I have referred your work to every young and older person I can. I don't know how you both do it. My thanks.

Any word on fires in southeast Quebec being reported on by Dutchsinsi? Not sure what to believe but hearing people in Massachusetts state that they can smell them.

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Fantastic work Matt and kudos to Grayzone too

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Many thanks for your work. I did want to bring to your attention this particular excerpt from your article. You wrote:

[Speaking more candidly than usual, NED President David Ignatius said in 1991 “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA”.]

In re-reading David Ignatius' 1991 Washington Post article, (see link below) it would appear that the aforementioned quote was actually attributed to Allen Weinstein, founder of the Center for Democracy.

["A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA," agrees Weinstein. The biggest difference is that when such activities are done overtly, the flap potential is close to zero. Openness is its own protection.]


Additionally, I don't think David Ignatius was ever the President of NED. Carl Gershman was the President of NED from its founding in 1984 until 2021.

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Thank you David

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Very interesting narrative!

Can you please address one question:

If you talk to a British person in casual conversation they are proud that the British government had outlawed slavery in the early 1800s and it took America so much longer to do so (and with so much more difficulty). Why did the British government outlaw it if it was integral to their economic model?

(Apologies if this is integrated somewhere in your posts but I haven't been able to find it)

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"Much longer"

Britain didn't outlaw slavery in its COLONIES until 1834, so let's do the math. 1863 minus 1834 equals 29 years. This is "much longer?" And while Britain was puffing out its chest as the great moral force in the world, it was encouraging the South to secede--as a slave state--so it could become a satrap to London bankers. The de facto head of the Confederacy was one such London banker. The Civil War was a British effort to break America in two and keep slavery going.

And when moral superpower Britain banned slavery who did they compensate? Not the slaves but the slave owners for their economic loss.

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Melvyn's answer is pretty good. I outlined my thoughts on the matter right here: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/how-to-save-a-dying-republic-part-24d

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Not been to China, but nor have you explained what Senger got wrong. Falun Gong explanation? L

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I'll ask again- do you happen to have any knowledge as to any role the National Endowment for Democracy may have played in manufacturing those infamous images of people dropping dead in the street in Wuhan in 2020?

Do you also have any information on who operates the South Morning Chinese Post newspaper out of Hong Kong? I have always suspected this to be a UK/US intelligence/propaganda outlet.

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The evidence I'm looking at points to something unleashed onto China in Nov-Dec 2019 that was not covid, but a weaponized ethnically targetted pathogen from one of the USA's 300 international bioweapon labs. I go through that a bit here https://strategic-culture.org/news/2021/05/19/beijing-five-eyes-or-something-else-who-blame-for-covid-pandemic/

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That's not what I was referencing. I was speaking to the "production" of the fake scenes of people dropping dead in the street. Akin to the phony "production" of Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ's false testimony in the run-up to the Iraq War.

I'm surprised you believe in "ethnically targeted pathogens."

There was nothing "unleashed onto China" in 2019.

I think you are also very confused and/or misinformed on US biolabs. Yet another scare tactic and primarily money laundering operations.

There was no pandemic. Covid is pure fiction- all of it.

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Allen. Just so I have a clear idea of what you believe: Are you saying you don't believe in Pentagon run biolabs around the world?

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Hi Matthew,

I don't do "beliefs" I traffic only in evidence as you seem to do for the most part which is why I find it surprising you would cataspult what is essentially a version of the State Department sci-fi doomsday cult fear mongering nonsense

Let me clarify. First, there was no pandemic anywhere in the world in 2020. If you wish to discuss this at length and in granular detail we can go through this. It may be best to start with NYC and N Italy as once you illustrate that there was no pandemic in either of these two "hotspots" then it becomes clear what happened which was in short administrative slaughter and public health despotism. There was no epidemiological event- there was and is a massive financial operation for which "Covid" is the cover.

Now to the biolab fictions. Biolabs exist but they do not and have not and can not do what their stated purposes are. I will quote from from Sasha Latayapova on this matter and gladly go into this in greater length as well if you wish.

"New fear narratives must be established: the narrative of “emerging” novel viruses has been in the works for years. Scary invisible viruses that can pounce out of a jungle any minute, and are just a plane ride away from infecting half the planet with a lethal new pathogen! Even more exciting is the prospect of evil scientists making new deadly and super spreading viruses in labs that can “leak.”

"The Government mafia (HHS, NIH, DOD, DARPA, BARDA, DTRA, etc, etc,) and their vassals in academia, biopharma industry, and media have all been feeding at the “biodefense” money trough for decades. What can be better than an invisible threat to justify printing and spending truckloads of money for mega-defense/research contracts, while flying to the global champagne-caviar events and giving each other diverse-inclusive-sustainable science awards?"


"Lab-“emerging pathogens” seem to need a lot of help to emerge, i.e. get synthesized, manufactured at scale and deployed, and even then they are not particularly dangerous (except with very large exposure), and are treatable. Biological toxins are known to be unstable, denature quickly, are somewhat more persistent indoors but they do not pose mass lethal danger. Just like any chemical toxin, they pose individual/localized danger. These substances are not “alive and replicating particles” any more than the poison oak is - yes you can get it from your dog and give it to your family members, and the bugger will stay on your clothes and is hard to get rid of! But poison of poison oak is not an infectious virus that “jumps” from dogs to humans, it’s a biological toxin in plant oils."


"All natural biological pathogens are already perfectly optimized and balanced and cannot be “modified”, despite the sci-fi narratives of hackable “software of life” and gene splicing. No complex life form can be “genetically modified” and continue as a viable life form, because that modification will interfere with its living balance, and deviate it from the perfect current state of equilibrium. In multi-cellular organisms, you have to modify all cells (not possible with single injection), and keep modifying all of them in perpetuity. Once injected with “gene modifying” juice, the body frantically tries to figure our WTF just happened (FDA calls it “immunogenicity”), tries to undo the assault by eliminating the damaged cells (FDA calls it “reactogenicity”), and if the assault was large enough or with multiple injections - the body will destroy itself (CDC calls it “misinformation”).

These “gene modification” narratives are simply stupid talk! All that can result from any such attempts is either the organism defeats and clears the assault from foreign material inside the cells, or local/systemic damage results, leading to injury or death. That’s why all mRNA/DNA technologies failed despite 20+ years of attempts and gazillions ploughed in by the biodefense cult of doomsday."

Entire article here:


And this:

"He is talking about “mutating virus” or “directed evolution” and describes it in the same way Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric do in their proposals to the NIH - same terms, same experimental designs and ideas, and this same script has been in existence for decades. Do you know how I know? I have a book on bio-chemical weapons published in 1970 in the Soviet Union, and I also have one published by the NIH in 2018. They repeat the same things and concepts. Pfizer guy probably got his script from BARDA/DARPA memos. BARDA funds 50% of the pharmaceutical R&D today. It is, however, a narrative. There is no way to “mutate viruses” in a lab in the way they all imply - to artificially make them deadlier and more transmissible at the same time. This is a propaganda fairytale with a very specific goal. You should be very concerned about any person (on “their” side or “ours”) who repeats it with a serious face.

Sure, scientists can experiment with soups of DNA/RNA and grow things in petri dishes. They can design mutations on the computer and try to make concoctions of things. Are those “viruses” that can “leak from the lab” and “infect the world”? No. The proof of this is that while there are 1000 biolabs in the US and Western world playing with viruses. no pandemics or epidemics have resulted from these activities. I assure you, not a single academic lab was ever capable of following basic SOPs, and if there was such a thing as “dangerous virus leak”, we would have them constantly. If there is indeed such a thing and we have had them constantly - that means we are all well adapted to them already! Local clustering of illnesses have been detected, they are likely “deployment tests” vs an actual “leak”. They self extinguish every time."


Article here:


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Dear Matthew,

One thing I want to know is how you feel about the CCP reeducation camp manuals in Xinjiang. Michael Senger's book on China (Snake Oil) prints the terrifying CCP reeducation manual language. This was also totally in line with the material in Red Azalea and many other eyewitness accounts I have now experienced. Taken from the 2019 NY Times expose, the language was particularly frightening in the light of the covert-1984 plandemic. I am especially concerned about the mind virus reeducation language that the Chinese use on dissidents, claiming they have to be locked up so they don't "infect their families" with bad thoughts et al.

I have read and seen the testimony of Falun Gong survivors.

Although you are no doubt right about the intervention of western imperialist agencies, that does not change the facts about the problems of Chinese totalitarianism and genocide.

I have noticed a lot of well-intentioned anti-western imperialism people making too many excuses for Chinese totalitarianism. There is no need to soft-pedal communist abuses of power when criticizing western abuses.

I learned of your work from Tom O'Keefe, whose character and standards I consider of the highest. Please consider these comments in this light.


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I suggest Brian Berletic's material on this on New Atlas. It's all a giant hoax.

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Matthew, I wrote this note to Brian with respect to your suggestion.

Dear Brian,

I received a short note from Matthew Ehret who claims you have evidence that the Chinese reeducation camps and persecution of Falun Gong are giant hoaxes

Is that correct?

I was asking Matthew to consider Michael Senger's book Snake Oil about Xi Jinping, wherein he quotes from the 2019 NYT exposes on China's reeducation camps for Xinjiang muslims.

Senger's book, as well as a host of other evidence - including the fact that Xi still requires everyone around him to wear masks (visible in his multiple appearances, including Abbas' recent state visit and recent conventions of the CCP) - suggests that the Chinese multipolarity leadership idea may be more dangerous than some are suggesting. I can admit to feeling better about multipolarity than one world government, but as far as I can make out, China is supporting the WHO and many aspects of the Great Reset and the NWO.

I am aware that the secret societies have been planning to pit "Communism" against "Christianity" as a third world war designed to finally collapse everything into a single global government since the days of Albert Pike and perhaps even before. William Guy Carr's book Pawns in the Game is revealing in that direction. However, the involvement of China in the lockdown methodology was even more aggressive than in the West, and so I cannot hold them harmless.

Is Xi the problem? Is he a Western agent? Is there a resistance to Xi in China?

What explains the cozy relationship between him and Klaus Schwab?

While many of these questions have some answers in various articles on the subject, and I will dig in some more, as I feel you two have contributed to a major opportunity to collapse this dangerous polarity, I want to make sure we are not cutting China too much slack in our disgust regarding Western imperialism and covert operations.

Any thoughts much appreciated,

R. Leland Lehrman

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Have you been to China?

BTW Senger is way out of his league on "all things China" and his conflations on Covid and the CCP are the stuff of sophistry and a-historical analysis. As well he has zero footing on the historical background of the "pandemic industry" and is completely ignorant on the trajectory of how we got here.

Many of these right-wing, libertarian types who comprise a faction of the "health freedom movement" easily slip into "yellow peril" and/or "red scare" tropes as it fits their predisposed reactionary ideology.

Ask yourself where did this guy come from and how in the world did he publish a book so quickly, long before comprehensive evidence of the Covid Operation was available, evidence which btw dispels his Sinophobic meanderings.

Ask yourself how did this guy get so much wrong?

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What’s interesting about this supranational oligarchy fraud are the actual people who do the work for these costumed barbarians who haven’t really thought much about the truth like Leslie Aun.

Max Blumenthall recognized she meant well and I’d say is now most likely is without a job.

A deeper propaganda by falsehood isn’t imaginable by most until the mirror on the wall begins to cracks with its deep corruption.

How embarrassing!

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Spoiler Alert:

This Movie Doesn't End

Until After They Get The Young People

To Kill Their Own Parents.

Or At Least Turn Them In


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Great article, Matt, and loved this Grayzone phone call! The part where Alex explains to Leslie that what she's calling democracy is actually the definition of a coup d'etat is priceless! My read is that she's truly this naive, a do-gooder mouthpiece who can give a pretty face to violent gov't overthrows. What do you think?

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She is a useful idiot who thinks truth is based on feelings

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Haha. Perfect description of her repetition that NED does NOT answer to the CIA.

I just posted a list of your Soros-related articles in answer to a (like-minded) commenter on my Kennedy and Malone article. He was mentioning that Soros is going to geoengineer the Arctic and another 'useful idiot' chiding Soros that it would lead to centralization and endanger his Open Societies project. As if.

I linked seven of them but the list wasn't complete. I didn't know Substack had a search function! This will make my life much easier. Here's the comment:


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