In this special episode of Rogue News, Tim Kirby, V and I discuss the failures of the unipolarists in their aims to destroy Russia, the new dynamics emerging in Moldova, Hungary, Georgia and the Pacific theater as well as the causes behind the anomalous waves of train derailments, food processing facilities going up in fire and how all of this relates to eco-terrorism.
Not to go on a diatribe—but I Just finished watching and had to add this before you consider my book list request: I agree, population has Never been the problem, at all, ever, you’re so correct. It’s all about building human-infrastructure via fair trade tax and honest democracy to sustain an abundance made scarce. War and Fear is so controlling and profitable for the monsters at the very top, and that’s not Biden, Putin or any of the other political ass-clown pawns causing problems—it’s the war-bankers. There has never been shortages, except what’s intentionally created, like all these false flag train wrecks diverting our attention and creating false-scarcity. And again, you’re so right about science and technology; that it’s not to be feared, except how it’s being developed in secret by those trapping everyone to stupid war, spies and fear by their controlled, shit media. I wanted to add that, because I believe you really get it: that all of these people, mid-pyramid tyrants of history, like Hitler, were bought pawns of Rothschild/war banker profiteers (and Must & Gates are not the richest with most of the controls, thought sill a major problem). Humanity is not or ever has been the problem plaguing the world, even plagues, but the entire world has been generationally-brainwashed into believing human population, terrorist, viruses…are to blame, so we fall for it, get vaxxed up, put on our face-diapers and kill each other. So stupid. All the current problems are not by people, directly. Even the bloody WHO of the worthless UN, for instance, are still mid-monsters of that same crap pyramid of powers. We need money, telecommunications, electricity…What we don’t need are the bloody CIA, NSA, FDA, FCC…all controlled by Rockefeller, English Royalty…who are the richest (by trillions of dollars, not billions) and the most dangerous problems to humanity. By the way, I grew up around booze and bar owners and I hate alcohol, though support the right to have it. However, I’m certain cannabis is safe and benign compared to booze, and most definitely safer than guns and bullets in the hands of Biden & Trump fight club fanatics.
Matt, if you were on a one-way trip to Mars escaping earths certain destruction and you were scrambling at the last minute to take only, say, 30 or up to 50 good hardcover books with you—and all others lost forever—which would you select, in order of importance? Encyclopedias excluded, though some books are almost encyclopedic—that’s fine. But don’t respond in chat, instead—consider publishing an article on Substack with short reviews, like you’re educating your astronaut crew in rout about how NOT to get it all wrong, like earth; freedom & democracy; currency & trade, evolving education & health care, communications, waste management/recycling, food & water and electrical energy. I didn’t include housing because you get it correct if all the other have their human-nature elements intact. Not an easy task, even hypothetically. Please share this question with the sharpest minds you’d trust to go with you on this space voyage/colonization. I’m asking several of my favorite doctors and researchers to do the same. Good luck just thinking about it.
Great discussion. Hitler was a low-lever Tool of the War Bankers/manufacturers. As far as the AK-watches…I support all guns, just for fun at the range/Olympics. People who call them security need help—in straight jackets. I’d like to start a company or convince Apple to help me melt down all offensive-defensive weapons killing people into Smart(er) watches, then I’ll purchase one too.
Not to go on a diatribe—but I Just finished watching and had to add this before you consider my book list request: I agree, population has Never been the problem, at all, ever, you’re so correct. It’s all about building human-infrastructure via fair trade tax and honest democracy to sustain an abundance made scarce. War and Fear is so controlling and profitable for the monsters at the very top, and that’s not Biden, Putin or any of the other political ass-clown pawns causing problems—it’s the war-bankers. There has never been shortages, except what’s intentionally created, like all these false flag train wrecks diverting our attention and creating false-scarcity. And again, you’re so right about science and technology; that it’s not to be feared, except how it’s being developed in secret by those trapping everyone to stupid war, spies and fear by their controlled, shit media. I wanted to add that, because I believe you really get it: that all of these people, mid-pyramid tyrants of history, like Hitler, were bought pawns of Rothschild/war banker profiteers (and Must & Gates are not the richest with most of the controls, thought sill a major problem). Humanity is not or ever has been the problem plaguing the world, even plagues, but the entire world has been generationally-brainwashed into believing human population, terrorist, viruses…are to blame, so we fall for it, get vaxxed up, put on our face-diapers and kill each other. So stupid. All the current problems are not by people, directly. Even the bloody WHO of the worthless UN, for instance, are still mid-monsters of that same crap pyramid of powers. We need money, telecommunications, electricity…What we don’t need are the bloody CIA, NSA, FDA, FCC…all controlled by Rockefeller, English Royalty…who are the richest (by trillions of dollars, not billions) and the most dangerous problems to humanity. By the way, I grew up around booze and bar owners and I hate alcohol, though support the right to have it. However, I’m certain cannabis is safe and benign compared to booze, and most definitely safer than guns and bullets in the hands of Biden & Trump fight club fanatics.
Matt, if you were on a one-way trip to Mars escaping earths certain destruction and you were scrambling at the last minute to take only, say, 30 or up to 50 good hardcover books with you—and all others lost forever—which would you select, in order of importance? Encyclopedias excluded, though some books are almost encyclopedic—that’s fine. But don’t respond in chat, instead—consider publishing an article on Substack with short reviews, like you’re educating your astronaut crew in rout about how NOT to get it all wrong, like earth; freedom & democracy; currency & trade, evolving education & health care, communications, waste management/recycling, food & water and electrical energy. I didn’t include housing because you get it correct if all the other have their human-nature elements intact. Not an easy task, even hypothetically. Please share this question with the sharpest minds you’d trust to go with you on this space voyage/colonization. I’m asking several of my favorite doctors and researchers to do the same. Good luck just thinking about it.
Great discussion. Hitler was a low-lever Tool of the War Bankers/manufacturers. As far as the AK-watches…I support all guns, just for fun at the range/Olympics. People who call them security need help—in straight jackets. I’d like to start a company or convince Apple to help me melt down all offensive-defensive weapons killing people into Smart(er) watches, then I’ll purchase one too.