Incredible! Many thanks for putting this series together Matt!
As your friend on Badlands media pointed out one would need a genealogy and influence map of these players. But perhps more importantly and urgently one needs to come up with a strategy how to resist this spiritual and cognitive poison.
I am enjoying these articles. They are interesting and intriguing. I do believe though that you misunderstand Q and the anons and I would refer you to many of your Badlands associates for more understanding.
“The Epistemological Roots of Satanist’s” as a sub-title would perhaps be fitting. Satanism appears to be a rather recent historical (19th Century) phenomena, in its present overt form. There were Occult secret society’s prior, (going back millenia), however it appears the Covert black magic has evolved to an Overt Op, insofar as mass media, manipulation, general acceptance and tolerance. (As we now “See the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy place). It appears synonymous with the “New Age of Enlightenment.”
If memory doesn't fool me, this Bulwer-Lytton character was the butt of ridicule in either *Lucky Jim* [by Kingsley Amis, father of Martin], or in *Room at the Top* [by John Braine]. These authors [as well as dramatist John Osborne, Keith Waterhouse, and a few others] were [seen as] part of a post-war anti-elitist grouping of writers known as "angry young men". I haven't made a deeper dive yet, nor do I know if the "anti-elitist" qualifier has any more substance to it than 'coming from a redbrick University' .
Are you asserting that Darwin intended his theory of evolution to be utilized to further the aim to "overwhelm, destroy and enslave the inferior races that emerged from monkeys" by the likes of Blavatsky and Bulwer-Lytton?
I have to ask, are you aware of this quote checking resource? As a Serbian-American, like Tesla himself, this has been tough reading. For the sake of accuracy and honesty, I hope you'll consider verifying accuracy of some of the quotes you focused on:
For example, after all, Tesla's father was a Serbian Orthodox priest, this quote is labeled bogus:
JOURNALIST: You said that I am, like every being, the Light. This flatters me, but I confess, I do not quite understand.
TESLA: Why would you need to understand, Mr. Smith? Suffice it to believe it. Everything is light. In one its ray is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in what great light source we see as the sun. And remember: no one who was there did not die. They transformed into the light, and as such exist still. The secret lies in the fact that the light particles restore their original state.
JOURNALIST: This is the resurrection!
TESLA: I prefer to call it: return to a previous energy. Christ and several others knew the secret. I am searching how to preserve human energy. It is forms of Light, sometimes straight like heavenly light. I have not looked for it for my own sake, but for the good of all. I believe that my discoveries make people’s lives easier and more bearable, and channel them to spirituality and morality.
According to an archive of defunct US magazines, there has never been a published periodical named Immortality.
The Verdict
There is no evidence that Nikola Tesla made the statement attributed to him in the post. Experts on Tesla’s life and writings told AAP FactCheck there is no record of the quote being attributed to the inventor and it does not directly tally with his beliefs.
Parts of the quote can, however, be found in a film adaptation of Serbian playwright Stevan Pešić’s play that features a fictional interview with the inventor in 1899 about his ideas and philosophy.
Just to be clear I don't believe that Trump is a wilfully participant in this program nor do I see him as a 100% automaton type who doesn't break from profile to disrupt plans, however the operation that has been wishing to use him is what it is, and I am very concerned that his own lack of understanding will result in him playing into this game
Matt, I couldn't find anything linking Knebworth House to a location for the Harry Potter movies and Hogwarts.
However, it is interesting to bring up the Harry Potter novels and movies in this discussion.
When we finally get to the end, "The Deathly Hallows", looking back, we realize that Tom Riddle/Voldemort was seeking immortality for himself, and was willing to do anything, including altering his own body into a snake-like humanoid, right from the start.
When you mentioned Harry Potter with secret societies, I hope you meant Voldemort and the Death Eaters, not the Wizarding world generally. The Wizards kept themselves to themselves because the "muggles" could not deal with their, for lack of a better term, lifestyle.
Blavatsky and Bulwer-Lytton were a bunch of sick puppies for sure.
I am still very surprised that for all of Tesla's "brilliance", he could believe all this garbage.
1) good observation on the Deathly Hallows/rosicrucian motive for Voldemort. 2)In my assessment, the whole white magic 'good wizards' vs the black magic 'evil wizards' is all the same garbage. No discoveries of matters of principle, improvements in liberties of humanity or reduction of influence of the oligarchical death cult has ever been attributed to magic. Zero zilch none. It's just a gateway into a romantic identity that turns the god-given powers of using reasoning, discernment and the actions associated with that mind power into mulsh.
Rowling, I believe, got her degree studying Greek mythology and philosophy...
The Harry Potter books, imo, are an allegory for teaching children about good and evil, and how you must and can stand up to and fight and destroy evil, no matter what age you are, and no matter the cost, for the good of everyone.
Putting this in a context of fantasy and fairytales is nothing new in children's literature, Bruno Bettelheim wrote about it and that's where Stephen Sondheim got the idea for the musical play "Into The Woods", for example.
Obviously there are no such things as wizards or witches, despite people who call themselves ones. But good and evil are real.
It is also interesting that the Wizarding World exists parallel to the Non-Wizarding one. We know there are parallel universes and dimensions which exist adjacent to ours. I just find the Harry Potter "universe" Rowling created endlessly interesting, and I've read the books three times now over the years. Personally, I've gotten much more from them than Tolkien's Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books.
"the art of mass manipulation" Donald J. Trump has some kind of art he is using. Gematria is fascinating and even more so "if you just add one". This is a hole in the Q movement; the far-reaching number dances.
Incredible! Many thanks for putting this series together Matt!
As your friend on Badlands media pointed out one would need a genealogy and influence map of these players. But perhps more importantly and urgently one needs to come up with a strategy how to resist this spiritual and cognitive poison.
Wow. Best yet. Joins so many dots. Looked at this for so long. You make me feel like a total beginner.
It is something!!!! Thank you, 🙏!
I am enjoying these articles. They are interesting and intriguing. I do believe though that you misunderstand Q and the anons and I would refer you to many of your Badlands associates for more understanding.
“The Epistemological Roots of Satanist’s” as a sub-title would perhaps be fitting. Satanism appears to be a rather recent historical (19th Century) phenomena, in its present overt form. There were Occult secret society’s prior, (going back millenia), however it appears the Covert black magic has evolved to an Overt Op, insofar as mass media, manipulation, general acceptance and tolerance. (As we now “See the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy place). It appears synonymous with the “New Age of Enlightenment.”
If memory doesn't fool me, this Bulwer-Lytton character was the butt of ridicule in either *Lucky Jim* [by Kingsley Amis, father of Martin], or in *Room at the Top* [by John Braine]. These authors [as well as dramatist John Osborne, Keith Waterhouse, and a few others] were [seen as] part of a post-war anti-elitist grouping of writers known as "angry young men". I haven't made a deeper dive yet, nor do I know if the "anti-elitist" qualifier has any more substance to it than 'coming from a redbrick University' .
Are you asserting that Darwin intended his theory of evolution to be utilized to further the aim to "overwhelm, destroy and enslave the inferior races that emerged from monkeys" by the likes of Blavatsky and Bulwer-Lytton?
Holy F. This starts to bring so much into perspective.
The elites want to be immortal. This is the reason for their interest in combination of vril and genetics.
I have to ask, are you aware of this quote checking resource? As a Serbian-American, like Tesla himself, this has been tough reading. For the sake of accuracy and honesty, I hope you'll consider verifying accuracy of some of the quotes you focused on:
For example, after all, Tesla's father was a Serbian Orthodox priest, this quote is labeled bogus:
JOURNALIST: You said that I am, like every being, the Light. This flatters me, but I confess, I do not quite understand.
TESLA: Why would you need to understand, Mr. Smith? Suffice it to believe it. Everything is light. In one its ray is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in what great light source we see as the sun. And remember: no one who was there did not die. They transformed into the light, and as such exist still. The secret lies in the fact that the light particles restore their original state.
JOURNALIST: This is the resurrection!
TESLA: I prefer to call it: return to a previous energy. Christ and several others knew the secret. I am searching how to preserve human energy. It is forms of Light, sometimes straight like heavenly light. I have not looked for it for my own sake, but for the good of all. I believe that my discoveries make people’s lives easier and more bearable, and channel them to spirituality and morality.
According to an archive of defunct US magazines, there has never been a published periodical named Immortality.
The Verdict
There is no evidence that Nikola Tesla made the statement attributed to him in the post. Experts on Tesla’s life and writings told AAP FactCheck there is no record of the quote being attributed to the inventor and it does not directly tally with his beliefs.
Parts of the quote can, however, be found in a film adaptation of Serbian playwright Stevan Pešić’s play that features a fictional interview with the inventor in 1899 about his ideas and philosophy.
False – Content that has...
You've finally uncovered the oligarchical strings attached to Donald Trump. My experience in elitist circles confirms your direction here. Keep going.
Just to be clear I don't believe that Trump is a wilfully participant in this program nor do I see him as a 100% automaton type who doesn't break from profile to disrupt plans, however the operation that has been wishing to use him is what it is, and I am very concerned that his own lack of understanding will result in him playing into this game
Matt, I couldn't find anything linking Knebworth House to a location for the Harry Potter movies and Hogwarts.
However, it is interesting to bring up the Harry Potter novels and movies in this discussion.
When we finally get to the end, "The Deathly Hallows", looking back, we realize that Tom Riddle/Voldemort was seeking immortality for himself, and was willing to do anything, including altering his own body into a snake-like humanoid, right from the start.
When you mentioned Harry Potter with secret societies, I hope you meant Voldemort and the Death Eaters, not the Wizarding world generally. The Wizards kept themselves to themselves because the "muggles" could not deal with their, for lack of a better term, lifestyle.
Blavatsky and Bulwer-Lytton were a bunch of sick puppies for sure.
I am still very surprised that for all of Tesla's "brilliance", he could believe all this garbage.
1) good observation on the Deathly Hallows/rosicrucian motive for Voldemort. 2)In my assessment, the whole white magic 'good wizards' vs the black magic 'evil wizards' is all the same garbage. No discoveries of matters of principle, improvements in liberties of humanity or reduction of influence of the oligarchical death cult has ever been attributed to magic. Zero zilch none. It's just a gateway into a romantic identity that turns the god-given powers of using reasoning, discernment and the actions associated with that mind power into mulsh.
Rowling, I believe, got her degree studying Greek mythology and philosophy...
The Harry Potter books, imo, are an allegory for teaching children about good and evil, and how you must and can stand up to and fight and destroy evil, no matter what age you are, and no matter the cost, for the good of everyone.
Putting this in a context of fantasy and fairytales is nothing new in children's literature, Bruno Bettelheim wrote about it and that's where Stephen Sondheim got the idea for the musical play "Into The Woods", for example.
Obviously there are no such things as wizards or witches, despite people who call themselves ones. But good and evil are real.
It is also interesting that the Wizarding World exists parallel to the Non-Wizarding one. We know there are parallel universes and dimensions which exist adjacent to ours. I just find the Harry Potter "universe" Rowling created endlessly interesting, and I've read the books three times now over the years. Personally, I've gotten much more from them than Tolkien's Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books.
Bulwer-Lytton coined "It was a dark and stormy night" opening to a novel, and "The pen is mightier than the sword"
"the art of mass manipulation" Donald J. Trump has some kind of art he is using. Gematria is fascinating and even more so "if you just add one". This is a hole in the Q movement; the far-reaching number dances.