Your work and Cynthia Chung's with the Rising Tide Foundation, makes the hidden truth rise to the top, where we can all see its ugliness.

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Great article. Most Americans truly have no clue who and what the CIA’s real purpose is; killing and driving the average citizen of every country on earth totally crazy, just like their clone agencies MI666, Mossad and Canada’s Royale Secret parasites. I really do hate ‘em all.

You could have written a three to four volume book on this topic; the psychological mind-games played on society since the invention of print media and psychological operations (PsyOps), particularly since the invention of the printing press, then radio, then movie pictures, television and finally the internet—all to plant whatever belief in people’s heads necessary to control the masses at any moment. All so very successful, too, especially how they’ve managed to transfer all the costs of these mind-controlling methods via “entertainment” connection fees, commercials and subscriptions, then coupled with Prozac & mRNA biotechnologies for profit, which the people believe are for fighting diseases. So satanic-brilliant. Same with warfare via 9/11 events coupled with media controls—which the people must also pay for, including their lives.

Bloody Hell, man, I’ve always disliked most American media, especially TV programs, most movies and the tabloid “news” magazines, which all of them really are—an intentional blur between real an unreal. Though I do love brilliant sci-fi with no secret agendas, it has always been very difficult to find. As a child having to stand in grocery checkout lines with my mother along with the simplest drones on earth holding up progress in every way imaginable (not just the checkout process), reading and sharing the latest gossip trash about fallen superstars (which I’ve always assumed they read to feel better about their own crappy lives??) Worst of all have been the front page stories about the latest sea monster or Bigfoot sightings, or someone born with a sheep’s head (now so real) and of course all the ridiculous alien stories. I’m certain the CIA considered all along the added, if not the primary benefit, of “psych-driving” people to actually give up on humanity—and so why not mask up, get vaxxed, dunk & cover and war each-other to death, right?

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but their latest shenanigans (C-19 & the Vaxxes) is looking ever so much like a case of serious overreach. nice try mr. Kissinger!

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This oft-repeated claim about the CIA, MIC promoting UAPs as some kind of diversion, just doesn't stand up to scrutiny. When, in fact, the exact opposite has been happening and is still happening.

So far all the MIC/CIA have been doing is blockading any release of UAP data, pictures, videos, eyewitness reports, everything. Not even giving the Congressional committee access to a SCIF room so they can legally debrief the whistleblower. And their MSM is giving only cursory coverage to the story. In the recent Eglin AFB incident, under intense pressure, they finally relented to give out one lousy photo of an UAP to Rep. Gaetz, but immediately classified it as "Top Secret" so the public can't see it. With arm twisting they allowed him to briefly interview one of the pilots involved in the incident. If it is a dirty Russki jet harrassing a "Top Secret" Air Force Predator drone, they release high resolution video almost immediately to the public.

Matthew completely misses the point. There is far, far more evidence to warrant investigation of this, the most important scientific endeavor in ALL of human history, than probably ANY other scientific investigation of anything going on right now.

So where is the URGENT scientific investigation?!? It's pretty straightforward, you have these military groups who are consistently witnessing these objects over a period of days often. Where is the science team who should be johnny-on-the-spot at jet speed? Why are they not on standby? Dirt cheap compared to studying some black hole a 100M light years away. Dirt cheap compared to the James Webb telescope @ $10B. You could learn far more than James Webb from the obviously unknown Physics we are witnessing with these phenomena.

The ONLY rational action. Objects detected. Military mickey mouse exercise shutdown immediately. All assets directed 100% at gathering UAP data. All data is released for scientific analysis. 100% transparency. A team of civilian specialists are sent immediately at jet speed to investigate. They overrule all military authority. The cheapest, most valuable, biggest return-on-investment scientific investigation in all of human history. Any military cement heads interfere they are immediately fired. They don't belong in ANY government job.

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There definitely is a UFO psyop but it’s sole purpose is to hide and discredit any exploration into the divinity of man and our link to the One God or Source. Because if we know the truth about the divine nature of ourselves and are able to tap into the non physical realm, humanity will never be able to be controlled by fear. Our purpose on earth is not to indulge our passions and fantasies but to strive to learn our spiritual lessons of giving, compassion and service to others and to learn to connect to the divine nature of our selves. Extraterrestrials are real and are portrayed in the Bible as Angels and gods. Christianity can go hand in hand with the belief of other worldly beings, and people who try to tell you that it cannot and they must be demons or devils are part of the psyop. You cannot ignore the mountain of evidence that individuals have had with this other side.

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So as a child born in the fifties ,i would have to go to the Grocery Market with Mom. The check out lane is where you would find the Enquirer ,World News ,The Globe ,Etc ,etc ,And yes they did feature many stories of Extraterrestrial kind .Fascinating to a kid .The science fiction movies and such that derived from these stories .Well life progresses ,then one day in 1991 at the 34 yrs of age something unbelievable happens to myself and my friend thats with me .We have a Encounter ,with a apparent craft ,and TWO GREY TYPE ENTITIES as they are known today. OMG ! All those years and WHAT AM I LOOKING AT ! Well thats the truth whatever it is ,and theres no convincing YOU or ANYONE else until you see with YOUR OWN EYES .So what is the REAL STORY HERE ? Perhaps in your quest to debunk what you cant explain ,you will uncover the unexpected .Keep looking .As for Me and my friend ,and the Thousands of others who have experienced this in our World ,in Our breathing wide awake consciousness ,theres only one thing we can say to you .ITS REAL,ITS REAL ITS REAL.

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Hi Matt, excellent article as always. As a new subscriber i can tell you that i am 100% satisfied. Really like your insights. Although not necessarily related to the topic here, i was looking in your works for any comments on Fletcher Proudy but i couldn't find any. Wasn't he one the ones early on to tell us what the CIA was really all about? Are uyou familiar with him?

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check out this long interview (1994) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkJqraXqKLU&t=6s

or the reference site, where researchers can locate and retrieve articles, books, videos, and tapes on a variety of subjects which Fletcher has written and participated in: the 'Official Site for all things Fletcher Prouty... ' - https://prouty.org/

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Hi Mary-Lou,

Thank you for the link.

I will check it out.

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my pleasure. many of the things Prouty discussed just blew me away and so much seems to make perfect sense.

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Fletcher Prouty is a good guy. Cynthia has found his work most valuable in her JFK trilogy (located in her last book The Empire on which the Black Sun Never Set).

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Thank you Matt. I'll check it out. I was trying to figure out how best to help, whether to buy your books or subscribe here. Guess i'm going to both.

I'm also listening to clif high today. Perhaps the CIA is behind the whole asteroid/solar flare scare as well. Are they using that in order to attack us and call it natural. Earthquake machines, DEW weapons, cloud seeded floods???? Who knows?

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QUESTIONS FOR MAT EHRET: I really do not believe that J. Allen Hynek was a CIA agent. What evidence is there to support this association?

In the discussion of the National Enquirer, the absence of any reference to Bob Pratt’s solid reporting on UFO incidents troubles me. It suggests that the research into these statements is not properly thorough. Overall, though, the history of the National Enquirer is good to review, because many people do not know the history of this tabloid.

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Considering he played a direct role in the CIA's Robertson Panel from the get-go, and interfaced with CIA operatives like Puthoff and played a steering role in CIA-run agencies like the NICAP (managed by OPC psy ops specialist Joseph Bryan III and former CIA director Hillenkoeter) and promoted the folk lore all the way to participating in the deconstruction of Paul Bennewitz by providing the hardware used by Bennewitz and was part of the Puthoff-Bill Moore- Doty aviary (and considering all fo the above were tied to military intelligence/NSA/CIA ops, plus considering the fact that the National Enquirer is a project run by a Dulles mafia asset who was trained by the CIA's Office of Policy Coordination (psyops) for nearly two years before setting up the rag which collaborated with Hynek on the Blue Ribbon Committee... I call bullshit.

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This earth, in the realm of base matter, wherein billions of sentient creatures die horrible deaths so that billions of others can live, was not made by and is not the province of a benevolent, loving creator, not by a long shot. It is the kingdom of the Demiurge. The satanic inferior god, an asura. The ancient Cathars had it right. This is the world of the Devil. Humans are not at the top of the food chain. There are malevolent entities that feed off of us. They are known as Archons.

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Or there is an oligarchy that has worked hard for millenia to induce people to be superstitious slaves willing to embrace ideologies that make us more enslaved rather than fight for our inalienable freedom. But if you want to go with evil spirit entities to explain away your problems, go for it.

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Both positions caress the truth. If there are good spirits, there are evil spirits, and anyone who contends there are no spirits whatsoever is a fool. Recognizing the reality of the spirit realm and the beings that inhabit it is the antithesis of superstition. Materialism and its derivative ideologies and belief systems is the height of superstition. That being said, freedom like immortality is never a given and must be fought for. I don't know about you, but I deal with my problems quite well, sans explanation.

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