The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.
The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.
The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.