May 12Liked by Matthew Ehret

Great Series so far Matt, thank you so much for all the outstanding info! In your essay on Kissinger Midwife to Babylon you wrote, "One thing is certain: the thing calling itself ‘the antichrist’ has been very angry with something very special within Christianity, Judaism, and Islam for a very long time. It’s time to rediscover what that is before the End Times cult Kissinger served achieves its final act." - Have you written anything else as to what this 'very special something' might be? If not, what are your thoughts as to what it could be? -Thanks!

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May 12Liked by Matthew Ehret

Oh, not Crookes too! I find his tubes are so cool and interesting.

Notice whenever a newly discovered physical phenomenon is particularly striking, the occultists are attracted like moths to a flame, lol. Something about that, perhaps the leverage of a pitchman or salesman, to dazzle the masses, is their angle of interest, rather than the underlying reality behind it.

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