Matt - Within the limited ( by man ) concept of learning, this is fascinating in especially the Masonic

portion of the most informative article or discussion. My great Grandfathers were Masons, while they kept the oaths, they did not consider the group malovent. I note one, simplistic issue in that the repression of the time, ( travel ) being one, that their had to be a language that allowed both travel and protection in each town. The masonry work was common, news needed passing, so

the use of symbols was imparted for "in your face" protection. Just one tiny bit for your reservoir

of knowledge. My apologies, being 80, and not of good economic structure now, funding is not an option. My sincere trust others have the abilities to support you amazing works. Be blessed.

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It’s kinda funny how “un-profound” the occult favorites are, the forms remind me of static Lego blocks, Aristotelian toys for children.

Kinda like having the cool car with the cool air-inlet scoops, but inert, non-functional. Even as a kid, I rejected fake air-scoops.

Contrast the occult’s favorite “shape worship” (worshipping idols, heh) with how the fetus morphs into a baby.

There is a whole world of ultra-profound processes we haven’t figured out yet.

My thoughts are that they are related to how form is encoded through the pipeline, how one unfolding is pregnant with another.

The dynamic and periodic, seem much closer to the hidden forms than any of the mystery schools’ favorite symbols, perhaps allowing that most of the important proportions can be found in standing wave interaction patterns, which also hints at a bridge between the static and periodic or cyclic. There are many interesting relationships, including the boundary conditions of the standing waves, like the static non-moving part contrasted to the moving part. Coincidence of Opposites!

Are these forms alternated to extend design intent across morphology? Would appear like noun-verb-noun on the surface.

I used to code. A lot. I keep thinking of how a program (perhaps not digital in the familiar sense) can write another more specific or “lower-scale focused” program, and so on, like nested Russian dolls. The spiral of creation? Even the question of how these chains would “settle” into least-action optimums in lawful ways, boggles the brain, but approaches the more profound questions from yet another angle.

One quasi-digital model is the completion of a cycle, or loop. It’s related to the quantum, or quantized anything; period closure is implied.

One interesting interpretation is called by a favorite AI teacher “the condition of satisfaction”. Its purpose is to “know” when to quit doing a cycle, because it has accomplished its local goal within the system.

This is akin to, well, reaching any goal. So therefore it’s directly relevant to my pet subject, “bootstrapping”, where goals are pursued in lawful sequences, by creating the conditions necessary to do so first.

When one goal is reached to a certain degree of satisfaction, you move on to the next bigger one, generally. Not unlike growing a garden, or a small business, or anything that resembles “rising to the occasion.” A big part of keeping momentum on a project, is knowing when to “shift to a higher gear”; the condition of satisfaction, again.

But a developing life form is like a whole new ballgame. Just for a simple question, how does it know when to stop a given growth ensemble? What is life’s “condition of satisfaction? It it related to least-action, or least-entropy?

So much to learn in that set of possibilities…

Thanks, Matt, for giving us a mini-tour of how these get perverted and labeled “secret knowledge” after being hollowed-out.

The real question is what symbols does life use to do its thing, beyond the famed “golden ratio”. We are not there yet.

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Thanks again, Matt, for disambiguating this "Sacred Geometry" thing and clearing up the confusion around the Vesica Pisces and for rescuing it from the bad reputation it has acquired among those studying Conspiracy issues, thanks to the awful work of Aleister Crowley!

Can I tell you something? For the past few days I have been on the trail of an Actor who has been making a BIG buzz on the Internets lately for positing that "1X1=2". He was on Joe Rogan. I first found out about this Actor-turned novice physicist from a video by a Black African woman on a Youtube channel associated with P.D. Lawton. (I was snooping around this channel in the first place to find more information on the difference between Trump's policy in Rwanda/Congo and Biden's policy in the same, due to watching your "African Geopolitical Update with P.D. Lawton" show about DRC/Rwanda.) But this other video was called: "The Weaponization of Shame," in which she took aim at physicists such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson for debunking this Actor-turned physicist.

That video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nQBQdo8x9s

In this video, the woman defends a certain "Terrence Howard" for being mocked and ridiculed by mainstream physicists for saying that 1X1 = 2. So I went off on a huge rabbit hole. Who is this Terrence Howard? Never heard of him before. Oh...he was an actor in Hollywood movies, and he went on Joe Rogan to debate with Eric Weinstein (brother of Bret Weinstein), mathematician, to discuss his theories on physics. So, here is this Terrence Howard who is getting a lot of clout in Conspiracy circles for novel ideas of physics and being pushed back upon by mainstream. So we have a new Conspiracy rising star in alternative physics. Looking a bit further, he appeared to have a theory of the Ether, that could purport to revolutionize physics and allow for new discoveries.

I always like novel theories of the Ether.

So I hunted down this guy's PDF book (which can be viewed freely online here: https://tcotlc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/OTOET_PREVIEW_062_October_03_2021.pdf )

Having seen snapshots of the pages in his book in the numerous clips and commentary videos from his show with Rogan, I was intrigued. I saw pictures of geometries, fractals, all kinds of exciting stuff. Patents were mentioned. So I start reading his book.

Much to my dismay, it was filled with all kinds of Occult New Age gibberish, going on and on about the power of oneness.

Then, I came across the following passage, on page 71 of his manuscript: "As Hermes never tires of telling us, over, and over, and over again,

the One Thing and the One Mind are One. He means that mind and

body, Soul and Spirit, male and female, positive and negative, Above

and Below, are all One. All sexes, all races, all species, all life is One.

All life, all death; all heroes, all villains; all angels, all demons; all

gods, all devils are One. Unless you find this One within you, "what

the alchemists called the Stone" you cannot escape the continual

dance of becoming that is duality, even for an instant. That is the

message of the Ouroboros. That “All Is One” is the basis of the al-

chemical principle of changing one thing into another, and alchem-

ical transformation would not be possible unless everything were

really One."

I was like, hmm...what does that sound like? Blavatsky! Crowley!

So, when you said here:

"Here we find the crux of what turns geometry from something truly sacred, rational and beautiful into something perverse… I mean of course, the fallacious effort to infuse moral opposites into unity," I HAD to tell you about Terrence Howard.

Joe Rogan is at it again! Here we go again. A Black American Hollywood actor turned card-sharp "Physicist" claiming to have a novel idea that could bring about new discoveries, only to find the same old stale "merging good with evil" crap. By the way: His book is filled with Flower of Life and Vesica references. And guess who he pays huge homage to? Nikola Tesla! Go figure. LOL!

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Clif High had a program on him and thought he was a little lost in his theory but wouldn’t mind talking to him

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Do you have a link where I can find that show? 'Cause I wonder what Cliff High had to say about him. At any rate, Terrence Howard is gaining a lot of ridicule from mainstream scientists and Neil DeGrasse Tyson is even calling him "Dunning Kruger", saying he knows just enough to think he's right but not enough to know he's wrong. In fact, the majority of the commentary is divided between "Terrence Howard Is A Genius" by his defenders and "Terrence Howard is an idiot" by his detractors. Well, I have to say that, after reading Terrence's book, he's not dumb. Nor is he Dunning Kruger. He knows what he's doing. You don't mention "Clifford Algebra" if you are a math idiot, ok...He acknowledges that there are different kinds of maths out there with named titles (like "Lie Algebra") that have utility for different applications.

What he's doing is inventing a new kind of algebra, which I will call "Howard Algebra" that makes Mulitiplication non-commutative. His argument for 1 x 1 = 2 is this: "addition by the specified number. He adds One, one time, to the original one. So if 1 x 1 = 2, then, by this logic, what does 1 x 2 =? It would have to equal 3, because you would be adding one, two times, to the original one. But then what does 2 x 3 =? According to this logic? It would have to equal the original 2, in brackets (2) plus 2 three more times. So the Howard Algebra would look like THIS: 2 x 3 = (2) + 2 + 2+ 2, which would equal 8. But then what does 3 x 2 =? (3) + 3 + 3, which would be 9. So 2 x 3 does not equal 3 x 2. It becomes Non-Commutative, in Howard Algebra. Which is fine, if you want to change the rules of the game or make up new rules. But at least specify that you are doing that by adding a name to your new system, and stay self-consistent with that. So far, and I'm 92 pages into his 162 page book, he does not do that.

I think Terrence Howard may be the Tesla of the 21st century. He's intelligent. He knows what he's doing. But saying a person is a "Tesla of the 21st Century" is NOT A GOOD THING! In this circle. You can read Matt Ehret's entire "The Occult Tesla" series here, where he does an excellent breakdown of what Tesla really was, and who he was serving:


Terrence Howard is a Plant, an agent. He's not dumb; it is actually WORSE, and nobody I've seen is saying this.

In my previous comment, I mentioned "Black African" and "Black American" and I did that on purpose. What the world needs right now is a new physics paradigm because clearly the current one directed from London and european oligarchs is not working. And the world also needs positive Black role models because Africa is rising and fighting for its independence. So the world needs independent physics institutions in places like India, Africa, and elsewhere, that think outside of the box, are willing to consider new ideas, and are outside of the Oligarchical structure. Terrence Howard promises to be this. But instead he fills your head up with New Age unification of good and evil, and fills your head up with Tesla and other iffy characters (I still need to do some deeper research on Walter Russel, who Terrence also pays homage to). Terrence also knocks the Platonic Solids, which sends up red flags for me. Although, he replaces Platonic Solids with curved versions of them because of the curvilinear nature of the universe, saying that the Platonic Solids are based on two dimensional planes and infinitesimal points, which don't exist in the real world. nevertheless, the Platonic Solids HAVE been the key to so much of Human advancement that they should not be abandoned. They still have utility.

He DOES have some good points, but he mixes in the bad with the good and becomes a poisoned well.

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Thank you for the leads. Your instincts are good

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I also investigated Terrance's negative curved tetrahedron story, primarily as it ran alongside the latest megalithic discoveries, and unlimited clean power proponents (plasmoids).

My math is not great, so I tried using geometry expressions and openscad to help generate enough understanding to recreate the neg. curved tetrahedron. Never did quite get there, but had fun playing with 'number of circles around a circle' in GE, and viewing the versica and equations. fwiw, the efforts complement my 3d printing design endeavors.

That said, next on tap geometrically, is further investigating The Tau Manifesto info.




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Terrence Howard is gaining a lot of ridicule from mainstream scientists and Neil DeGrasse Tyson is even calling him "Dunning Kruger", saying he knows just enough to think he's right but not enough to know he's wrong. In fact, the majority of the commentary is divided between "Terrence Howard Is A Genius" by his defenders and "Terrence Howard is an idiot" by his detractors. Well, I have to say that, after reading Terrence's book, he's not dumb. Nor is he Dunning Kruger. He knows what he's doing. You don't mention "Clifford Algebra" if you are a math idiot, ok...He acknowledges that there are different kinds of maths out there with named titles (like "Lie Algebra") that have utility for different applications.

What he's doing is inventing a new kind of algebra, which I will call "Howard Algebra" that makes Mulitiplication non-commutative. His argument for 1 x 1 = 2 is this: "addition by the specified number. He adds One, one time, to the original one. So if 1 x 1 = 2, then, by this logic, what does 1 x 2 =? It would have to equal 3, because you would be adding one, two times, to the original one. But then what does 2 x 3 =? According to this logic? It would have to equal the original 2, in brackets (2) plus 2 three more times. So the Howard Algebra would look like THIS: 2 x 3 = (2) + 2 + 2+ 2, which would equal 8. But then what does 3 x 2 =? (3) + 3 + 3, which would be 9. So 2 x 3 does not equal 3 x 2. It becomes Non-Commutative, in Howard Algebra. Which is fine, if you want to change the rules of the game or make up new rules. But at least specify that you are doing that by adding a name to your new system, and stay self-consistent with that. So far, and I'm 92 pages into his 162 page book, he does not do that.

I think Terrence Howard may be the Tesla of the 21st century. He's intelligent. He knows what he's doing. But saying a person is a "Tesla of the 21st Century" is NOT A GOOD THING! In this circle. You can read Matt Ehret's entire "The Occult Tesla" series here, where he does an excellent breakdown of what Tesla really was, and who he was serving:


Terrence Howard is a Plant, an agent. He's not dumb; it is actually WORSE, and nobody I've seen is saying this.

In my previous comment, I mentioned "Black African" and "Black American" and I did that on purpose. What the world needs right now is a new physics paradigm because clearly the current one directed from London and european oligarchs is not working. And the world also needs positive Black role models because Africa is rising and fighting for its independence. So the world needs independent physics institutions in places like India, Africa, and elsewhere, that think outside of the box, are willing to consider new ideas, and are outside of the Oligarchical structure. Terrence Howard promises to be this. But instead he fills your head up with New Age unification of good and evil, and fills your head up with Tesla and other iffy characters (I still need to do some deeper research on Walter Russel, who Terrence also pays homage to). Terrence also knocks the Platonic Solids, which sends up red flags for me. Although, he replaces Platonic Solids with curved versions of them because of the curvilinear nature of the universe, saying that the Platonic Solids are based on two dimensional planes and infinitesimal points, which don't exist in the real world. nevertheless, the Platonic Solids HAVE been the key to so much of Human advancement that they should not be abandoned. They still have utility.

He DOES have some good points, but he mixes in the bad with the good and becomes a poisoned well.

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I've been passing by this series by Matt, but will rectify that.

I remember back 1995 or so I read the book Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic by Kosko. While watching Terrence's interview I thought back how that development was also presented as the next great paradigm shift. I recall Kosko played up the denunciation of the achievement, significantly in the book. fwiw, I see he's back with his second book (on AI), and perhaps being promoted as a top AI guy? Perhaps he's just an opportunist? Either way, I enjoyed his first book.

"... A.I. Guy, BART KOSKO! ..." - https://youtu.be/zLDWKepdpyE

I spent a few hours tracking reddit posts on Terrance, the Jupiter simulation software, and his patents. I'm also a drone pilot, so went to his technology there too.

At about the same time, I ran across a good debunking video of the thunderstorm generator. So that kinda killed interest in both subjects.

"The Thunderstorm Generator - Malcolm Bendall's Marvelous Magical Machine" - https://youtu.be/GCJCIgF3pc8

Busy on the social sciences and historical geology too. Whichever way the wind blows me


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I don't know anything about Kosko; never heard of the guy. Do you think he is a positive force for Human flourishing and development? Or do you think his paradigm is harmful, supported by or supportive of the Oligarchy? What do you mean by "played up the denunciation of the achievement?" What achievement? The transition to fuzzy logic?

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Well I think he offended Mathematicians at the time. So it's a bit jumbled up in my mind now. I suggest he was denounced as his book made Fuzzy Logic more than what it seemed, or perhaps his self promotion was irksome to others. I recollect reading a few other fuzzy logic books at the time, whereas his was the best-seller. No conspiracy I think,

From 1994, "The Fashion-Minded Professor : They’re cool. They’re casual. And they’re definitely not your stereotypical tweed-wearing instructors." - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-09-01-ls-33768-story.html

I see in this AI history, that Kosko is noted for proposing Bidirectional associative memory.


I see he's received this lately, https://viterbischool.usc.edu/news/2023/06/kosko-receives-hebb-award-from-international-neural-network-society/

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