Dec 29, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Thanks, insightful show as usual. Point if disagreement: Lukacs was not a Bolshevik, no matter what he might have called himself.

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Excellent talk, as usual Matt.

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As to importance of Karl Marxen’s legacy see an amazingly meaningful and indepth dialogue is beginning here https://thesaker.is/the-saker-interviews-straight-bat-on-marxism-in-the-21st-century/ (partI)

and part II


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Hi Matt, it was'nt the "Bolshevik/ Marxist thought" that was „heterogenous and underdefined“ . The problem was the infiltration of counterproductive, falsifying, misleading ideas that eventually led to the destruction of the Bolshevik Revolution and all its positive achievements. The ‚stew' was artificially cooked up with Trotzikiism, Bucharinism, Fabianism, Left Wingism from elements like Ruth Fischer and later Frankfurt Schoo, an ideological framework conceived to destroy „Marxism" - all those destructive ideas were not born naturally but developed by bought of vicious characters. Compare it with all those dystopian ideas that came with the Huxleys, H.G. Wells, The CFC, The Counter Culture Movement, the Woke-ism etc.

The battle of ideas took even place within the Communist Movement. How could it have been otherwise? It is a class struggle, that expresses itself on all levels internationally. I do not see the point of questioning the contribution of Marx himself, his sincereness and those of his devoted followers who contributed so much, even their lives to bringing humanity on higher level. Russia would not be what it is today without the historic achievements of 1917, the founding of the Soviet Union on Dec 30th 2022 and modern China, with all respect for Konfuzius, would not be the powerful light in all the darkness today without the example of Bolshevik Russia.

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