One of your historical dives into the world of charlatans and plagiarists should include the myths surrounding the life and work of Louis Pasteur, a figure whom you have all but ignored in your explorations; Pasteur was the Fauci of his day and became a leader in bringing the allopathic fraud of medicine to the world.

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Pasteur was a tool of the British Royal Society and fraternized among several groups of known occultists. I doubt wholly that Pasteur understood what would be done with his own specious theoretical work placing causal emphasis on microbes as the starting point, rather than an accomplice, of pathogenic states. Pasteur was not unlike Darwin in this way.

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He was more interested in finding favor with the French court and other influences not very concerned with scientific truths; his contemporary, Antoine Bechamp, from whom he stole discoveries, exposed him for the mediocre chemist and plagiarist he really was; and there is little doubt that Pasteur was fully aware that his theory of germs of the air was unproven, with his relenting on his death-bed that he was wrong; and Pasteur actively promoted (along with Jenner) the use of "vaccines" to inoculate against "germ caused" infection at the time, the uses of which were neither safe nor effective; the real heroes of the epoch were Bechamp and Florence Nightingale!

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On his deathbed Pasteur said, "The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything!"

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Pasteur was a Fraud. He faked his data. Pfizer loves him. They do the same.

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Here's some evidence that Jenner was a fraud as well.

“It is a prevalent idea that the principle upon which vaccination is based, the alleged homology of cow-pox and small-pox, was arrived at after careful and prolonged research by a highly qualified physician of remarkable attainments. So far is this contrary to fact, that Jenner possessed slender professional acquirements, and his medical degree was not the deserved result of long and careful studies, but of a business deal by which the University of St. Andrews was enriched to the tune of fifteen guineas. It was not until 1792, in the forty-fourth year of his age, that Jenner got his degree from St. Andrews. It is true that Jenner secured for himself a fellowship of the Royal Society, but his biographer, Dr. Norman Moore, admits that this incident might be described as little less than a fraud…”



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To be fair to Matt he has definitely come out and said there is No "Virus" behind the Scamdemic and quotes his friend Denis Rancourt who has said the same, though belatedly for many folk. Still, these are good developments. Yeah, Pasteur is definitely a Fraud like Fauci.

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i would sooo like that since it fits with covid scam of nowaday =) great idea seen some stuff on viroLiEgy substack and about the bulbonic plague and michel nostrodame. made me suspiscious.

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Pasteur the plagiarist : the debt of science to Béchamp / by Leverson https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015081399316&view=1up&seq=15

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I have suggested to Matt that a good title for his next book might be "Breaking Free of the Germ Theory PsyOP."

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in 2008 there was a very good British film, "Einstein and Eddington", which took place around WW1...

Sir Arthur Eddington was given Newton's Chair at Cambridge, he was a Quaker and a conscientious objector...

through observation and studying Einstein's papers, he began to question Newton's Law of Gravity, knowing this was the big thing Einstein was working on...

Max Planck brought Einstein back to Germany from Zurich with the promise of being funded while he did his work...

While back in Berlin, at Humboldt University, Einstein soon discovered many of his colleagues were not studying their respective subjects to gain knowledge, but to invent the most horrific weapons for the German military, including mustard and chlorine gas.

Horrified, Einstein told them off, and he was then banned from the University.

Planck helped Einstein, and was able to get his papers to Eddington, even though there was an embargo between Britain and Germany during WW1.

There was an eclipse, Cambridge sent Eddington and a colleague to South Africa to take photographs of it, and these photographs proved Einstein was correct, and it was at that point that Einstein became world famous. The curvature of space is real.

As far as Tesla goes, I have heard numerous outlandish claims that Tesla was from Venus or Mars, that he was some kind of sorcerer, etc.

When Tesla died, Hoover sent FBI agents and Trump's Uncle to Tesla's apt in Manhattan. Supposedly, Trump's Uncle found all the papers, etc., and convinced the ignorant FBI agents that they were worthless and meaningless, and managed to take them away, and supposedly nephew Donald and has seen them, as well as Richard Nixon.

I don't think there is any question that Newton practiced alchemy on the side. Was he successful? I really doubt it.

Watching an apple fall from a tree and hey presto--gravity! is of course a tale for children...same as George Washington chopping down the cherry tree.

In conclusion, I think it is worthwhile to question everything, including Tesla. But I for one am very disappointed, to say the least, with all the personal and professional attacks against Albert Einstein, who was, imo, one of the brightest minds this world has ever known, and a great humanitarian and an exceptional representative of the Jewish People, of which I am very proudly one.

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It's a shame that most great universities were founded for less than noble purposes. MIT was set up for the "defense" industry right from the beginning.

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Bechtel, DOW Chemical, etc. etc. ....

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Another interesting "rabbit hole" is how Jeffery Epstein controlled the funding to a lot of research done at our elite universities. Epstein was more than blackmail and underaged sex rings. Epstein was right in the epicenter of AI research at MIT!

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Robert Maxwell founded Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp. and became rich and influential. Who controls scientific publishing, controls universities. Publish or perish. Then they publish only papers that prove that if you get your ears cut off, you will be safe from the super dangerous virus coming from the planet Zorcon. Then everybody and their mother line up to get their ears cut off. And the production of prosthetic ears soars.

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Here you can see Einstein and the MM "experiment" was wrong about the Aether, and that leads to many questions of what they wanted to hide that is in the Aether-like free energy. There were many aether experiments showing there is an aether, why don't they teach these in schools. Even in college physics I wasn't taught about these-neither were you.


Something is strange about all these guys given PR hype after making so-called discoveries.

Einstein also believed in, or fake believed in, Nukes which are blatantly fakery. Hiroshima and Nagasaki looked exactly like every other of 68 Japanese cities firebombed, all concrete bldgs and people in them, even at ground zero, survived. This is impossible with a nuke that, in theory, would destroy everything.







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completely disagree with you

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You should make logical argument based on facts you can see and experiments you can read and see the data of, not narratives and movies. There is no way you read the complex research in the MM link I gave you in a few minutes.

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yes the Bushes were involved...but this other story about John's Uncle John Trump the prof who invented the Vandergraf Generator etc is also supposed to be true...btw GHW Bush was not a teen when Tesla died he had already gone to Yale and was in WW2...

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don't forget, Albert Einstein: Plagiarist of the Century, did you know the most famous scientific paper on earth called special theory of relativity had ZERO references.

mind blown article


One way to get more money is to create a superhero - a superhero like Einstein.

Einstein's standing is the product of the physics community, his followers and the media. Each group benefits enormously by elevating Einstein to icon status. The physics community receives billions in research grants, Einstein's supporters are handsomely rewarded, and media corporations like Time Magazine get to sell millions of magazines by placing Einstein on the cover as "Person of the Century".

Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 - 1912) was a great scientist who made a significant contribution to special relativity theory.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy website says that Poincaré:

"sketched a preliminary version of the special theory of relativity"

"stated that the velocity of light is a limit velocity" (in his 1904 paper from the Bull. of Sci. Math. 28, Poincaré indicated "a whole new mechanics, where the inertia increasing with the velocity of light would become a limit and not be exceeded")

suggested that "mass depends on speed"

("formulated the principle of relativity, according to which no mechanical or electromagnetic experiment can discriminate between a state of uniform motion and a state of rest"

"derived the Lorentz transformation

Charles Nordman was prompted to write,

"They will show that the credit for most of the things which are currently attributed to Einstein is, in reality, due to Poincaré", and "...in the opinion of the Relativists it is the measuring rods which create space, the clocks which create time. All this was known by Poincaré and others long before the time of Einstein, and one does injustice to truth in ascribing the discovery to him".

Another curious feature of the now famous paper, Einstein, 1905, is the absence of any reference to Poincaré or anyone else," Max Born wrote in Physics in My Generation.

Einstein's special relativity theory was known in some circles as the relativity theory of Poincaré and Lorentz, one would think that Poincaré and Lorentz might have had something to do with its creation.

What is disturbing about the Einstein paper is that even though Poincaré was the world's leading expert on relativity, apparently Einstein had never heard of him or thought he had done anything worth referencing!

Poincaré wrote 30 books and over 500 papers on philosophy, mathematics and physics.

Einstein wrote on mathematics, physics and philosophy, but claimed he'd never read Poincaré's contributions to physics.

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Well, there are a few things you should be aware of. Calculus existed long, long ago. As early as Archimedes and possibly earlier. The idea of a "limit" and trichotomy we key to Archimedes quadrature of the parabola for which he is famous. This idea of limit that Archimedes used is fundamental to everything in calculus (almost). Archimedes had the right idea about limits but did not have algebra nor analytic geometry because they had not been invented yet. Fermat and Decartes had both at their disposal and were able to extend these ideas to a rudimentary calculus of what Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz were no doubt aware. Without making this too long, Newton and Leibnitz both built upon the ideas of the past but both of their theories were wholly inadequate as rigorous theories, Leibnitz and Newton both relying on infinitesimals and Newton creating two distinct versions of calculus one algebraic using his unproven but correct extension of the binomial theorem, the other used notions of limit and geometry. The later method was preferred by Newton and is the reason for his Principia being so damned hard to read even for people today. Tristan Needham is a modern writer who brings some of Newton's geometric thinking in calculus to a wider audience today. Both Newton and Leibnitz had independently discovered their own versions of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus showing a link between differentiation and integration. Neither had a proper proof, only convincing arguments which is understandable considering it took mathematicians 300 years to properly understand calculus which is a long and interesting story. Both men did the best anyone could at the time with what they had available. So far as the occult thing is concerned, maybe it looked to them like there was some shortcut to understanding the secrets of the universe through codes or hidden messages in the Bible or secret occult knowledge. It looked promising to them but was know today that was a dead end. Occult BS was all the fashion in rage among English elites. There is this egoistic drive to think of ourselves as remarkable, possessing "secret" knowledge and given the English tendency towards pomposity it is little surprise they didn't fall for it too.

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I will be waiting with great interest for part-2. I have been a fan of Tesla for as long as I have known is multiple discoveries. He has always been on the "bizarre side" of things... true... and a cult has been built around him, also true. I always have put his "oddities" in the category of "geniuses are sometime a bit bizarre "... but I know you are doing great work, so... j'attends la suite ! -=- Ray

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Science and medicine is corrupted with mis-directs that retard research, inventions and health.

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in my article titled we breathe air not oxygen.

Oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured products of air NOT constituents of air.

To make oxygen, air is stripped of water. Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water.

Whereas air is measured by its moisture/ humidity in percentage.

Once oxygen is released from confinement it extracts moisture from its environment to revert to its natural state: air.

If oxygen is released inside the respiratory tract it extracts moisture from mucosa and delicate alveoli. Oxygen is a dehydrator and this damage is called reactive oxygen species ROS. Research oxygen toxicity.

There are no experiments of people inside a room with 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. Look up the Material Safety Data sheets for both: unconsciousness and not breathing are features for inhalation.

Oxygen becomes nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles. Making a non-flammable oxygen. These gases were invented for the metallurgy industry. Water decomposes the alchemists metals. Revealing the metals salts rather than purity. Exchanging air with oxygen in foundries ensures the metal matrices are dry and won’t be corroding from the inside out.

The next problem was rolling and pulling hot metal without starting fires. Nitrogen gas being damped oxygen was designed for this purpose.

The mammalian physiology is fuelled by salt plus water not oxygen.

Oxygen being an artificial gas and not existing in the wild is not what we breathe.

The lungs require air arriving at the alveoli to reach 100% humidity that is dew point.

The mucosa add moisture and salt to inhalation and it’s salt water that soaks the passing red blood cells in the alveoli capillary beds. The lungs are rehydrating the red blood cells just like the intravenous saline drip.

There is no hidden oxygen in water. The formula H2O is a fraud. Two dry combustible gases share not properties with water that puts out a flame.

Water/air is an element.

We breathe more like fish. Water and air are the same in different forms.

Air is bubbles. Compressible.

Water is full bubbles or drops. Not compressible.

Bubbles contain all things. Bubbles move soot into the air as smoke, dirt in dust storms, sand in storms.

Water given energy, releases bubbles. Air loosing energy becomes drops. Cold glass on a hot day will have drops of condensation form.

Altitude cools and air gets dryer. Cold air holds the least moisture. Hence lungs are more prone to dehydration in winter. Seasonal colds and flu.

I’ve three articles all free to read.

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There is one thing Tesla was right about: Einstein was a long-haired crank. The myth of Einstein is much larger and more bizarre than that of Tesla. I am looking forward to Part 2.

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they might all have been actors in the same staged play. in whose interest were scientific discoveries (a.k.a. cui bono)?

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A great review of the subject, thank you. From what I have read, probably all so called science has its roots in traditions of the search for universal meanings, called religion or occult, depending on the actors. Well, not only roots - science still is a dominant domain in mainstream religions nowadays, where funding or management or ownership or licensing are subject to the approval of non-lay decision makers. These background stories are then converted into “lay” content for the masses, but a lot of signs are retained for those who can see.

Both religion and occult can be good or can be bad or can be both. To avoid creating false impressions, we should first define these influences. Might be important, because we owe all modern life to these actors. Or, we wouldn’t be here if not for them, in a sense.

A great “occult” ritual was performed quite recently, in March 2004, under the guidance of EASA: the alleged landing of a probe on a comet out there in the space. Ariane, Rosetta, Philae, 7-year journey to the comet, ancient Egyptian terminology, a sacrificial ritual, numbers, whatever you check there, you will always be led to deep occult meanings.

Read more here:


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it has become quite chic to destroy Einstein and his work...there have been many instances of people inventing things simultaneously who didn't know each other and lived in different countries, for example, the telephone, the television set and the wireless...I dispute the plagiarism accusation...many scientists shared information as the goal was the discovery...however, there were and are many scientists whose entire purpose is to win the Nobel Prize especially, and other honours, and they will go out of their way to not only not share their findings, but to undercut and bad mouth anyone they see as a competitor...and to me, as well, is an undercurrent of anti-Semitism against Einstein who was not only a genius but a humanitarian.

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I believe the discovery of Neptune in 1846 caused a similar controversy over who should get credit: Adams v Le Verrier, then in 1983, the AIDS virus with Gallo v Barre-Sinoussi & Montagnier

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There is no AIDS virus. Viruses don't exist.

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Thanks Helene, will give it a watch

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the Neptune issue was brought out in the film I wrote about here, "Einstein and Eddington" in which the discovery of Neptune was used to excuse the wobbly nature of planets but eventually Edidngton proved Einstein's theory of Gravity and the curvature of space and time are correct...

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Matt, “long time viewer, first time caller”. I discovered you from Reiner’s interview and have been following you ever since, sharing many of your vids on my BitChute channel. I think your painting with broad strokes here. I understand very strong evidence of Einstein being a plagerist has been revealed and his real purpose was to misdirect “science” into the hyper granular matter and support the medical “scientific” oligarchy limiting real science and debate. No discussion of teslas concept of energy.

As for newton and his chest of writings. That’s fascinating. As for Teslas death ray, that was mis labeled by the oligarch controlled media especially the NY Times prompting a letter to the editor rebutting their assertions. Truth stream media did a great show on that and actually produced tge letter and read it to us. Tesla’s warning about Interference with the development of his findings vey government or private mead would set back humanity by 100 years. He seems to have been correct in that assessment.

It appears that his” death ray” was actually a proposed shield to be used as a defensive technology, not offensive. So the cabal of satanists misrepresenting everything in reverse did it again.

I’d love to hear more on the British revolution which resulted in Kabbalists taking over England. That sounds fascinating and I’ve never heard of that or anything about that before. Great stuff Matt. I always enjoy your work. I have Cynthia’s empire of tge black Sun book (a better title, lol) and will be starting it shortly.

Oh, as for Crowley, was he a satanist or an occultist?. Either way he was an ass! His training books I am told were old grimoires in a 3 volume set from Italy I believe, but in actuality it was a 4 volume set that he was unaware of. Ha! Sounds about right! Haha. An idiot!

God speed and God bless!

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I don't have to waste my time satisfying your requirements, you're not worth it

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1. Almost no one understands that we don't have freewill. According to the Bible, God is the Potter and we are the clay. How much freewill does clay have? However, we were given by God, the freedom to choose. A simple illustration for those who reject the above: We can choose whether or not to eat Twinkies or any other kind of junk food everyday and for every meal, however, we can't expect to remain the picture of health if we do so. There are consequences, whether good or bad for all our choices and actions for which we have no control over.

2. The word "virus" comes from the latin word for "poison" or "toxin." We "poison" ourselves by the way we live, think, act, eat and drink and the way we handle the stress in our lives. In other words, by our diet and lifestyle. One common example of "poisoning": If you eat food prepared by someone who is ill and who didn't properly wash their hands after using the bathroom, it is possible to ingest those toxins from that person's hands resulting in food poisoning. We are all at risk of food poisoning if we ingest food that isn't stored or washed properly. E coli and salmonella are examples of poisons or toxins in food. The good news is: The Bible itself reveals that there is no such thing as airborne DISEASES. Diseases, in the Bible, could be transmitted through touch, which is why the Israelites were instructed to carefully wash themselves and avoid contact with others for a time if they had been in contact with the dead (because dead bodies, animal or human) released toxins.

3. Einstein has only 1 patent: A special kind of "blouse" that could be expanded due to an extra button sewn onto it. Useful for when one ate too much at dinner.

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Excellent post, I concur, the opposing character studies of Tesla in more recent times, and his occultist ties of the past.

Definitely suspect....

Sounds like another "tech genius" being dressed up for today ......many cardboard cutout "punch and Judy's" out there 😂

The dark side possessed him , for sure, caution is vital with the discovery of "hidden" knowledge.

A "Chesterton's knowledge fence", should be observed.

Now, I wonder who has all Teslas's stuff, nowadays ?


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Thank you Matt. I am excited about this series. Your research is impeccable.

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John Trump also worked on radar during WW2 and brought over the England to set it up so they could detect the Luftwaffe...GHW Bush was around 19 but he was at Yale at the time...I think a lot of people wanted Tesla's papers, etc., supposedly he had stuff in a storage facility in NJ too..

Supposedly Trump sat in on some of his uncle's lectures at MIT...Van Der Graaf was the co-inventor.

That's interesting you worked in the film industry, I am assuming ing LA? what studios did you work for? for several yrs I worked for the Musicians' Union the Special Payments Fund, but I wrote several screenplays and tv spec scripts and had an agent, was a Friend of BAFTA-LA etc.

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