Tesla was a brilliant engineer who pioneered the use of alternating current (AC), something which anyone with a modicum of knowledge and practical experience would greatly prefer over direct current (DC). This was portrayed as an epic engineering battle of the ages but truth be told, if both Edison and Tesla were both run over by a street car thus removing them from history, someone else actually many people would have reached the same conclusion. This isn't magic folks. Someone would have gotten tired of the overheated wires and fires.
Tesla was a great engineer but most of his life was failure and disappointment. Unable to do physics because of his lack of the requisite mathematical expertise and washed up as an engineer, it's not surprising he turned to fantasies of power and escapism in occult studies. That too proved to be a dead end of course but it helped poor Tesla winnow away the time. Too bad.
Einstein the great physicist was unable to muster enthusiasm for quantum mechanics which he understood very well and quite powerfully. He was convinced there had to be a better way. Maybe there is. I certainly think so but no one has really found it. There have since been equivalent reformulations of QM particularly that discovered by Richard Feynman which has proven to be extremely useful in particle physics. Mathematically, Feynman's integrals leave something to be desired. Moreover, Einstein missed the General Relativity Renaissance in the 1950s due to death, in which massive strides forward we made in terms of our understanding of relativistic gravity, cosmology, gravity waves and solutions to Einstein's equations. He was a tottering old man then and probably couldn't follow the advanced that were being made. There's also the fact that Einstein had rejected his own theory to a degree because he didn't like Black Holes and other such things we now know to be artifacts of how one chooses coordinates to describe the spacetime around a massive object. Did Einstein ever learn differential forms, Cartan's reformulation of tensors which proved useful? I doubt it. Einstein for all his earlier brilliance might as well have gone fishing at some point.
Which leads us to the present moment today, how do we relate to these two "towering" figures so shrouded in mythology which brings with it the fringe nonsensical detractions and sensational speculations? IMO the guiding light is experience, disciplined judgement and sharpening your skills. Will people still both to refer to Einstein or Tesla in the future much like they don't both discussing Brahmagupta or some other forgotten luminary in the past? It's more important to have a generation of highly trained and skilled, independent thinkers capable of innovation than to curate a museum of great scientists of the past, a place where the layman can venerate the bones of the saints which has lately come to resemble Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum picketed by shrieking flat Earthers.
I doubt he was brilliant at anything. I do know that 99% of the planet had electricity up and running during their supposed current wars. Even Manaus, Brazil had an electric tram system up and running in 1890s. I wonder where they ordered all the material and how many canoes it takes to paddle one electric train a 1,000km up the Amazon River? My point is, it's (history) all lies, as confirmed by the electrified city in Hobart, Tasmania circa 1890s😉. Note, I just pulled Hobart out of thin air, then checked before posting, yep electric city up and running and electric trams circa 1890s,they got some nice precision Castles too lining those dirt roads 😉
Some post very unkind , one thing : a country whose government kill his president ( jfk ) and many more , better shut up and keep quiet about others behaviour
I am not sure what to call the psychosis that insists on championing, and sometimes resurrecting, B-list figures. Alkan the musician comes to mind and perhaps both Einstein and Tesla, one of whom was a bit of a plagiarist and the other simply nuts. Perhaps since the main playing field has already been claimed and controlled, an 'arriviste' type seeks to establish a whole new playing field. Upsetting the board accidentally of course, when about to lose a game of chess for example, comes to mind.
Having spent most of my life in physics and mathematics, I can confidently say Einstein was not a plagiarist. He was an extreme talent who helped make sense of physics during a time of great change. His math skills were formidable. He managed to learn differential geometry at a time when there were no books on the subject like we have today that any sufficiently industrious graduate student who is well prepared can understand. He learned advanced calculus and real analysis on his own. Very impressive, especially back then. What's more, he understood it well enough to apply it to physics! In hindsight we look back on General relativity and realize how easy it is to derive the field equations but it's very different when it hasn't been done yet. Hilbert beat Einstein to the field equations by 5 days. He used the least action principle and the simplest covariant scalar in a relativistic action functional. He varied it, out came the field equations. Einstein took a slightly different route and used a more local approach involving only derivatives. End result, the same.
General Relativity wasn't really finished with Einstein and it took until the 1950s before a more polished understanding of the theory developed. The players here are Dennis Sciama, Roger Penrose, John Wheeler, Kip Thorne, Louis Witten and a bunch of others. I can confidently say, had Einstein not made the discovery, someone else eventually would have. We would end up more or less in the same spot sooner or later. That's the nature of science and math. The end discoveries allow for little creativity but require very unusual thinkers to uncover the big ideas which get us unstuck. Trust me. Anyone who has a great idea is going to have a horrifically hard time selling it to the physics community. Even string theory was not welcome until Witten gave the green light. What becomes of science and math in the future is anyone's guess. I have some ideas where it might go but only time will tell.
I play piano. Alkan is horrifically difficult. So hard, I don't even bother to play it. I do play Ravel and Balakirev's Islamey which is about as demanding as I want to handle. I have enough technique to play anything by Schumann, Chopin (except etude op. 10 no. 1), Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Bach, etc. without too much trouble. I like music. The finger gymnastics and octave Olympics I'll leave to someone else.
You are a polymath. I would put Alkan right up there with Tesla and Einstein as, if geniuses at all, seriously flawed ones. My take on Einstein I inherited from my physicist bro in law who explained how the theory of relativity was already common knowledge in certain circles. Einstein, working in a patent office, just jumped first and hype by the tribal press did the rest.
I did Math Olympiad as a kid and learned Bach Inventions and the Well Tempered Clavier early on. It was mostly a case of having a strong interest and the right kind of perspective from the start. I got hooked on Bach from hearing it played at Church.
Regarding physics, it's just going to turn out how it's going to turn out. I have my own ideas where we might go. It's probably wrong but I might as well share them. Quantum field theory is a mess. We have a workable pile of heuristics and rules of thumb but nothing like a mathematically rigorous theory. There are Wightman axioms for QFT but it doesn't work for actual physics but it's mathematically interesting. In order to go further, I think we really need to understand QFT properly. We really are at that stage where an incomplete understanding of it will work anymore. These problems are present even in string theory which is a QFT that lives on a world sheet. It is often said that quantum gravity is the greatest problem. That may be but we really saw the limitations of quantum theory when applied to gravity. We need a way to go beyond perturbation theory and work with strong coupling.
The situation in physics is like that of Fourier analysis when it was first discovered. Fourier had a brilliant solution of the heat equation but it broke calculus. It took decades for men like Weierstrass, Cauchy, Abel, Riemann, Cantor, Dedekind and Dirichlet (I'm leaving people out) to detangle what was really going on. It took at long time to fix. Even then, integration was broken or incomplete at it had to be replaced with the Lebesgue integral and Measure theory was born. Fourier analysis really makes sense only with the Lebesgue integral, so we had to wait even longer. Functional analysis was born, Banach spaces, Hilbert Spaces etc. incidentally rigged Hilbert spaces and Self adjoint linear operators form the basis for ordinary QM as described in von Neumann's book. The moral of the story is we had a magic black box called Fourier series which seemed capable of solving differential equations and understanding physical phenomena like waves and radiation. It took a long time to figure out how that black box worked. Quantum field theory is another black box. It might very well be the case that 200 years from now in the rosiest of circumstances we might still be far off from complete understanding. Or maybe not. Our math is really not complete nor satisfactory to give a description of QFT. It might very well be that THIS is how a unified field theory is discovered, that once you understand the underlying theory properly, you immediately see the menu of particles and forces which are possible. Who knows? That's my opinion. We could hammer away at string theory forever and play with various symmetry groups and interesting geometries but it's really sailing a ship without a Compass and Navigation. I see signs that Alain Connes is headed in this direction with Non Commutative geometry. Life is short so I don't spend it on these problems. I like to finish things and move on to a different project even if the problems are more pedestrian. Still, these are my guesses for how things could proceed.
I am going to take some time to understand what you have written. It is clear, cogent and actually highly instructive even for an ignoramus like me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts so generously.
As for pedestrian problems, never forget that pedestrians invented the car, and a few other things besides. Pascal for instance, invented public transit and the computer.
I'm flexible. It's going to turn out how it's going to turn out. I often entertain strange gruesome ideas if they lead somewhere and look promising. If physics gets turned on its head, I'm fine with that but what replaces it has to be objectively better.
A remarkable thought and certainly not what passes for Science these days which seems to be superstition and aping things little understood. That kind of 'Science' deserves the definite article the lugenpresse has given it - The Science indeed!
The closest thing to a unified mathematics I am aware of is the ambitious Langland's Program. There's nothing like it in history and it's rather hard to describe without being too technical. Basically, it's a web of not so obvious equivalences between very different theories like for example a duality between certain (modular) Elliptic equations and Modular Forms, later proved Taniyama Shimura conjecture which led to a proof of Fermat's last theorem. Another example is the relation between 26-dimensional Bosonic string theory, the automorphism group of the Griess algebra, and the simple Monster Group. There's much more to it but the theme is how completely different theories can be exactly equivalent. The advantage of this is that if theory A has an intractable problem but it's equivalent to theory B and there's a dictionary between A and B you can solve your problem in a different theoretical framework then transform your answer back to the original framework. A similar web of dualities was discovered by Edward Witten and Juan Maldacena involving String theory and Yang Mills theory. So it could be a unification of mathematics and possibly of physics itself. For example, no one would have thought the Monster group had anything to do with String theory and vice versa. There are more points of entry linking physics to maths. I am but a humble Algebraic Geometer and this is a lofty game which only a few people in the world can play. I'm not one of them.
I find it difficult to wrap my mind around the facts that you so effortlessly and regularly churn out top shelf research essays and audio like these two concerning buried truths about Newton, Crowley and Tesla.
Never ever stop your valuable work Mr. Matt Ehret. Ever!
"....Irving's remarkable documentary findings had completely upended our knowledge of that conflict and its origins, with his books selling in the many millions. His entire approach to controversial historical issues was to rely as much as possible upon hard documentary evidence, and his total inability to locate any such documents relating to the Holocaust drove [mainstream and other] ethnic-activists into a frenzy of outrage, so after many years of effort they finally managed to wreck his career...." - https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/
The whole point Matt is when do you let people go from the past? The Germans know that Nordstream was bombed by the Americans but feel compelled to look the other way. Why? Because of something seriously bad they grandparents did 80 years ago. That's crazy! They can barely afford anything. The Eisenhower Death Camps are an unpleasant fact of history and whether it was payback or whatever it was, it was excessive. It's also poisoned us as a nation because ugly things like genocide always ruin the perpetrator. Look at us now. Did what we do to German POWs help us? No. It help make us worse and directly led to other negative things. There were far more sensible alternatives to handling a defeated enemy. That brings us to the present day, Ukraine is in ruins and nearly all the young men are dead. I know Ukraine is run by Neo Nazis, something the Western media denies. They are pretty repulsive people. What do we do about it? Most of Ukraine are not politically well balanced reasonable people. At what point do we say this went too far are we're stopping it? Or do we keep saying Putin is Hitler and keep feeding Ukrainians to the Russian military machine? I say, let them make peace and figure out some way to move on to some sort of recovery. For that matter, why are we calling Putin Hitler? That's another crazy unhinged defamation which stokes conflict needlessly and is very dangerous. Putin is Putin. He's an irrelevant dead and gone person from over eighty years ago who nobody likes but his name is brought up continuously today to demonize Russia and to get the world to look the other way while Israel goes on slaughtering Palestinians. A good portion of the toxic brew we're dealing with today is because we can't move on from the past. It's destructive. Enough is enough.
thank you for this comment. for sure we need to get out from under the deadly cloud of international eugenicism. Ron Unz' work is (indeed) a source to be read with a critical eye. but some of Irving's publications and older presentations (ten years ago still findable on utube) introduced a much needed critical perspective on some of the otherwise badly researched post-war claims of the Jewish holocaust and the German 'death camps' - didn't he introduce the idea the latter were brutal work camps for inmates from all over Europe, exploited for some of the largest well-known industrial companies? in that respect Irving's work is important and the next step is, indeed, discussing and evaluating it.
If there had not been a Holocaust, the jews (and 'the Aliies') would have had to invent one. And there was a Holocaust, but not the one Hollwood embedded in our culture and our minds. After all, the 'victors' were starving to death and exposing (to the elements) millions of German civilians and POWs. Probably around 6 million. A lot of smoke and mirrors were needed to conceal that fact. Needs must in history.... needs must. It is time to free ourselves of the bullshit though. Unz is a leader in that process.
Why do you deprive Unz of the right to assess his own tribe? Your view may be 'other', but by what authority is it more valid? And are you even a jew, by any, mostly now bastardized, sense of the word?
Great stack on Tesla (I've heard the first 3!)--gotta admit I wuz one 'a the duped (an' I thought the pigeons were more sweet than sinister but now I'm'a rethinkin' that... kinda creepy stuff!)
1000 thanks "fer" this comment Matt--
Ron Unz has promoted this malarkey fer years but, 'specially now, he'z quoted around the "innertubes" (chapter & verse!) as if he wuz "Veritas" incarnate. He'z no dummy (I'll own it) but lackin' the instantly offensive turn-off mien of the likes of the vile an' fairly frightenin' Brother Nathanael, Unz is revered by all manner of "otherwise intellgent" folks. Paul Craig Roberts is certainly part of his new "fold," many others (ta my shock, MCM has even quoted 'im if I'm recallin'...).
IMHO Unz has -- along with Makow-- promoted hate for those of us "chews" who, unlike those 2, have the gall not ta hate ourselfs or our heritage in spite of some scoundrels present an' past b/c who ain't got a few rotten eggs in their basket from time ta time.
(I also differentiate 'tween the political "zionists" who were knowin'ly part of a British-orchestrated political movement that sold the chews a bill'a sale an' laser pernted them to go ta the "promised" land... AND the decent folks--includin' all my ancestors--that ALL called themselves zionists (still do) b/c to them zionism meant ONLY one thing--a home, no more no less (aka refuge).
An' havin' a fambly that had ta escape the tzars purges mebbe poundin' sand--as one branch did (!) made sense. My ma's in her 80's now an has no idea who Balfour wuz... (an' ta her, Rotchschilds are just bankers & fawncy wine makers--no more no less)--she has 2 masters degrees but never looked at origin stories an' wouldn't know a globalist from a gumball--go figure.
I like when you said (I think it wuz to MelK?) that Israel had a dishonest start--it's correct-- but most chews had no idear of the dishonesty or subterfuge... STILL don't! So all this "anti-zionism" means that all jews that don't want Israel erased offa the map--even given a dishonest start they still don't know about!--are bein' thrown under the bus (or bombed under it more like)
(clearly I'm notta fan've NetAnYooHoo but not wantin' ta see Israel sink inta the Red Sea wither!)
IMO, cuz Unz, Makow, & team seem legit--their speech measured (if distorted), not rantin', their approach "intellectual" (citin' sources) an' they are of the tweed + sueded elbow professorial kinda gents -- they are believed an' rarely questioned. They promote not only Irving but Hoffman, Hudson, an' others who play fast 'n loose with facts. Not sure what's ta be done (no, I ain't quotin' Lenin here!). Most folks don't realize that the same pickle Israel is in--is the one we're all in now--Niemoller went inta the papershredder some time ago...
Also ta be noted (as surely you know) is that we've seen how supposed lack of (known) evidence kin support a very untrue narrative as can "select" evidence (my favorite one is that the concentration "camps" were all swell joints, like vacation spots!, due to one dang "showcase" example where theater & concerts were performed!). As can dok-tured evidence too (past & present but incredibly there are many who say the jews in the holocaust photos were not Jews at all b/c no jews died--an' that most of the photos were made up. An' Vera Sharav is lyin' (yup, I've seen so much dissin' on this poor woman it breaks my heart). Few like her who can tell the truth are still alive. As Ike said:
“Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower
We see how evidence is bein' destroyed as we speak (Alex Jones--whatever ya think of him--said his entire testimony in the defamation trial wuz erased!). I'm sure the script for the Apollo landin' an' the outtakes were similarly destroyed--so duz that mean the production didn't take place? hogwarsh
If ya wanna go down a VERY dark Nazi hole, the confessions of Kay Griggs about the Nazi-Illuminatti gay hazin' rituals an' satanic stuff an' even killin'--all brought inta the US (includin' the Modern Milley Terry) via the PaperClip parade--is quite horrific:
An' Hitler wuz totally infused with this dark stuff... no hero ta me...
ps I loved yer actin' Matt! compli-mint comin' from an' unemployed thespian here due ta not takin' the "countermeasures" so I do my own bit'a karacter actin' in print now!, writin' "in the vernacular")
pps the "myth" that it wuzn't chews killed has many holes but one I've read about is the mistaken idear that 10% of the victims were gay--that wuz Kinsey who made it up! Judith Reisman (who spent her entire life tryin' ta warn folks 'bout the dangers of Kinsey) took that apart ages ago--sorry don't have the link / paper handy) but it's well-done research. (per above, on the contrary, the Nazi dudes were all havin' a "gay ol' time" which kept them loyal, albeit traumatized!)
"...who ain't got a few rotten eggs in their basket from time ta time." [I note that you did not end that sentence with a question mark. Perhaps the 'flyover America' accent took up all your attention?
Would you like to compare the '"tzars purges"[sic] with the current, industrial strength, Jewish-run Holocaust/Genocide/Naqba in Gaza and the West Bank, Palestine? Call it what you will. Just the figures for the last six months, to make sure you do not shit yo' pants, mufuckah?
I can tell you some ve-e-rry interesting things about the false-flag attacks of the day in South Russia, now Nulandistan, when jews staged pogroms on other jews... real dead bodies and all, for headlines to keep the Rothschild's Jewish State project moving right along? And that is just a teaser.
I am afraid that the only thing that comes to mind after scanning your alphabet soup of rubbish, is Alan Ginsberg's "Howl". One of those was more than enough. Your only saving grace is proving that Unz was right about your tribe.
An' yer chosen handle is takin' the name of a Jew, Kafka... that's "rich!" really! spoutin' hate against us "chews" (how kind've ya) an' co'optin' the name of a Jewish writer in so-doin'--oh the irony. Mebbe it's time fer ya to change handles---Father Coughlin might be a better fit?--Heinrich Himmler? Both very popular in their daze too! Anywhoo--I'm sure with all that "kindness" ya exude, yer a true blessin' to all in yer world an' much beloved by all around ya--tho' it's a durn shame ya borrowed the name of a talented Jewish writer who wouldn't think much've what yer sayin' -- but bein' generous, I'll say may ye reap what ya sow (I will say ya proved my pernt too but I guess that's bein' redundant sayin' it)
Why is any criticism of your tribe always described as 'hate'? And why the fake, silly accent. You think that playing the fool is and adequate response to criticism?
I was kidding by addressing Moses - self-confessed 'Crackpot' - Matt. But then the real (I assume) Matt 'liked' Moe's post, so I was not far off. My comments stand and I stand with them. I do not stand with Ukraine or Israel - both genocidal 'jewish' states.
Hey Matt! Keep your day job. Your bigoted rendition of accents is tres Hollywood, at best. Kind 'uv' [sic] very Kevin Spacey I would say. He is one of yours I believe, and perhaps even mine, though, unlike you, I renounce evil wherever I find it.
ppps! seein' the comment about the accent--SIGH. This is why so many performances are banned (Mikado without Japan!) An accent doesn't mean evil! It's called actin' or doin' impressions--an' you kin portray good 'er bad folks with the same dang accent--it's all in the intonations an' the accent just adds legit color--where a person's from, how'd they do with English. Back in actin' skool we all had ta do these--now it's near-forbidden (I think British is OK, the others no more...sadly). Folks are soooo distanced from the-ate-'er an' old films today so it's all offensive ta them. Dont'cha dare "impersonate" Alladin fer Halloween if yer a white kid--all that bunk. One'a my favorite Germans that fought the Nazi's tooth 'n nail was the late GREAT Marlene Dietrich--an' every impersonator--male or female doin' her German accent is a joy! (I'm sure Marlene would'a loved this from all I know 'bout her own sense'a humor!)
Carol Channing channels Marlene (as many channeled Channing herself!):
Why not just call it what it is? Shapeshifting and Schizophrenia. Funny thing is, such affected accents are usually just Hollywood style bullshit and obfuscation not to say false coin.
Irving was, and will remain, the Julian Assange of his day. 'They' could not do to him then what they have succeeded in doing to Assange now. So much for progress and thinking of ourselves as somehow evolved beings.
Like the Bolsheviks of old, these trransplanted Bolsheviks judge most things on the premise -actually floated by Schvarts of Alphabet soup as I recall - that all questions need to have but one answer, His... or Theirs.
One would be shocked to know that Hitler went to Tibet not for Buddhism but for an ancient original religion of Tibet called BON. 99% of humanity does not know about BON religion.
Bön is an indigenous religion of the Tibetans. As a shamanistic religion, it is characterized by mystic rituals, spells, and spirit manipulation. This religion involves much emphasis on meditative practice. It was the major religion of the people of Tibet before Buddhism found its way.
The current traditions of Buddhism such as prayer wheels, sky burials, prayer flags, spirit traps, festival dances, and rubbing holy stones have all come from the Bon religion.
The Potala Palace, Menri and Yungdrung monasteries, were the center of study of Bön practices. There were more than 300 monasteries in Tibet belonging to BON which were captured by the Buddhist.
Can you believe that the prayers wheels we see associated with Buddhist is actually stolen from BON religion, even today if you research there is a battle between BONs and Buddhists (supported by CIA Dalai Lama, Chinese and Indian government) 99% of everything we know as Tibetan Buddhism is actually a COPY OF BON, the Chinese occupation of Tibet was to destroy BON not Buddhism as such
1938–1939 German expedition to Tibet was to steal ancient artifacts left by BON monks. Even the Tibetan Book of Dead was actually called Bon-po books of the dead
Your post has made this entire otherwise mediocre and quarrelsome thread worth participating in. I must say that prayer-wheels always seemed to me like some vulgar, silly, yet ominous, pre-cursor to A I. Finally, I have learned something.
I came to know that even the word BONFIRE originated from Tibet shamans from BON religion as they used to light up flames 15 feet high and whoever was near it used to get cured from various health problems. Dan winter explains it well
Wow, the level of discourse here has really hit rock bottom.
Who is mimicking a German accent?
I suppose it is incumbent upon me to remind everyone of the vast amount of authentic footage of millions of Germans attending Hitler rallies and events by Leni Riefenstahl and others.
And the hundreds if not thousands of civilians and military, Gestapo and SS who lived next to and/or ran the concentration camps in Germany, Poland, Holland, etc.
When the Nuremberg Trials were being organized, the US Army created a special unit to hunt down the thousands of canisters of film the German made. They followed up leads all over Germany, trying to get ahead of hiding places which were burnt to the ground. The director John Ford was one of the people in charge. The Russians had a huge stockpile and handed them over. These films were used during the Nuremberg Trials to show that while having a trove of documents and papers and testimony was great, greater still was showing what they did on film which they created themselves.
As Matt has pointed out elsewhere, 1984 and Animal Farm are handbooks on how to take a supposedly civilized society of high culture, which Germany had, Beethoven, Mozart, Heine, Goethe, etc., and turn them into brutes.
David Irving, imo is a major POS and was proven in an English court to be a liar and spent time in prison and imo should never have been let out. Calling him a historian besmirches the careers of actual historians.
Hardly any Germans in America were sent to prison, it was the Japanese-Americans, who were true patriots, who were sent to camps, same in Canada. Conveniently, while they were otherwise occupied in trying to exist in terrible conditions and climates, their properties and businesses were seized and they were left with nothing.
All of the European countries who also embraced Nazism in the 30s and 40s, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary, Denmark, Austria, Croatia, etc., deserve to feel guilt forever so far as I'm concerned.
It is very clear to me that Crowley and his bunch were behind every sick thing we see today, the LGBTQ WXYZ and BLM and Antifa and the Masons and the Odd Fellows and all the other secret societies. Matt, you didn't mention Philip K. Dick, I wonder what you think of him.
Heinlein and Hubbard and all those other f*ckers as well as Owsley handing out LSD like candy to the rock musicians in the LA canyons and the Haight in SF creating a lost generation of stoners.
Abbie Hoffman hated the hippies, he saw it was social engineering to destroy a real movement against the military-industrial complex which was polluting everything. He tried to speak at Woodstock but they had some goons beat the shit out of him and throw him off the stage.
Meanwhile Wavy Gravy and his band of groovies set up tents for people to come to if the drugs they were taking were creating really f-d up head trips.
And don't forget Aquino and the Presidio, the SF military base...mk ultra and all kinds of horrific shit went on there. Why is it most of the people who claimed they were abducted and tortured by UFO's lived on or next to military bases and at least one family member, usually the father, was in the military? Was the UFO abduction a cover story for mk ultra torture going on in these bases?
in Holland there were no concentration camps, only several so-called Durchgangsläger, temporary stops on the way to be transported eastwards (to the labour camps).
John Huston is Hollywood, Hollywood is PR and image-building, so the real question should be: how much influence did Hollywood have on its affiliated filmers and photographers (including Alfred Hitchcock), who were set to work in post-war Germany? or why didn't they also film the destruction and despair in the Japanese camps?
finally, on the idea that "6 million J*ws" died in the H*locaust: yes many Jews died, but also many others (forced labour on an industrial scale tends to do that) and this number itself has been presented in a sophisticated information strategy dating back at least to 1915, as can be seen in pre-war, leading American and European newspaper articles - https://archive.org/details/old-newspapers-report-six-million-jews-1915-1938
It was also the Korda brothers who got their boost serving the Allies' propaganda machine. An astonishing number of future Hollywood 'Greats' paid their dues fabricating reality in the post-war period. And the less said about the talentless, non-entity and opportunist Marlena Dietrich, the better. She may have been the world's first 'celebrity' - famous for being famous.
You are so ignorant it is astounding...why do you use the name Franz Kafka, who was Jewish?
The Korda brothers were Hungarian Jews who emigrated to England and helped make many of the great British films of the 1930s and 1940s including "The Scarlet Pimpernel" with the great Jewish British actor Leslie Howard.
Marlene Dietrich received many honours, including from France, for the secret work she did against the Nazis, risking her life many times. You have no idea what a hero she was. And she also helped many European Jews escape to Britain or the USA, including children. On the face she was performing for the troops, but she was sent into many dangerous places all of which she did voluntarily. I knew her grandson she was the most amazing person. And a great performer.
Matt you must be shocked at the level of vitriol here against your research and articles, and how hatred of the Jewish People and anyone who is with them keeps coming up. I hope you can have a Moderator who can deal with this because these posts are not enlightening in any way, and are, in fact, spewing hatred and lies. Please do something.
How pathetic. My posts in reply do not go through and this huffing and puffing creature who clearly stands around waiting to be insulted is snitching on me to Matt Ehret. You will need the wisdom of Solomon here Matt. Good luck! The tone of the debate is lowered horribly by casually bigoted, exceptionalist Zionist scolds like the 'helene' person I am having to deal with, but with weird obstacles put in my way on your site.
The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.
There are more holes in your argument than in the Titanic. They may be smaller but still enough to sink the vessel you are floating your argument in. If I was to compare your stream-of-unconsciousness compendium with chicken soup, I would say that, though it looks nourishing, there is some very strange chicken in that soup.
Right sure! And when they could not find stuff to film they had Alfred Hitchcock and those Hungarian brothers fake some. Hollywood never stopped faking the story. Why throw away a good thing? The war and post war propaganda became US culture, such as it is. Or were you not aware of that? You guys are one-trick ponies and humiliate yourselves unwittingly and frequently. Not everything you learned in schule and Hollywood was true. And please explain the carbon copy, if not Ur example, of Nazis which inhabit Israel today, pretending to be jews and now committing turbo-genocide of actual Semites- Palestinians - with such relish and impunity.
One man's film is another man's entertainment. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon. Or 9/11 for that matter. Hard to know what's real and what's not.
How about the cliam that the Tuskegee Airmen were flying missions over the concentration camps but told to ignoer them I guess?
The use of kindness shown to the lesser skilled is indeed the reason for mankind's failure to advance as quickly as we should. Religion had a role to play in this. Women, with their nature to nurturing, expanded it beyond the child to the adult, making things easier for them. While meant as a kindness was anything but. How blacks were taught didn't apply to the real world. Their skills lesser than others were forced into lower skilled jobs that paid less. Looking back at the mistakes of the chosen class of blond and blue eyed as superior was highly flawed. The practice of breading humans as we did animals was closer to correct. attributes wanted and unwanted were bread in and out of animals. The results provided stronger animals that were also resistant to disease. Applying this to humans was more difficult. how do we recognize hidden traits that show up after a couple of generations? healthy couples producing a child that has a major flaw. would that child prosper? would they pass the flaws on genetically. The ability to know the flaws would be advantageous. stopping a fetus before it becomes a viable being long before pain can be felt would be desirable. if a egg couldn't be produced by the woman or sperm by the man We have ways to offer them a child that has greater chances of being healthy. a solution that many use. why not as marriage is proposed we offer testing that provides answers before more aberrant choices must be made. We also see the objection to mixing of the races. yet the offspring trend to be quite intelligent and desirable. it is these beliefs that are fostered by a superior race postulates that foster most race attitudes. The ideas that some races are more skilled than others is untrue. skills come to the ones that are pushed as a child and parents that don't accept failure as an option. the reason that so many Asian races excel, not because of superior brains. The study of our genomes that form what we are should be the prime knowledge we seek. finding our weaknesses that when found can be altered to correct the conditions. the danger would always be present of creating the super human. the danger comes like the light bulb that gets a jolt that causes it to burn brightly but lasts but a short time. i suspect the same would happen to the body forced to burn brighter. We must strive for quality of life. living healthy until the last day we are here. enjoying our family and remembered by grandkids as a grandparent remembered as a person that was fun and not the bedridden person that smelled like pee. That would be the goal I would set.-------------------I, Grampa
indeed: 'We must strive for quality of life', yet that also includes the weak, the hurt, the vulnerable. perhaps this differs between cultures, but it's part of our humanity to take care of those who need it.
Supporting and caring for the weak has always been the trait of human nature. it is what our moral basis that defines humanity. Eliminating the problems without compassion isn't wise. it isn't predictable. First, we must define what is desirable to continue our race as viable well into the future. Intelligence isn't the only thing necessary. Even if we are all equal in intelligence, we must have beings with strength to span all areas needed to support mankind. I have found people with exceptional skills who set goals for a lifestyle they enjoy because of the physical work needed. The one mistake that is made id to demand that life is fair. We gain no advantage for people when we lower standards so they may qualify for jobs they don't have the skill to excel. Diversity or gender offers nothing for success. As an example, I offer my life experience. Born dirt poor to an Irish immigrant and mother with a third-grade education, I never had the high IQ needed for success. What I had was parents that told me Never say "I can't". as a result and with only a high school education I have an electrical Master's license, owned my company and successfully became a millionaire. Now at 80 and raised two fine young ladies with their own success stories and provided me with three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. One, the boy has learning disabilities that like myself, I won't let him say I cant. He is and will overcome these problems to function and be able to contribute to society. I dont think it should be up to government to set standards ( or lower them) to provide the easy path for them. Each individual is unique. Just as the blind has braille to provide a way to learn and function on their own, they have the way forward. having standards lowered for them provides no kindness. I offer one last thing. I hired a young black man who answered my add for laborer. he couldnt fill out my job application. he couldnt read or write. yet he had a high school diplomia. How? he was the football star in high school. passed along because of their need not his. he was a good worker and learned everything. My wife taught him to read and write in one month. we enrolled him in an electrical apprenticeship. today he is a master electrician with his own company. he is prime example of the damage done by passing these kids without teaching them. was this man stupid? clearly not. it was the schools that failed him. concerned more with the final data reported than the child who needed the real education that would have learned if it was demanded of him. I know I have gotten lengthy in my post. I have strong feelings about what the "good intentions" do for out children. children taught to depend upon government to level the playing field teaches them that they must have government to survive. while not said, sets standards that they are inferior. not because they are but because gov. needs victims to justify their jobs. thanks for letting me get this out. it feels good to spout off and relive my blood pressure. I hope I havent offended anyone with being so blunt----------- I, Grampa
great comment, big TQ. it's exactly my personal outlook on life and on supporting children and recognising their potential. I've been teaching for many years: providing the 'tools' with which those who weren't as smart as the smartest of the pack could discover and develop their own skills has always been one of my priorities (sometimes a lonely position, but that's another story). lowering standards, as you've put so well, puts limitations and doesn't help anyone or solve anything. it's like young children: they always try to belong to the group of older ones, thus having to reach out and over their own capabilities. it's called "growing up" (not "growing down")! be well Grampa :-))
you are in a position to influence the mistakes made using the compassion to help people that may need to use learning methods different from the normal standards. I offer my event with a young black man from Detroit. I as a contractor need labor. Jobs that require only following instructions. This day I had a young man come for a job. He had a problem. he couldn't fill out the forms we gave him. he couldn't read or write. He had a diploma! Well we got them filled out and we put him to work. He proved to be reliable and a hard worker. my wife taught him to read and write in just a few weeks. I saw his potential so I enrolled him in an apprenticeship. Today he is a Master electrician with his own company. The problem was school failed him. They saw his value as a football star that could win games for them. education was secondary and he was passed from grade to grade and didn't have the skills for everyday life. Clearly he wasn't stupid. how many are just like him. false data for government to maintain the higher average to qualify for gov. grants. He couldn't even qualify to work at any fast food chain. Not enough janitor jobs to go around. Unless you have seen the problem first hand like I did it is hard to believe. Now at 80 and long retired I find the problems are the same. I have confronted the school boards to help save my great grand kids. I had one time I was escorted out while I had the floor to speak. the next meeting I started to speak again and one recognized me and I was arrested for causing problems in the meeting. because I did some work for a judge I went to see him and filed a complaint against the school board. I had the media present that time and they refused to call on me even when no one else had a hand up . they tried to close the meeting that had just started when I stood up and approached the council. they again tried to eject me until I showed the cop the papers filed with the court. I served them myself telling them I would work to see they would be replaced. which I was able to get three of five removed. Now I am too old and don't have the stamina to sit in long meetings. It was gratifying to stand and tell these people they are fired. We need more people like yourself that have first hand knowledge of what is happening. The problem is that the media wont report what is happening to these kids. one of the major problems comes from the need to have two incomes to survive. parents are not available to attend meetings. Even if you help one child, it builds a better world. Having people that are productive and not dependent getting government out of our education. I know I am lengthy so thanks for reading my rant.------ I, Grampa
But the last 3 paragraphs (beginning with <<< Is it possible that Tesla’s 186 foot Wardenclyffe Tower financed by JP Morgan was the “mysterious means” referred to by US Naval Intelligence in 1917 to communicate messages wirelessly across the Atlantic?>>>), plus the commentary on Rudolph Steiner, seem to be pure speculation.
Hi, Matt, I really appreciate your work and have found it all very helpful, with the exception of your understanding of Rudolf Steiner, who was in no way connected with the beliefs of the Nazis or Crowley. The account you give of his work on esoteric science and Christian Rosenkreuz is very superficial, misleading, and slanderous. If you read more of his work and tried to understand where he is coming from, you would never make statements as you have about him.
I've read alot of Steiner at this point, and I don't see why you are taking the position you are taking. Like, have you read the lecture I cited Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkrutz? https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA130/English/RSP1984/19121218p02.html
My reaction to your statements on Steiner's work and points of view comes from my experience of having studied his work for over thirty years, not having just read a few lectures, and from my many years of working with his understanding of the human being and our spiritual origins as a Waldorf grades teacher. I think your understanding of Steiner's writings comes from a materialistic point of view, which, yes, may make some things he says appear to be insane, but you do not have the larger picture. You are doing a disservice to humanity by discrediting Steiner as you do.
Добро то своје изучи, јер ми Срби смо изучили боље, унапред, и пази да не окаљаш нашег Теслу без сувих доказа, јер си се онда осрамотио пред својом публиком, женом, свим неамеричким културама света, Богом и собом. Или она (Синтија) стоји иза овога? Пратим шта пишете и све то читам, до сада сте били добри, али сада сте отишли небу под облаке. И да напишем шта ми је код вас сумњиво, не критикујете постојећу кинеску и руску власт, који су очигледни марионете управљачке елите. Питам се, како, како, неко ко тако добро изучава историју, и много зна, не види шуму од дрвета? Теслу не дирајте, то је но-но, братски вам кажем да се оканете, јер ступате на терен будалаштине. Свако добро, и намерно вам (теби и њој) пишем на српском, питај жену шта је било када је САД бомбардовала амбасаду Кине током бомбардовања Србије, она зна, није било ништа, зашто? Зато што и тамо имају свој штаб! И за крај, Тесла потиче из српске културе, он је сисао млеко слатко и нутритивно, а не снеик-оил, стога, не може бити повезан са овим структурама еугеничара, мада он и јесте био са њима у контакту, морајући. Али то не значи да је био њихов, напротив, сво његово дело ВРИШТИ да НИЈЕ био њихов!
I'm not sure whether your mimicking the German accent for Rudolph Steiner, Hitler, and other German figures, adds or detracts from your presentation. Since I grew up during and after the Second World War, many films portrayed the evil doers with thick German accents. My son now lives and works in Germany and such prejudices have not been easy to overthrow, but I think we should do our best not to reinforce them. Plus it’s beginning to sound more like a comic book!
Now why is that? Why do Americans have such an indelible imprinting of evil doers with thick German accents? Why no mention of the Eisenhower Death Camps which starved over a million Germans to death? Why no mention of Allied atrocities such as shooting Germans attempting to bring food to their starving family members? Hollywood created a large portion of our reality today. After the fire bombing of Dresden which left Germany looking like a lunar landscape, the rape and torture of German civilians, turning German into a free for all brother for the Allied "good guys" to trade sex for food it became necessary to turn the Germans into VILLAINS and more evil than they really were. Instead of a few Germans being flakey enthusiasts of occultism (a complete waste of time) there had to be some dark Satanic secret to match all the evil atrocities they've done which were wildly exaggerated. Remember, these had to be the most evil people ever and all sorts of cartoonish myths and exaggerations (made up long after the fact) were constructed to cover up atrocities committed by Americans and the Eisenhower administration. History is a set of lies agreed upon by the winners. Here we are eighty years after the fact and Germans are still taught a horrific level of guilt and self hatred which is quite destructive to Europe as a whole. When will it be enough? When will they finally get to move on? An entire generation of people in Europe are being defamed over something the grandparents likely had nothing to do with so long ago. Few Europeans today have any interest in flakey occultism. Somehow it keeps getting brought up, perhaps to excite American Evangelicals and Conservatives to fight the good fight for the umpteenth time since WWII while their Liberal counterparts are content to spread Freedom and Democracy around the globe whether they like it or not. Statecraft is not run by flakey men with an interest in the occult. They are steely psychopaths who use any means necessary to accomplish their goals, think Donald Rumsfeld. Haven't people caught on by now that we should put the brakes on the defamation, vilification and lies that invariably precede war? Have you looked at Gaza lately? Where are all the Evangelicals denouncing this?
There is one law for them and another for you. Imagine what would happen to you if you tried to ape say a Yiddish accent. or even that of a Manhattan jew. Meanwhile, it is open season on Germans, Russians, The Chinese, and literally, the Semite Palestinians.
Dr. John G. Trump, DJTrump's uncle and professor at M.I.T. '....was the main government official who went over Tesla's secret papers after his death in 1943. At the time, Trump was a well-known electrical engineer serving as a technical aide to the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research & Development, Technical Aids, Div. 14, NTRC (predecessor agency to the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence)....' - https://worldhistoryproject.org/1943/1/7/nikola-tesla-dies
The people you describe actually had no concrete knowledge of anything and most of their "ideas" were obscure - to put it mildly. Tesla probably was a Satanic figure. He apparently was a sodomite, had the morality of one and did not go out, avoided sunshine and destruction was the purpose of every "invention" he produced. Only 2 or 3 pictures of him exist and his eugenic views are those of a ignorant cretin.
No vilification or ostrazising is intended. People, however, should be aware of the irrefutable fact that the morality of homosexuals is different from that of heterosexuals.
It should be noted, that, regarding secret societies from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry, ALL have been infiltrated and have Jesuitized 'versions'. For example, the original Rosicrucians were an evolution of the High Priests of the Great White Lodge of Egypt, which existed at the height of it's power under the reign of Thutmose the Third. They had an offshoot society known as the Brotherhood of the Sun, under Akhenaten, and were his High Priests (they were largely of the Tribe of Benjamin). Upon the 'Exodus', when Akhenaten became known to the Israelite tribes as 'Moses', the Brotherhood of the Sun became the High Priests of 'Israel' (and carriers of true Rosicrucianism out of Egypt). After the Diaspora, the Brotherhood of the Sun became the Merovingian Dynasty in Europe, particularly in the lands of France and Western Germany. This resulted in another High Priest Order being created, which became known as the Carbonari (yes, the jesuits also created an Italian copy version of that). They took this name after the forest areas of Belgium where their rituals and meetings occurred. This was the first association to be referred to as a 'Freemasonic' brotherhood, and the Templar Order was formed from this. So, for all the speculation about did the Freemasons grow out of the Templar Order, the answer is no; the Templars grew out of the Freemason Order, the Carbonari. With the growing power of the Jesuits and their desire to infiltrate and usurp Freemasonry, the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt was created. It was funded by the Jesuit Extreme Oath of the Fourth Degree Sabbateans, known as the Rothschilds ( who were also 'starchamber' Knights of Malta, hence the moniker, 'Red Shield'). The Illuminati quickly set about destroying the Merovingian created 'brand' of Freemasonry with their own versions such as the Jesuit created Scottish Rite and much altered York Rite. Where Rosicrucianism was concerned, they established the Golden Dawn. This was an Adam Weishaupt creation that would be a special Coven for the Rothschilds which would consist of their High Order 'raised' witches, of which Aleister Crowley was one such. His mission was to 'New Age' Rosicrucianism and twist and corrupt previous beliefs, rituals and ideology of the original Order into a Jesuitized version. This 'twisting and corruption' was nothing new, the Vatican had been engaged in this for centuries with their version of Christianity and their creation of Jesus, King of 'Nazareth' as the seminal figure of the religion, with an adjunct of Mary, who represented their version of Mithra. The Vatican, and particularly the Jesuits, are the greatest forgers of all time. With this being said, I can only wonder if some of the 'quotes' attributed to Nicola Tesla, weren't part of their typical modis operandi campaign of smear and 'Damnatio Memoriae'...
Tesla was a brilliant engineer who pioneered the use of alternating current (AC), something which anyone with a modicum of knowledge and practical experience would greatly prefer over direct current (DC). This was portrayed as an epic engineering battle of the ages but truth be told, if both Edison and Tesla were both run over by a street car thus removing them from history, someone else actually many people would have reached the same conclusion. This isn't magic folks. Someone would have gotten tired of the overheated wires and fires.
Tesla was a great engineer but most of his life was failure and disappointment. Unable to do physics because of his lack of the requisite mathematical expertise and washed up as an engineer, it's not surprising he turned to fantasies of power and escapism in occult studies. That too proved to be a dead end of course but it helped poor Tesla winnow away the time. Too bad.
Einstein the great physicist was unable to muster enthusiasm for quantum mechanics which he understood very well and quite powerfully. He was convinced there had to be a better way. Maybe there is. I certainly think so but no one has really found it. There have since been equivalent reformulations of QM particularly that discovered by Richard Feynman which has proven to be extremely useful in particle physics. Mathematically, Feynman's integrals leave something to be desired. Moreover, Einstein missed the General Relativity Renaissance in the 1950s due to death, in which massive strides forward we made in terms of our understanding of relativistic gravity, cosmology, gravity waves and solutions to Einstein's equations. He was a tottering old man then and probably couldn't follow the advanced that were being made. There's also the fact that Einstein had rejected his own theory to a degree because he didn't like Black Holes and other such things we now know to be artifacts of how one chooses coordinates to describe the spacetime around a massive object. Did Einstein ever learn differential forms, Cartan's reformulation of tensors which proved useful? I doubt it. Einstein for all his earlier brilliance might as well have gone fishing at some point.
Which leads us to the present moment today, how do we relate to these two "towering" figures so shrouded in mythology which brings with it the fringe nonsensical detractions and sensational speculations? IMO the guiding light is experience, disciplined judgement and sharpening your skills. Will people still both to refer to Einstein or Tesla in the future much like they don't both discussing Brahmagupta or some other forgotten luminary in the past? It's more important to have a generation of highly trained and skilled, independent thinkers capable of innovation than to curate a museum of great scientists of the past, a place where the layman can venerate the bones of the saints which has lately come to resemble Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum picketed by shrieking flat Earthers.
What an astonishing comment and intervention. Wow, thank you.
You're welcome. It was just stream of consciousness so it's a little rough, grammar errors, hard to read spots.
Humility too? You really are not a psychopath.
I doubt he was brilliant at anything. I do know that 99% of the planet had electricity up and running during their supposed current wars. Even Manaus, Brazil had an electric tram system up and running in 1890s. I wonder where they ordered all the material and how many canoes it takes to paddle one electric train a 1,000km up the Amazon River? My point is, it's (history) all lies, as confirmed by the electrified city in Hobart, Tasmania circa 1890s😉. Note, I just pulled Hobart out of thin air, then checked before posting, yep electric city up and running and electric trams circa 1890s,they got some nice precision Castles too lining those dirt roads 😉
Some post very unkind , one thing : a country whose government kill his president ( jfk ) and many more , better shut up and keep quiet about others behaviour
I am not sure what to call the psychosis that insists on championing, and sometimes resurrecting, B-list figures. Alkan the musician comes to mind and perhaps both Einstein and Tesla, one of whom was a bit of a plagiarist and the other simply nuts. Perhaps since the main playing field has already been claimed and controlled, an 'arriviste' type seeks to establish a whole new playing field. Upsetting the board accidentally of course, when about to lose a game of chess for example, comes to mind.
Having spent most of my life in physics and mathematics, I can confidently say Einstein was not a plagiarist. He was an extreme talent who helped make sense of physics during a time of great change. His math skills were formidable. He managed to learn differential geometry at a time when there were no books on the subject like we have today that any sufficiently industrious graduate student who is well prepared can understand. He learned advanced calculus and real analysis on his own. Very impressive, especially back then. What's more, he understood it well enough to apply it to physics! In hindsight we look back on General relativity and realize how easy it is to derive the field equations but it's very different when it hasn't been done yet. Hilbert beat Einstein to the field equations by 5 days. He used the least action principle and the simplest covariant scalar in a relativistic action functional. He varied it, out came the field equations. Einstein took a slightly different route and used a more local approach involving only derivatives. End result, the same.
General Relativity wasn't really finished with Einstein and it took until the 1950s before a more polished understanding of the theory developed. The players here are Dennis Sciama, Roger Penrose, John Wheeler, Kip Thorne, Louis Witten and a bunch of others. I can confidently say, had Einstein not made the discovery, someone else eventually would have. We would end up more or less in the same spot sooner or later. That's the nature of science and math. The end discoveries allow for little creativity but require very unusual thinkers to uncover the big ideas which get us unstuck. Trust me. Anyone who has a great idea is going to have a horrifically hard time selling it to the physics community. Even string theory was not welcome until Witten gave the green light. What becomes of science and math in the future is anyone's guess. I have some ideas where it might go but only time will tell.
I liked your post in spite of myself. You took an awfully long time though to agree with me ;-).
I play piano. Alkan is horrifically difficult. So hard, I don't even bother to play it. I do play Ravel and Balakirev's Islamey which is about as demanding as I want to handle. I have enough technique to play anything by Schumann, Chopin (except etude op. 10 no. 1), Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Bach, etc. without too much trouble. I like music. The finger gymnastics and octave Olympics I'll leave to someone else.
You are a polymath. I would put Alkan right up there with Tesla and Einstein as, if geniuses at all, seriously flawed ones. My take on Einstein I inherited from my physicist bro in law who explained how the theory of relativity was already common knowledge in certain circles. Einstein, working in a patent office, just jumped first and hype by the tribal press did the rest.
I did Math Olympiad as a kid and learned Bach Inventions and the Well Tempered Clavier early on. It was mostly a case of having a strong interest and the right kind of perspective from the start. I got hooked on Bach from hearing it played at Church.
Regarding physics, it's just going to turn out how it's going to turn out. I have my own ideas where we might go. It's probably wrong but I might as well share them. Quantum field theory is a mess. We have a workable pile of heuristics and rules of thumb but nothing like a mathematically rigorous theory. There are Wightman axioms for QFT but it doesn't work for actual physics but it's mathematically interesting. In order to go further, I think we really need to understand QFT properly. We really are at that stage where an incomplete understanding of it will work anymore. These problems are present even in string theory which is a QFT that lives on a world sheet. It is often said that quantum gravity is the greatest problem. That may be but we really saw the limitations of quantum theory when applied to gravity. We need a way to go beyond perturbation theory and work with strong coupling.
The situation in physics is like that of Fourier analysis when it was first discovered. Fourier had a brilliant solution of the heat equation but it broke calculus. It took decades for men like Weierstrass, Cauchy, Abel, Riemann, Cantor, Dedekind and Dirichlet (I'm leaving people out) to detangle what was really going on. It took at long time to fix. Even then, integration was broken or incomplete at it had to be replaced with the Lebesgue integral and Measure theory was born. Fourier analysis really makes sense only with the Lebesgue integral, so we had to wait even longer. Functional analysis was born, Banach spaces, Hilbert Spaces etc. incidentally rigged Hilbert spaces and Self adjoint linear operators form the basis for ordinary QM as described in von Neumann's book. The moral of the story is we had a magic black box called Fourier series which seemed capable of solving differential equations and understanding physical phenomena like waves and radiation. It took a long time to figure out how that black box worked. Quantum field theory is another black box. It might very well be the case that 200 years from now in the rosiest of circumstances we might still be far off from complete understanding. Or maybe not. Our math is really not complete nor satisfactory to give a description of QFT. It might very well be that THIS is how a unified field theory is discovered, that once you understand the underlying theory properly, you immediately see the menu of particles and forces which are possible. Who knows? That's my opinion. We could hammer away at string theory forever and play with various symmetry groups and interesting geometries but it's really sailing a ship without a Compass and Navigation. I see signs that Alain Connes is headed in this direction with Non Commutative geometry. Life is short so I don't spend it on these problems. I like to finish things and move on to a different project even if the problems are more pedestrian. Still, these are my guesses for how things could proceed.
I am going to take some time to understand what you have written. It is clear, cogent and actually highly instructive even for an ignoramus like me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts so generously.
As for pedestrian problems, never forget that pedestrians invented the car, and a few other things besides. Pascal for instance, invented public transit and the computer.
I'm flexible. It's going to turn out how it's going to turn out. I often entertain strange gruesome ideas if they lead somewhere and look promising. If physics gets turned on its head, I'm fine with that but what replaces it has to be objectively better.
A remarkable thought and certainly not what passes for Science these days which seems to be superstition and aping things little understood. That kind of 'Science' deserves the definite article the lugenpresse has given it - The Science indeed!
There is the Unified Field Theorem, or theorem of Everything proposed by Dr Andreu Bacardit de la Fuente.
please watch the video:
Very grateful for your contribution
The closest thing to a unified mathematics I am aware of is the ambitious Langland's Program. There's nothing like it in history and it's rather hard to describe without being too technical. Basically, it's a web of not so obvious equivalences between very different theories like for example a duality between certain (modular) Elliptic equations and Modular Forms, later proved Taniyama Shimura conjecture which led to a proof of Fermat's last theorem. Another example is the relation between 26-dimensional Bosonic string theory, the automorphism group of the Griess algebra, and the simple Monster Group. There's much more to it but the theme is how completely different theories can be exactly equivalent. The advantage of this is that if theory A has an intractable problem but it's equivalent to theory B and there's a dictionary between A and B you can solve your problem in a different theoretical framework then transform your answer back to the original framework. A similar web of dualities was discovered by Edward Witten and Juan Maldacena involving String theory and Yang Mills theory. So it could be a unification of mathematics and possibly of physics itself. For example, no one would have thought the Monster group had anything to do with String theory and vice versa. There are more points of entry linking physics to maths. I am but a humble Algebraic Geometer and this is a lofty game which only a few people in the world can play. I'm not one of them.
I find it difficult to wrap my mind around the facts that you so effortlessly and regularly churn out top shelf research essays and audio like these two concerning buried truths about Newton, Crowley and Tesla.
Never ever stop your valuable work Mr. Matt Ehret. Ever!
any further references to UK historian David Irving being a 'pro-Nazi revisionist'? AFAIK he's one of the very few whose research goes against the generally upheld dictat that "mostly Jews" perished during the H*caust (and has suffered greatly for it) - https://www.unz.com/proberts/the-case-of-david-irving-shows-that-nothing-is-more-dangerous-than-telling-the-truth/
"....Irving's remarkable documentary findings had completely upended our knowledge of that conflict and its origins, with his books selling in the many millions. His entire approach to controversial historical issues was to rely as much as possible upon hard documentary evidence, and his total inability to locate any such documents relating to the Holocaust drove [mainstream and other] ethnic-activists into a frenzy of outrage, so after many years of effort they finally managed to wreck his career...." - https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/
You should really look at Unz Review and Irving's works with a much more critical eye. Unz has been publishing such pro-Nazi revisionism as 'Hitler The PeaceMaker' for years (see:https://www.unz.com/article/hitler-the-peacemaker/) or Hitler Was Right (see: https://www.unz.com/aanglin/hitler-was-right-and-you-filthy-rats-know-me-and-my-friends-would-all-say-it-to-your-weasel-faces/ ) ... For Irving... read more Irving and compare with reality of what is knowable about Hitler and satanic high priests of Thule Society eugenicists
The whole point Matt is when do you let people go from the past? The Germans know that Nordstream was bombed by the Americans but feel compelled to look the other way. Why? Because of something seriously bad they grandparents did 80 years ago. That's crazy! They can barely afford anything. The Eisenhower Death Camps are an unpleasant fact of history and whether it was payback or whatever it was, it was excessive. It's also poisoned us as a nation because ugly things like genocide always ruin the perpetrator. Look at us now. Did what we do to German POWs help us? No. It help make us worse and directly led to other negative things. There were far more sensible alternatives to handling a defeated enemy. That brings us to the present day, Ukraine is in ruins and nearly all the young men are dead. I know Ukraine is run by Neo Nazis, something the Western media denies. They are pretty repulsive people. What do we do about it? Most of Ukraine are not politically well balanced reasonable people. At what point do we say this went too far are we're stopping it? Or do we keep saying Putin is Hitler and keep feeding Ukrainians to the Russian military machine? I say, let them make peace and figure out some way to move on to some sort of recovery. For that matter, why are we calling Putin Hitler? That's another crazy unhinged defamation which stokes conflict needlessly and is very dangerous. Putin is Putin. He's an irrelevant dead and gone person from over eighty years ago who nobody likes but his name is brought up continuously today to demonize Russia and to get the world to look the other way while Israel goes on slaughtering Palestinians. A good portion of the toxic brew we're dealing with today is because we can't move on from the past. It's destructive. Enough is enough.
How long until the west claims Putin was Hitler because it's coming to a history book near you.
They have been claiming that since Day One!
thank you for this comment. for sure we need to get out from under the deadly cloud of international eugenicism. Ron Unz' work is (indeed) a source to be read with a critical eye. but some of Irving's publications and older presentations (ten years ago still findable on utube) introduced a much needed critical perspective on some of the otherwise badly researched post-war claims of the Jewish holocaust and the German 'death camps' - didn't he introduce the idea the latter were brutal work camps for inmates from all over Europe, exploited for some of the largest well-known industrial companies? in that respect Irving's work is important and the next step is, indeed, discussing and evaluating it.
If there had not been a Holocaust, the jews (and 'the Aliies') would have had to invent one. And there was a Holocaust, but not the one Hollwood embedded in our culture and our minds. After all, the 'victors' were starving to death and exposing (to the elements) millions of German civilians and POWs. Probably around 6 million. A lot of smoke and mirrors were needed to conceal that fact. Needs must in history.... needs must. It is time to free ourselves of the bullshit though. Unz is a leader in that process.
Why do you deprive Unz of the right to assess his own tribe? Your view may be 'other', but by what authority is it more valid? And are you even a jew, by any, mostly now bastardized, sense of the word?
Great stack on Tesla (I've heard the first 3!)--gotta admit I wuz one 'a the duped (an' I thought the pigeons were more sweet than sinister but now I'm'a rethinkin' that... kinda creepy stuff!)
1000 thanks "fer" this comment Matt--
Ron Unz has promoted this malarkey fer years but, 'specially now, he'z quoted around the "innertubes" (chapter & verse!) as if he wuz "Veritas" incarnate. He'z no dummy (I'll own it) but lackin' the instantly offensive turn-off mien of the likes of the vile an' fairly frightenin' Brother Nathanael, Unz is revered by all manner of "otherwise intellgent" folks. Paul Craig Roberts is certainly part of his new "fold," many others (ta my shock, MCM has even quoted 'im if I'm recallin'...).
IMHO Unz has -- along with Makow-- promoted hate for those of us "chews" who, unlike those 2, have the gall not ta hate ourselfs or our heritage in spite of some scoundrels present an' past b/c who ain't got a few rotten eggs in their basket from time ta time.
(I also differentiate 'tween the political "zionists" who were knowin'ly part of a British-orchestrated political movement that sold the chews a bill'a sale an' laser pernted them to go ta the "promised" land... AND the decent folks--includin' all my ancestors--that ALL called themselves zionists (still do) b/c to them zionism meant ONLY one thing--a home, no more no less (aka refuge).
An' havin' a fambly that had ta escape the tzars purges mebbe poundin' sand--as one branch did (!) made sense. My ma's in her 80's now an has no idea who Balfour wuz... (an' ta her, Rotchschilds are just bankers & fawncy wine makers--no more no less)--she has 2 masters degrees but never looked at origin stories an' wouldn't know a globalist from a gumball--go figure.
I like when you said (I think it wuz to MelK?) that Israel had a dishonest start--it's correct-- but most chews had no idear of the dishonesty or subterfuge... STILL don't! So all this "anti-zionism" means that all jews that don't want Israel erased offa the map--even given a dishonest start they still don't know about!--are bein' thrown under the bus (or bombed under it more like)
an' last but not least:
(clearly I'm notta fan've NetAnYooHoo but not wantin' ta see Israel sink inta the Red Sea wither!)
IMO, cuz Unz, Makow, & team seem legit--their speech measured (if distorted), not rantin', their approach "intellectual" (citin' sources) an' they are of the tweed + sueded elbow professorial kinda gents -- they are believed an' rarely questioned. They promote not only Irving but Hoffman, Hudson, an' others who play fast 'n loose with facts. Not sure what's ta be done (no, I ain't quotin' Lenin here!). Most folks don't realize that the same pickle Israel is in--is the one we're all in now--Niemoller went inta the papershredder some time ago...
Also ta be noted (as surely you know) is that we've seen how supposed lack of (known) evidence kin support a very untrue narrative as can "select" evidence (my favorite one is that the concentration "camps" were all swell joints, like vacation spots!, due to one dang "showcase" example where theater & concerts were performed!). As can dok-tured evidence too (past & present but incredibly there are many who say the jews in the holocaust photos were not Jews at all b/c no jews died--an' that most of the photos were made up. An' Vera Sharav is lyin' (yup, I've seen so much dissin' on this poor woman it breaks my heart). Few like her who can tell the truth are still alive. As Ike said:
“Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower
We see how evidence is bein' destroyed as we speak (Alex Jones--whatever ya think of him--said his entire testimony in the defamation trial wuz erased!). I'm sure the script for the Apollo landin' an' the outtakes were similarly destroyed--so duz that mean the production didn't take place? hogwarsh
If ya wanna go down a VERY dark Nazi hole, the confessions of Kay Griggs about the Nazi-Illuminatti gay hazin' rituals an' satanic stuff an' even killin'--all brought inta the US (includin' the Modern Milley Terry) via the PaperClip parade--is quite horrific:
An' Hitler wuz totally infused with this dark stuff... no hero ta me...
ps I loved yer actin' Matt! compli-mint comin' from an' unemployed thespian here due ta not takin' the "countermeasures" so I do my own bit'a karacter actin' in print now!, writin' "in the vernacular")
pps the "myth" that it wuzn't chews killed has many holes but one I've read about is the mistaken idear that 10% of the victims were gay--that wuz Kinsey who made it up! Judith Reisman (who spent her entire life tryin' ta warn folks 'bout the dangers of Kinsey) took that apart ages ago--sorry don't have the link / paper handy) but it's well-done research. (per above, on the contrary, the Nazi dudes were all havin' a "gay ol' time" which kept them loyal, albeit traumatized!)
"...who ain't got a few rotten eggs in their basket from time ta time." [I note that you did not end that sentence with a question mark. Perhaps the 'flyover America' accent took up all your attention?
Would you like to compare the '"tzars purges"[sic] with the current, industrial strength, Jewish-run Holocaust/Genocide/Naqba in Gaza and the West Bank, Palestine? Call it what you will. Just the figures for the last six months, to make sure you do not shit yo' pants, mufuckah?
I can tell you some ve-e-rry interesting things about the false-flag attacks of the day in South Russia, now Nulandistan, when jews staged pogroms on other jews... real dead bodies and all, for headlines to keep the Rothschild's Jewish State project moving right along? And that is just a teaser.
I am afraid that the only thing that comes to mind after scanning your alphabet soup of rubbish, is Alan Ginsberg's "Howl". One of those was more than enough. Your only saving grace is proving that Unz was right about your tribe.
An' yer chosen handle is takin' the name of a Jew, Kafka... that's "rich!" really! spoutin' hate against us "chews" (how kind've ya) an' co'optin' the name of a Jewish writer in so-doin'--oh the irony. Mebbe it's time fer ya to change handles---Father Coughlin might be a better fit?--Heinrich Himmler? Both very popular in their daze too! Anywhoo--I'm sure with all that "kindness" ya exude, yer a true blessin' to all in yer world an' much beloved by all around ya--tho' it's a durn shame ya borrowed the name of a talented Jewish writer who wouldn't think much've what yer sayin' -- but bein' generous, I'll say may ye reap what ya sow (I will say ya proved my pernt too but I guess that's bein' redundant sayin' it)
Why is any criticism of your tribe always described as 'hate'? And why the fake, silly accent. You think that playing the fool is and adequate response to criticism?
I was kidding by addressing Moses - self-confessed 'Crackpot' - Matt. But then the real (I assume) Matt 'liked' Moe's post, so I was not far off. My comments stand and I stand with them. I do not stand with Ukraine or Israel - both genocidal 'jewish' states.
Hey Matt! Keep your day job. Your bigoted rendition of accents is tres Hollywood, at best. Kind 'uv' [sic] very Kevin Spacey I would say. He is one of yours I believe, and perhaps even mine, though, unlike you, I renounce evil wherever I find it.
ppps! seein' the comment about the accent--SIGH. This is why so many performances are banned (Mikado without Japan!) An accent doesn't mean evil! It's called actin' or doin' impressions--an' you kin portray good 'er bad folks with the same dang accent--it's all in the intonations an' the accent just adds legit color--where a person's from, how'd they do with English. Back in actin' skool we all had ta do these--now it's near-forbidden (I think British is OK, the others no more...sadly). Folks are soooo distanced from the-ate-'er an' old films today so it's all offensive ta them. Dont'cha dare "impersonate" Alladin fer Halloween if yer a white kid--all that bunk. One'a my favorite Germans that fought the Nazi's tooth 'n nail was the late GREAT Marlene Dietrich--an' every impersonator--male or female doin' her German accent is a joy! (I'm sure Marlene would'a loved this from all I know 'bout her own sense'a humor!)
Carol Channing channels Marlene (as many channeled Channing herself!):
Why not just call it what it is? Shapeshifting and Schizophrenia. Funny thing is, such affected accents are usually just Hollywood style bullshit and obfuscation not to say false coin.
Irving was, and will remain, the Julian Assange of his day. 'They' could not do to him then what they have succeeded in doing to Assange now. So much for progress and thinking of ourselves as somehow evolved beings.
Re: pro-Nazi revisionist David Irving
This is a sweeping assumption. Irving is a historian, not pro-Nazi nor otherwise, unless you your esteemed knowledge can tell me differently.
Like the Bolsheviks of old, these trransplanted Bolsheviks judge most things on the premise -actually floated by Schvarts of Alphabet soup as I recall - that all questions need to have but one answer, His... or Theirs.
I have a couple of Irving's books. Goodness me, does that put me in the His or Their category?
For the record, our oven is electric, not gas. Contrary to rumour, we've never used gas.
I'm not familiar with Schvarts of Alphabet soup; unless I've forgotten.
One would be shocked to know that Hitler went to Tibet not for Buddhism but for an ancient original religion of Tibet called BON. 99% of humanity does not know about BON religion.
Bön is an indigenous religion of the Tibetans. As a shamanistic religion, it is characterized by mystic rituals, spells, and spirit manipulation. This religion involves much emphasis on meditative practice. It was the major religion of the people of Tibet before Buddhism found its way.
The current traditions of Buddhism such as prayer wheels, sky burials, prayer flags, spirit traps, festival dances, and rubbing holy stones have all come from the Bon religion.
The Potala Palace, Menri and Yungdrung monasteries, were the center of study of Bön practices. There were more than 300 monasteries in Tibet belonging to BON which were captured by the Buddhist.
Can you believe that the prayers wheels we see associated with Buddhist is actually stolen from BON religion, even today if you research there is a battle between BONs and Buddhists (supported by CIA Dalai Lama, Chinese and Indian government) 99% of everything we know as Tibetan Buddhism is actually a COPY OF BON, the Chinese occupation of Tibet was to destroy BON not Buddhism as such
1938–1939 German expedition to Tibet was to steal ancient artifacts left by BON monks. Even the Tibetan Book of Dead was actually called Bon-po books of the dead
Your post has made this entire otherwise mediocre and quarrelsome thread worth participating in. I must say that prayer-wheels always seemed to me like some vulgar, silly, yet ominous, pre-cursor to A I. Finally, I have learned something.
I came to know that even the word BONFIRE originated from Tibet shamans from BON religion as they used to light up flames 15 feet high and whoever was near it used to get cured from various health problems. Dan winter explains it well
Wow, the level of discourse here has really hit rock bottom.
Who is mimicking a German accent?
I suppose it is incumbent upon me to remind everyone of the vast amount of authentic footage of millions of Germans attending Hitler rallies and events by Leni Riefenstahl and others.
And the hundreds if not thousands of civilians and military, Gestapo and SS who lived next to and/or ran the concentration camps in Germany, Poland, Holland, etc.
When the Nuremberg Trials were being organized, the US Army created a special unit to hunt down the thousands of canisters of film the German made. They followed up leads all over Germany, trying to get ahead of hiding places which were burnt to the ground. The director John Ford was one of the people in charge. The Russians had a huge stockpile and handed them over. These films were used during the Nuremberg Trials to show that while having a trove of documents and papers and testimony was great, greater still was showing what they did on film which they created themselves.
As Matt has pointed out elsewhere, 1984 and Animal Farm are handbooks on how to take a supposedly civilized society of high culture, which Germany had, Beethoven, Mozart, Heine, Goethe, etc., and turn them into brutes.
David Irving, imo is a major POS and was proven in an English court to be a liar and spent time in prison and imo should never have been let out. Calling him a historian besmirches the careers of actual historians.
Hardly any Germans in America were sent to prison, it was the Japanese-Americans, who were true patriots, who were sent to camps, same in Canada. Conveniently, while they were otherwise occupied in trying to exist in terrible conditions and climates, their properties and businesses were seized and they were left with nothing.
All of the European countries who also embraced Nazism in the 30s and 40s, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary, Denmark, Austria, Croatia, etc., deserve to feel guilt forever so far as I'm concerned.
It is very clear to me that Crowley and his bunch were behind every sick thing we see today, the LGBTQ WXYZ and BLM and Antifa and the Masons and the Odd Fellows and all the other secret societies. Matt, you didn't mention Philip K. Dick, I wonder what you think of him.
Heinlein and Hubbard and all those other f*ckers as well as Owsley handing out LSD like candy to the rock musicians in the LA canyons and the Haight in SF creating a lost generation of stoners.
Abbie Hoffman hated the hippies, he saw it was social engineering to destroy a real movement against the military-industrial complex which was polluting everything. He tried to speak at Woodstock but they had some goons beat the shit out of him and throw him off the stage.
Meanwhile Wavy Gravy and his band of groovies set up tents for people to come to if the drugs they were taking were creating really f-d up head trips.
And don't forget Aquino and the Presidio, the SF military base...mk ultra and all kinds of horrific shit went on there. Why is it most of the people who claimed they were abducted and tortured by UFO's lived on or next to military bases and at least one family member, usually the father, was in the military? Was the UFO abduction a cover story for mk ultra torture going on in these bases?
in Holland there were no concentration camps, only several so-called Durchgangsläger, temporary stops on the way to be transported eastwards (to the labour camps).
John Huston is Hollywood, Hollywood is PR and image-building, so the real question should be: how much influence did Hollywood have on its affiliated filmers and photographers (including Alfred Hitchcock), who were set to work in post-war Germany? or why didn't they also film the destruction and despair in the Japanese camps?
finally, on the idea that "6 million J*ws" died in the H*locaust: yes many Jews died, but also many others (forced labour on an industrial scale tends to do that) and this number itself has been presented in a sophisticated information strategy dating back at least to 1915, as can be seen in pre-war, leading American and European newspaper articles - https://archive.org/details/old-newspapers-report-six-million-jews-1915-1938
peace out.
It was also the Korda brothers who got their boost serving the Allies' propaganda machine. An astonishing number of future Hollywood 'Greats' paid their dues fabricating reality in the post-war period. And the less said about the talentless, non-entity and opportunist Marlena Dietrich, the better. She may have been the world's first 'celebrity' - famous for being famous.
(although I do like her rendition of the classic betrayal theme of 'Lily Marlene').
You are so ignorant it is astounding...why do you use the name Franz Kafka, who was Jewish?
The Korda brothers were Hungarian Jews who emigrated to England and helped make many of the great British films of the 1930s and 1940s including "The Scarlet Pimpernel" with the great Jewish British actor Leslie Howard.
Marlene Dietrich received many honours, including from France, for the secret work she did against the Nazis, risking her life many times. You have no idea what a hero she was. And she also helped many European Jews escape to Britain or the USA, including children. On the face she was performing for the troops, but she was sent into many dangerous places all of which she did voluntarily. I knew her grandson she was the most amazing person. And a great performer.
Matt you must be shocked at the level of vitriol here against your research and articles, and how hatred of the Jewish People and anyone who is with them keeps coming up. I hope you can have a Moderator who can deal with this because these posts are not enlightening in any way, and are, in fact, spewing hatred and lies. Please do something.
Why abuse me (Kafka) by not calling Kafka a Czech?
How pathetic. My posts in reply do not go through and this huffing and puffing creature who clearly stands around waiting to be insulted is snitching on me to Matt Ehret. You will need the wisdom of Solomon here Matt. Good luck! The tone of the debate is lowered horribly by casually bigoted, exceptionalist Zionist scolds like the 'helene' person I am having to deal with, but with weird obstacles put in my way on your site.
The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.
There are more holes in your argument than in the Titanic. They may be smaller but still enough to sink the vessel you are floating your argument in. If I was to compare your stream-of-unconsciousness compendium with chicken soup, I would say that, though it looks nourishing, there is some very strange chicken in that soup.
Right sure! And when they could not find stuff to film they had Alfred Hitchcock and those Hungarian brothers fake some. Hollywood never stopped faking the story. Why throw away a good thing? The war and post war propaganda became US culture, such as it is. Or were you not aware of that? You guys are one-trick ponies and humiliate yourselves unwittingly and frequently. Not everything you learned in schule and Hollywood was true. And please explain the carbon copy, if not Ur example, of Nazis which inhabit Israel today, pretending to be jews and now committing turbo-genocide of actual Semites- Palestinians - with such relish and impunity.
Julian Assange has spent time in prison too. That you would speak of an "English court" in positive, sycophantic terms is most peculiar.
One man's film is another man's entertainment. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon. Or 9/11 for that matter. Hard to know what's real and what's not.
How about the cliam that the Tuskegee Airmen were flying missions over the concentration camps but told to ignoer them I guess?
and I didn't mean Matt..
The use of kindness shown to the lesser skilled is indeed the reason for mankind's failure to advance as quickly as we should. Religion had a role to play in this. Women, with their nature to nurturing, expanded it beyond the child to the adult, making things easier for them. While meant as a kindness was anything but. How blacks were taught didn't apply to the real world. Their skills lesser than others were forced into lower skilled jobs that paid less. Looking back at the mistakes of the chosen class of blond and blue eyed as superior was highly flawed. The practice of breading humans as we did animals was closer to correct. attributes wanted and unwanted were bread in and out of animals. The results provided stronger animals that were also resistant to disease. Applying this to humans was more difficult. how do we recognize hidden traits that show up after a couple of generations? healthy couples producing a child that has a major flaw. would that child prosper? would they pass the flaws on genetically. The ability to know the flaws would be advantageous. stopping a fetus before it becomes a viable being long before pain can be felt would be desirable. if a egg couldn't be produced by the woman or sperm by the man We have ways to offer them a child that has greater chances of being healthy. a solution that many use. why not as marriage is proposed we offer testing that provides answers before more aberrant choices must be made. We also see the objection to mixing of the races. yet the offspring trend to be quite intelligent and desirable. it is these beliefs that are fostered by a superior race postulates that foster most race attitudes. The ideas that some races are more skilled than others is untrue. skills come to the ones that are pushed as a child and parents that don't accept failure as an option. the reason that so many Asian races excel, not because of superior brains. The study of our genomes that form what we are should be the prime knowledge we seek. finding our weaknesses that when found can be altered to correct the conditions. the danger would always be present of creating the super human. the danger comes like the light bulb that gets a jolt that causes it to burn brightly but lasts but a short time. i suspect the same would happen to the body forced to burn brighter. We must strive for quality of life. living healthy until the last day we are here. enjoying our family and remembered by grandkids as a grandparent remembered as a person that was fun and not the bedridden person that smelled like pee. That would be the goal I would set.-------------------I, Grampa
indeed: 'We must strive for quality of life', yet that also includes the weak, the hurt, the vulnerable. perhaps this differs between cultures, but it's part of our humanity to take care of those who need it.
Supporting and caring for the weak has always been the trait of human nature. it is what our moral basis that defines humanity. Eliminating the problems without compassion isn't wise. it isn't predictable. First, we must define what is desirable to continue our race as viable well into the future. Intelligence isn't the only thing necessary. Even if we are all equal in intelligence, we must have beings with strength to span all areas needed to support mankind. I have found people with exceptional skills who set goals for a lifestyle they enjoy because of the physical work needed. The one mistake that is made id to demand that life is fair. We gain no advantage for people when we lower standards so they may qualify for jobs they don't have the skill to excel. Diversity or gender offers nothing for success. As an example, I offer my life experience. Born dirt poor to an Irish immigrant and mother with a third-grade education, I never had the high IQ needed for success. What I had was parents that told me Never say "I can't". as a result and with only a high school education I have an electrical Master's license, owned my company and successfully became a millionaire. Now at 80 and raised two fine young ladies with their own success stories and provided me with three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. One, the boy has learning disabilities that like myself, I won't let him say I cant. He is and will overcome these problems to function and be able to contribute to society. I dont think it should be up to government to set standards ( or lower them) to provide the easy path for them. Each individual is unique. Just as the blind has braille to provide a way to learn and function on their own, they have the way forward. having standards lowered for them provides no kindness. I offer one last thing. I hired a young black man who answered my add for laborer. he couldnt fill out my job application. he couldnt read or write. yet he had a high school diplomia. How? he was the football star in high school. passed along because of their need not his. he was a good worker and learned everything. My wife taught him to read and write in one month. we enrolled him in an electrical apprenticeship. today he is a master electrician with his own company. he is prime example of the damage done by passing these kids without teaching them. was this man stupid? clearly not. it was the schools that failed him. concerned more with the final data reported than the child who needed the real education that would have learned if it was demanded of him. I know I have gotten lengthy in my post. I have strong feelings about what the "good intentions" do for out children. children taught to depend upon government to level the playing field teaches them that they must have government to survive. while not said, sets standards that they are inferior. not because they are but because gov. needs victims to justify their jobs. thanks for letting me get this out. it feels good to spout off and relive my blood pressure. I hope I havent offended anyone with being so blunt----------- I, Grampa
great comment, big TQ. it's exactly my personal outlook on life and on supporting children and recognising their potential. I've been teaching for many years: providing the 'tools' with which those who weren't as smart as the smartest of the pack could discover and develop their own skills has always been one of my priorities (sometimes a lonely position, but that's another story). lowering standards, as you've put so well, puts limitations and doesn't help anyone or solve anything. it's like young children: they always try to belong to the group of older ones, thus having to reach out and over their own capabilities. it's called "growing up" (not "growing down")! be well Grampa :-))
you are in a position to influence the mistakes made using the compassion to help people that may need to use learning methods different from the normal standards. I offer my event with a young black man from Detroit. I as a contractor need labor. Jobs that require only following instructions. This day I had a young man come for a job. He had a problem. he couldn't fill out the forms we gave him. he couldn't read or write. He had a diploma! Well we got them filled out and we put him to work. He proved to be reliable and a hard worker. my wife taught him to read and write in just a few weeks. I saw his potential so I enrolled him in an apprenticeship. Today he is a Master electrician with his own company. The problem was school failed him. They saw his value as a football star that could win games for them. education was secondary and he was passed from grade to grade and didn't have the skills for everyday life. Clearly he wasn't stupid. how many are just like him. false data for government to maintain the higher average to qualify for gov. grants. He couldn't even qualify to work at any fast food chain. Not enough janitor jobs to go around. Unless you have seen the problem first hand like I did it is hard to believe. Now at 80 and long retired I find the problems are the same. I have confronted the school boards to help save my great grand kids. I had one time I was escorted out while I had the floor to speak. the next meeting I started to speak again and one recognized me and I was arrested for causing problems in the meeting. because I did some work for a judge I went to see him and filed a complaint against the school board. I had the media present that time and they refused to call on me even when no one else had a hand up . they tried to close the meeting that had just started when I stood up and approached the council. they again tried to eject me until I showed the cop the papers filed with the court. I served them myself telling them I would work to see they would be replaced. which I was able to get three of five removed. Now I am too old and don't have the stamina to sit in long meetings. It was gratifying to stand and tell these people they are fired. We need more people like yourself that have first hand knowledge of what is happening. The problem is that the media wont report what is happening to these kids. one of the major problems comes from the need to have two incomes to survive. parents are not available to attend meetings. Even if you help one child, it builds a better world. Having people that are productive and not dependent getting government out of our education. I know I am lengthy so thanks for reading my rant.------ I, Grampa
I find Matt's article really shocking. Tesla an eugenicist? So much for being humanitarian and inspired from God. I now spit on this name...
He may have experienced mental illness (see https://gizmodo.com/the-mad-scientist-hall-of-fame-nikola-tesla-5648455 ), so he should've been deemed 'unfit' by the same eugenicist decree (maybe that's why he didn't marry).
But the last 3 paragraphs (beginning with <<< Is it possible that Tesla’s 186 foot Wardenclyffe Tower financed by JP Morgan was the “mysterious means” referred to by US Naval Intelligence in 1917 to communicate messages wirelessly across the Atlantic?>>>), plus the commentary on Rudolph Steiner, seem to be pure speculation.
Hi, Matt, I really appreciate your work and have found it all very helpful, with the exception of your understanding of Rudolf Steiner, who was in no way connected with the beliefs of the Nazis or Crowley. The account you give of his work on esoteric science and Christian Rosenkreuz is very superficial, misleading, and slanderous. If you read more of his work and tried to understand where he is coming from, you would never make statements as you have about him.
I've read alot of Steiner at this point, and I don't see why you are taking the position you are taking. Like, have you read the lecture I cited Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkrutz? https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA130/English/RSP1984/19121218p02.html
What in this text do you find not insane exactly?
My reaction to your statements on Steiner's work and points of view comes from my experience of having studied his work for over thirty years, not having just read a few lectures, and from my many years of working with his understanding of the human being and our spiritual origins as a Waldorf grades teacher. I think your understanding of Steiner's writings comes from a materialistic point of view, which, yes, may make some things he says appear to be insane, but you do not have the larger picture. You are doing a disservice to humanity by discrediting Steiner as you do.
Добро то своје изучи, јер ми Срби смо изучили боље, унапред, и пази да не окаљаш нашег Теслу без сувих доказа, јер си се онда осрамотио пред својом публиком, женом, свим неамеричким културама света, Богом и собом. Или она (Синтија) стоји иза овога? Пратим шта пишете и све то читам, до сада сте били добри, али сада сте отишли небу под облаке. И да напишем шта ми је код вас сумњиво, не критикујете постојећу кинеску и руску власт, који су очигледни марионете управљачке елите. Питам се, како, како, неко ко тако добро изучава историју, и много зна, не види шуму од дрвета? Теслу не дирајте, то је но-но, братски вам кажем да се оканете, јер ступате на терен будалаштине. Свако добро, и намерно вам (теби и њој) пишем на српском, питај жену шта је било када је САД бомбардовала амбасаду Кине током бомбардовања Србије, она зна, није било ништа, зашто? Зато што и тамо имају свој штаб! И за крај, Тесла потиче из српске културе, он је сисао млеко слатко и нутритивно, а не снеик-оил, стога, не може бити повезан са овим структурама еугеничара, мада он и јесте био са њима у контакту, морајући. Али то не значи да је био њихов, напротив, сво његово дело ВРИШТИ да НИЈЕ био њихов!
I'm not sure whether your mimicking the German accent for Rudolph Steiner, Hitler, and other German figures, adds or detracts from your presentation. Since I grew up during and after the Second World War, many films portrayed the evil doers with thick German accents. My son now lives and works in Germany and such prejudices have not been easy to overthrow, but I think we should do our best not to reinforce them. Plus it’s beginning to sound more like a comic book!
As always the material is fascinating.
Now why is that? Why do Americans have such an indelible imprinting of evil doers with thick German accents? Why no mention of the Eisenhower Death Camps which starved over a million Germans to death? Why no mention of Allied atrocities such as shooting Germans attempting to bring food to their starving family members? Hollywood created a large portion of our reality today. After the fire bombing of Dresden which left Germany looking like a lunar landscape, the rape and torture of German civilians, turning German into a free for all brother for the Allied "good guys" to trade sex for food it became necessary to turn the Germans into VILLAINS and more evil than they really were. Instead of a few Germans being flakey enthusiasts of occultism (a complete waste of time) there had to be some dark Satanic secret to match all the evil atrocities they've done which were wildly exaggerated. Remember, these had to be the most evil people ever and all sorts of cartoonish myths and exaggerations (made up long after the fact) were constructed to cover up atrocities committed by Americans and the Eisenhower administration. History is a set of lies agreed upon by the winners. Here we are eighty years after the fact and Germans are still taught a horrific level of guilt and self hatred which is quite destructive to Europe as a whole. When will it be enough? When will they finally get to move on? An entire generation of people in Europe are being defamed over something the grandparents likely had nothing to do with so long ago. Few Europeans today have any interest in flakey occultism. Somehow it keeps getting brought up, perhaps to excite American Evangelicals and Conservatives to fight the good fight for the umpteenth time since WWII while their Liberal counterparts are content to spread Freedom and Democracy around the globe whether they like it or not. Statecraft is not run by flakey men with an interest in the occult. They are steely psychopaths who use any means necessary to accomplish their goals, think Donald Rumsfeld. Haven't people caught on by now that we should put the brakes on the defamation, vilification and lies that invariably precede war? Have you looked at Gaza lately? Where are all the Evangelicals denouncing this?
There is one law for them and another for you. Imagine what would happen to you if you tried to ape say a Yiddish accent. or even that of a Manhattan jew. Meanwhile, it is open season on Germans, Russians, The Chinese, and literally, the Semite Palestinians.
Can you elaborate on the issues brought up that Trumps uncle took Teslas work? Are these fabricated? Or if not, why would he take them?
Dr. John G. Trump, DJTrump's uncle and professor at M.I.T. '....was the main government official who went over Tesla's secret papers after his death in 1943. At the time, Trump was a well-known electrical engineer serving as a technical aide to the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research & Development, Technical Aids, Div. 14, NTRC (predecessor agency to the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence)....' - https://worldhistoryproject.org/1943/1/7/nikola-tesla-dies
see also - http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/12/the-connections-between-nikola-tesla-and-donald-trump/
The people you describe actually had no concrete knowledge of anything and most of their "ideas" were obscure - to put it mildly. Tesla probably was a Satanic figure. He apparently was a sodomite, had the morality of one and did not go out, avoided sunshine and destruction was the purpose of every "invention" he produced. Only 2 or 3 pictures of him exist and his eugenic views are those of a ignorant cretin.
Why are anyone's consenting sexual desires important unless you want to villify to ostricize or denounce them and make them persona non gratis?
No vilification or ostrazising is intended. People, however, should be aware of the irrefutable fact that the morality of homosexuals is different from that of heterosexuals.
Very interesting.
It should be noted, that, regarding secret societies from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry, ALL have been infiltrated and have Jesuitized 'versions'. For example, the original Rosicrucians were an evolution of the High Priests of the Great White Lodge of Egypt, which existed at the height of it's power under the reign of Thutmose the Third. They had an offshoot society known as the Brotherhood of the Sun, under Akhenaten, and were his High Priests (they were largely of the Tribe of Benjamin). Upon the 'Exodus', when Akhenaten became known to the Israelite tribes as 'Moses', the Brotherhood of the Sun became the High Priests of 'Israel' (and carriers of true Rosicrucianism out of Egypt). After the Diaspora, the Brotherhood of the Sun became the Merovingian Dynasty in Europe, particularly in the lands of France and Western Germany. This resulted in another High Priest Order being created, which became known as the Carbonari (yes, the jesuits also created an Italian copy version of that). They took this name after the forest areas of Belgium where their rituals and meetings occurred. This was the first association to be referred to as a 'Freemasonic' brotherhood, and the Templar Order was formed from this. So, for all the speculation about did the Freemasons grow out of the Templar Order, the answer is no; the Templars grew out of the Freemason Order, the Carbonari. With the growing power of the Jesuits and their desire to infiltrate and usurp Freemasonry, the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt was created. It was funded by the Jesuit Extreme Oath of the Fourth Degree Sabbateans, known as the Rothschilds ( who were also 'starchamber' Knights of Malta, hence the moniker, 'Red Shield'). The Illuminati quickly set about destroying the Merovingian created 'brand' of Freemasonry with their own versions such as the Jesuit created Scottish Rite and much altered York Rite. Where Rosicrucianism was concerned, they established the Golden Dawn. This was an Adam Weishaupt creation that would be a special Coven for the Rothschilds which would consist of their High Order 'raised' witches, of which Aleister Crowley was one such. His mission was to 'New Age' Rosicrucianism and twist and corrupt previous beliefs, rituals and ideology of the original Order into a Jesuitized version. This 'twisting and corruption' was nothing new, the Vatican had been engaged in this for centuries with their version of Christianity and their creation of Jesus, King of 'Nazareth' as the seminal figure of the religion, with an adjunct of Mary, who represented their version of Mithra. The Vatican, and particularly the Jesuits, are the greatest forgers of all time. With this being said, I can only wonder if some of the 'quotes' attributed to Nicola Tesla, weren't part of their typical modis operandi campaign of smear and 'Damnatio Memoriae'...
Matt, holy cow, you do a wicked evil German accent! Bravo!
It completely caught me off guard, lol.
Nice touch.