hamilton (not a Mason) included Henry Clay, WM McKinley, Warren Harding, and FDR. I consider it noteworthy that George Washington, once Master of Fredericksburg Lodge 4, took the oath of office on a Masonic Bible from St. John’s Lodge #1 of New York.

I see this as unexamined history for American Freemasons requiring a new look.

I see the Robert Moon and Kepler presentations on the new atomic model and nested solids from the subatomic to the celestial spheres as a valuable lesson for Freemasons who talk about Pythagoras and astronomy—and only scratch the surface of thei work.

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Outstanding but makes no mention that the Queen is the Popes overseer, and the Pope, being Trustee of the Air jurisdiction ultimately owns all incorporated entities. Don't let him sneak out the back door.

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I see the clash of the Americans writ small in clashes of Masons; Washington, Henry Clay, McKinley, Harding, and FDR on one side bs. Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, and Albert Pike on the other.

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Did a quick thing on Freemasons recently on Pat Timpone's show. If you want some more supplementary reading after watching this let me know: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fII1_hfEgbk/

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I watched the Pat Timpone show. Thank you very much. Please send the supplemental Freemason reading references to me. In my list of American Freemasons I omitted one: Benjamin Franklin. Him I place with George Washington, Henry Clay, and FDR.

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