I believe the discovery of Neptune in 1846 caused a similar controversy over who should get credit: Adams v Le Verrier, then in 1983, the AIDS virus with Gallo v Barre-Sinoussi & Montagnier
I believe the discovery of Neptune in 1846 caused a similar controversy over who should get credit: Adams v Le Verrier, then in 1983, the AIDS virus with Gallo v Barre-Sinoussi & Montagnier
the Neptune issue was brought out in the film I wrote about here, "Einstein and Eddington" in which the discovery of Neptune was used to excuse the wobbly nature of planets but eventually Edidngton proved Einstein's theory of Gravity and the curvature of space and time are correct...
I believe the discovery of Neptune in 1846 caused a similar controversy over who should get credit: Adams v Le Verrier, then in 1983, the AIDS virus with Gallo v Barre-Sinoussi & Montagnier
There is no AIDS virus. Viruses don't exist.
Thanks Helene, will give it a watch
the Neptune issue was brought out in the film I wrote about here, "Einstein and Eddington" in which the discovery of Neptune was used to excuse the wobbly nature of planets but eventually Edidngton proved Einstein's theory of Gravity and the curvature of space and time are correct...