Hi Matt

Why do ignore Stalin's horrendous crimes and ignore like all good communists that Stalin was in an alliance with Hitler for 2 years. that they both agreed to how to carve up eastern Europe including Poland. The Soviets invaded Poland a few weeks after Germany and took over a much bigger part of Poland than the Germans occupied.

And Germany's principal reason for invading Poland was Poland's refusal to negotiate on a corridor to Danzig, backed by British guarantee to defend Poland which they could never do. Britain had no more interest in Poland than they do currently in the Ukraine.

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Interesting, I sympathize with your take on things.

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"Likeable Marxists" lol. Yes they were for the most part. You displayed remarkable patience in the Q&A. Glad to see folks from disparate backgrounds having a civil discussion. Thx for sharing this interesting talk.

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The FDR administration was riddled with Soviet agents and spies. See the Venona files.

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Britain's guarantee to Poland induced the Poles not to negotiate with the Germans over the German territory the Brits and French gave to Poland under the T of Versailles- ie it was a method to provoke Germany into war. Britain then gambled on being able to get the US into war against Germany knowing they could never defeat Germany alone. And it worked! The destruction of Germany and its dismemberment into states following the war, plus the displacement of 12 million Germans from central and eastern Europe and the killing of millions of Germans after the war by Eisenhower. The view you present is the classic Soviet (Stalinist) propaganda view of WW2, including the grossly inflated and unsubstantiated number of Russian deaths from WW2. Without massive US support (Lend Lease) the Soviets could never have defeated the Germans.

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